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Everything posted by scook

  1. Probably not going to find anything more recent than @Craig Anderton's book of tips.. I suspect @Scott R. Garrigus or @Craig Anderton will tell you there is no money in Cakewalk books. If there were, they and others would be papering the world (if only virtually) with offerings. This along with the software development/release model adopted in the mid 2010's, killed off the for-profit Cakewalk educational publishing business. My guess is videos are not much better at generating revenue and have similar problems with the development model.
  2. Looks OK to me The track pane is scrolled so that only the last track is displayed. The video thumbnail and navigation panes are open. The bus pane is collapsed.
  3. The step sequencer is a clip-based editor. I do not believe it is aware of where the clip is in the project. As a result, The DAW creates new step sequencer clips at Now in the current track lane 1. Of course, once created clips may be dragged anywhere.
  4. New features are not part of the TOC or index. In the distant past, the new features section would be integrated into the rest of the documentation before each major release. With the last versions of SONAR, the integration happened a couple of times. The CbB doc needs this. The New Section is getting too long to scan easily. As far as searchable text, the release notes can be handy at times.
  5. Anyone interested in purchasing DAW related stuff could do a lot worse than regularly reviewing the deals area on this forum
  6. This forum was created for the BandLab products made from the acquisition of Cakewalk IP from Gibson. As a result, discussions about BandLab's web-based DAW tend not to get a lot of replies. There is a dedicated support staff for web-based DAW called BandLab. The main support page is https://help.bandlab.com/hc/en-us Their email is support@bandlab.com I believe they have presence on Facebook too.
  7. I don't mind the default names. Most drivers supply reasonable names. For years, I ran with friendly names disabled. 2021.06 changed that. Sure, the default names are still OK but the ability to individually name inputs is handy. Still waiting for phase 2...the ability to completely suppress displaying parts of a pair of inputs.
  8. Yeah, I doubt the OP has made it to page 1660 of the User Guide. For long time users, this was a pretty big deal in 2021.06. Here is the link http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.024.html NOTE: at some point in the future this link will be stale. Links to new release pages are modified overtime. Release notes are pretty important especially for those who know the product.
  9. Tried doing both ways. (Importing does not bring in tempo changes). Same results. AH HA! So if I import midi onto already created tracks it works fine. So maybe you import the midi files after creating the tracks. If you need tempo data you can copy and paste it from opening the midi file in a separate Cake file. If one wanted to do a deeper dive, pick up MIDICVS (here is a direct link to the Windows binary) and compare the MIDI files. To see the difference between the original file and the imported file, save project containing the imported MIDI as a new MIDI file then run both the original and new MIDI files through MIDICVS. This will create two plain text comma separated files from the MIDI data.
  10. I believe this may be part of the motivation for Friendly Names to be editable in the first place and the relatively new addition of naming individual inputs using a pipe symbol "|" to delimit the names. From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=CakewalkSonar&language=3&help=0x20075 So, for the OP, assuming the interface input assignments will not change between projects, one might change the first friendly name from Forcusrite USB Mic 1 to Guitar|Bass|Stereo In preferences this looks like and the input drop down looks like
  11. CbB must be the last DAW installed. If it is not the last DAW installed there is a very good chance some of the software installed such as plug-in manager, VST scanner, PC modules may be from an older DAW and may cause problems.
  12. Good news I'll add the ripple off The DAW plays through the last bit of data in the project. There is nothing else to indicate end of project. The most often culprits are MIDI and automation data but it could be a very short audio clip or something else not easily seen.
  13. Try Move Now to the expected end of the project Select ALL Select From=Now Enable Ripple Edit All Press the DELETE key Turn Ripple Edid off
  14. Amplitube is a popular ampsim. That said, there must be tens of products like Amplitube and many more commercially available individual ampsims made by other manufacturers. Most have demos. And then there is the sea of free ampsims not to mention the thousands of other effects that ampsims also try to emulate. I am sure you will get a lot of opinions about different ampsims but it's your ears that need to be satisfied.
  15. The manual is pretty good. Just a couple hints for now: Do NOT bother with the "See All" settings. These settings show the full version of TH3 which is no longer available. Do NOT enable the trial version of TH3. There is no upgrade path for TH3 Cakewalk anymore and enabling the trial will ultimately cause the plug-in to run in demo mode.
  16. it is a generic write failure. Assuming the hardware is OK and there is no other software blocking the write (such as AV, anti-malware or the OS itself), try a simple name for the file such as one containing only letters and numbers.
  17. Let's you buy more of their stuff Did you try the free version of TH3 bundled with CbB? Amps sims is a pretty crowded market but If you have decided to buy amplitube follow the sales here. They frequently have sales and group buys.
  18. The Adaptive Limiter was exclusive to SONAR Professional/Platinum. Like the L-Phase plug-ins the Adaptive Limiter was added to the Platinum Engineering FX Suite (I am not sure how it was delivered with Professional). Unlike the L-Phase plug-ins, Adaptive Limiter stayed in the Engineering FX Suite installer. It was never sold separately. Most of the Platinum installers look in the registry for indications that Platinum was installed. This means either hacking the registry or installing the DAW at least while installing the supporting packages. Keep in mind, any time an older Cakewalk DAW is installed, it is important to re-install the current version of CbB so that the most recent shared files are available.
  19. Are you thinking of the L-Phase plug-ins? They were bundled with Platinum and sold separately. They replaced the old LP series which were removed from the Platinum Engineering FX Suite when the L-Phase plug-ins were introduced. Although they were originally included in the Engineering FX Suite installer before getting their own CCC-aware installers. Both the L-Phase Equalizer and Multiband should be individually listed in the Command Center.
  20. Your old Cakewalk account should be as it was in Nov 2017. The Command Center still works for Platinum and other CCC aware installers. If you forgot your old Cakewalk password contact support@cakewalk.com. They will have to perform the password reset. SONAR 8.5 was the first version of SONAR with a downloadable upgrade HOWEVER; the downloadable 8.5 upgrade is not a full version of SONAR. The upgrade requires SONAR 8.0 be installed prior to running the upgrade. The only way to get a full version of SONAR Producer 8.5 was to purchase the disk set. The only differences between the full retail version of SONAR 8.5 and the upgrade disk set were the price and packaging. SONAR X1 was the first fully downloadable version.
  21. Unless you want the DAWs, the advanced install options may be used to get all the extra content from 8.5 and X3 without actually installing the DAWs. The X2 DAW must be installed to get V-Vocal. Use the minimal installation option to get the DAW+V-Vocal (they are both included in "Program Files") like this: adding any additional components desired. Don't forget the X2a update. It contains the final version of V-Vocal.
  22. This is just an FYI that the clip will be destructively truncated to what is visible. When making a groove clip, the DAW tries to figure out how many beats are in the clip. Sometimes the DAW gets the count wrong. When it does, the clip length changes. The beat count may be edited in the Groove Clip section of the Clip inspector and the Loop Construction View.
  23. Of course, Channel Tools may be used for this. An empty FX chain can also work. The BC Audio Gain Suite provides a couple of extra features such as the ability to place the plug-ins in groups and very large gain adjustment. BC has alternate skins for the plug-ins.
  24. scook

    Runtime Error

    May be plug-in specific. Bitbridge only loads when a 32bit plug-in is detected in the project. See if removing 32bit plug-ins from the project solves the problem. This may require starting in safe mode. To open a project in safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the project. When opening a project in safe mode, it is possible to skip loading plug-ins.
  25. Likely the Aim Assist Time which may be toggled from the main menu Edit > Aim Assist > Show Aim Assist Time
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