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Everything posted by scook

  1. Presets stored by the Cakewalk Plug-in Preset Manager (the controls in the left side of the plug-in standard header) may be transferred between machines using the preset export/import functions in the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager.
  2. The predecessor to the CA-2A, the PC-2A has been bundled with CbB starting with 2021.04. The main differences between the two plug-ins are the PC-2A does not have an external sidechain input and is PC format only.
  3. SSL is right up there with the worst when it comes to letting users know about product updates. I just ran through all the SSL plug-ins I have, updated a bunch of them and extracted current version info from my VST Inventory tool SSL2023-05-19.html Notice they add an extra zero between the last set of digits in the version numbers. Also SSL 360 is v1.4.23.53428
  4. When using instrument tracks, the MIDI tab (T in the image below) on the Track inspector provides access the MIDI FX Rack (C in the image below).
  5. This is not an error message. The DAW is trying to load the plug-in because it is referenced in the project. The plug-in launched a screen to initiate its iLok activation (the "error message"). Excluding plug-ins prevents them from being visible in plug-in layouts. Excluding plug-ins does nothing for the references in existing projects. If you cannot transfer the license from the original machine to the new machine, you can use safe mode to skip loading any plug-in into a project. To invoke safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the project.
  6. I did but stopped after a couple tries; figured you had your reasons for the transposition. There are a few that do but AFAIK it is a very small club. I suspect there may be some historical reason but have no idea where it came from. It has been Piano Roll View for me since starting with PA9 (although these days my recall of PA9 through SONAR 8.5 is poor).
  7. Congratulations, on to the next challenge. It was a buffer problem from the beginning but first we had to get the right software installed and communicating before configuring it.
  8. AFAIK, all the updates are still available on the old Cakewalk website through the knowledge base just like they have always been. The X2a update is definitely there and was never applied to the production X2 installer. Rolling updates were introduced after X3. IOW, ALL Cakewalk products without a CCC aware installers need to have ALL updates manually applied for the DAW and it's content to be at their most recent version. The most recent installers shown in the CCC are the latest fully patched installers for those products.
  9. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioPerformance.24.html
  10. Probably, AFAIK nothing has changed since day 1 WRT how CbB handies legacy installs. I don't recall ever putting X1 on a Win10 machine. My last Win10 build started with a minimal install of X2 applying the X2a patch to get the last version of 64bit V-Vocal available a full install of X3 a full install of Platinum a full install of CbB And finished by adding some legacy plug-ins using the appropriate version of SONAR's advanced install option. Regarding CbB crashing, here are a couple of posts from Frequently Asked Questions
  11. Make sure the "cronus.dll" is in the VST scan path / folder for CbB, in preferences, so it can find it. V-Vocal is DX format. DX plug-ins bundled with Cakewalk products are automatically registered at install time. Do NOT add the path to the cronus.dll or any other DX format plug-ins to your VST scan path. Having the scanner search paths of non-VST dlls wastes time and can cause problems for the scanner.
  12. My biggest concern is who is going to be the first with an Early Access release of CbB 2023.x?
  13. If I had to guess, the OP was not asking about a thread they created; it was It appears the number/nature of the complaints about the thread triggered moderation.
  14. It can be confusing. The old Cakewalk website was put into read-only mode with minimal changes. The support links still point to the old Cakewalk company. There are a limited number of things the Cakewalk by BandLab support team can do for users of the old Cakewalk company. Fortunately, old Cakewalk account reset is one of those things. Here is a page from the current support site about legacy Cakewalk support https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001718094-.
  15. Why make a mystery where there is not one? If you have used Cakewalk products for 20+ years, then you know the policy about not discussing details in advance of release. There have been a few hints by the devs and testers. If I was curious and any information, no matter how vague, would help; I would search this forum for posts from @Noel Borthwick and @msmcleod As for myself, I know the developers and testers are crazy busy trying to get the next release out.
  16. IIRC the CbB performance module with display up to 32 cores but the software itself will use all the cores the OS makes available. While not very common, there are reports of users with dual Xeon systems like the one @Keni mentioned.
  17. No, ASIO and WASAPI driver modes have nothing to do with each other. But if you ever hope to get your machine to work for your other thread, ASIO4ALL will need to be removed.
  18. Why would you post this information here and not in your own thread?
  19. Pretty hard to quess what is going on with interpreted messages and no idea how the software is actually configured. You may want to start posting images of any errors and the three Preference > Audio screens I identified above. That said my best guess is ASIO4All is still installed.
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