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Everything posted by X-53mph

  1. Thanks @mettelus I have seen some of those YouTube videos and the brand Blackstar came up a few times. Only problem with that, it isn't velocity sensitive. I'm wondering if there is any real difference between that brand and the cheap no-brand foldable keyboards you see on Temu such as below: ?
  2. I know that this is probably an insane question to ask on a musician board, but has anyone ever bought one of those foldable MIDI keyboards? The reason I ask is that my son is a piano student at conservatory and when we go on summer break, he often doesn't have access to a piano for weeks on end. I was considering a folding keyboard to take in the car so he could practice in the hotel room, or anywhere we stop. We have an upright piano in the house and a Casio semi-weighted keyboard which he uses in the evenings when it's late. I know the folded keyboards are unlikely to get anywhere near the performance of these, but it hope they are at least good enough for speed training. Any thoughts appreciated.
  3. I've been seeing this vst promoted all over Instagram. The PB intro sale is no longer active, but you can get it for 50 bucks from the plugin makers website. https://vst.beatsurfing.com/audio-plugins/random/ Has anyone used it? It's doesn't seem aimed at my genre of music making, but I'm curious for future projects.
  4. Thanks for the feedback - I'll go back to the mix and see if I can craft out a space for the vocals. @KSband new version has been upoloaded to the first post above. Thanks again for the feedback
  5. Really? I thought it was too upfront. What are you listening on?
  6. I've finally managed to get some vocals down this year. Tracks is called Lost Cowboy. It's now been remixed and mastered after some fine tuning. I think it's ready for release. Any feedback much appreciates.
  7. Back when I used practise studios before gigging, I went to a particular studio in London Archway (underneath a railway bridge). They used heavy carpet nailed to the walls and drape curtains, like a scene from Twin Peaks. It works great for insulating, but it's a killer if you have dust allergies. @bitflipper what kind of insulation are you looking for? To prevent sound from getting out or into the room Or to prevent reflections? I've spent a lot of time researching this subject. I might have some suggestions, depending on what you need.
  8. Jeez! Reading your posts makes me wonder what you guys keep on those hard drives. ?
  9. Merry Christmas and a musical New Year to y'all.
  10. This is not a deal (as in a discount) but has anyone checked out the Westwood Novella Origin - it looks pretty darn good. https://www.westwoodinstruments.com/instruments/novella-origin/ Novella Origin is an award-winning, multi-instrument library of contemporary cinematic sounds for stories about people and music that feels human. Made up of an expressive 9-piece string section with true legato, a folk-inspired alto choir, an understated electric guitar, a cotton-draped upright piano, a soul-filled analogue synth, and an orchestral-influenced drum kit. A one-stop library for your next film score where the characters are flawed and the drama is real. And a perfect companion if you’re a songwriter or producer looking for a beautiful, film-inspired soundtrack to your next album.
  11. Firstly..... congratulations @satya and well done @jngnz for your generosity. Secondly, double check that the upgrade offer in your account is worth it. I recently got an Arturia account and the upgrade offer inside my account profile is double the price of the current 80% offer on the splash screen. Apart from that, Enjoy!!!!
  12. I just want to give a shout out to Arturia Customer Support. I bought a second hand Minilab Mk2 on eBay. Of course, the keyboard and the software had already been licensed to the original owner, but I thought I'd reach out to Arturia and ask if they could help out. In less than 24 hours I had my keyboard licensed, and licenses for all the bundled software and freebies that came with the original keyboard. This is amazing customer support if you consider that they will not be making any profit on this sale. Well done Arturia
  13. I just want to jump in here regarding the Vegas Pro in this bundle. This is the Edit version which is less powerful than Vegas Pro (confusing, I knowI. Why call it Pro of it's actually sub-Pro?). I've got Vegas Pro 15 and there isn't anything in this version that would tempt me to upgrade. Anyone on the fence should check out the comparison charts between the various versions. Especially as the recent Vegas Pro edit versions don't come bundled with many effects. You have to buy these separately. Worth keeping in mind.
  14. Late entry the the thread. BS Keyboard deals were rubbish this year, so I got a used Arturia Minilab Mk2 on eBay for 50 EUR. Very pleased with it. I bit on some last minute Cyber Monday deals on Nembrini Audio. Acoustic Voice Guitar Preamp.
  15. Sorry, I think I caused some confusion. What I meant to say was that if you currently own Acon Acoustica 7, the remix tool is built into the digital editor suite, but it is not usable outside of Acoustica 7. The stand alone version appears to have the same functionality.
  16. From what I can tell, this is built into Acorn Acoustica 7. It's not stand alone or usable in other DAWs, but it is fully functional.
  17. Is anyone successfully using the free nembrini Wah pedal with a midi controller? I don't have an expression pedal but I was wondering if I could use a midi keyboard mod wheel as the controller. I've tried setting up my m-audio oxygen controller but cannot seem to get any control of the wah and the instruction manual is ....well ... useless. Sorry, nembrini but it's true. I've searched YouTube but I cannot find any setup videos or even videos of people using the wah. Anyone here got some insight?
  18. This year, I was hoping to pick up a good 25 key midi controller with semi weighted keys for a good price, but I haven't seen any worthwhile discounts. Some have even been fake discounts. For example: Amazon offers AKAI Professional MPK Mini Play MK3 at 8% discount for 119 Euro. Thomann offers the same model undiscounted for less and free delivery. I might as well just wait. Black Friday Shmyday - mah
  19. Your work method is commendable. I always find my best work comes from just sitting with a guitar and a digital recorder. All those VSTs and DAWs just distract from the purity.
  20. Have a go at finishing a song with lyrics suggested by Chatgpt. I guarantee you will not be impressed. I've played around with it out of curiosity, but I've always been underwhelmed. No Ai can replace the unpredictability of the human mind or the left field thinking of a great songwriter. Sure Ai can make a predictable song based off existing patterns, but it's not going to surprise you.
  21. Ok - problem resolved. When you make your order from the BFDdrums site, make sure you use your InMusic email address, because the serial numbers aren't sent via email anymore, but deposited directly into your InMusic account associated with that email. I did not know this and used my email associated with my PayPal account to make the order. Just out of curiosity @Bapu when you got your order on PB did you receive a serial via email?
  22. I still haven't resolved my issue (it's been passed on down the line), so as a cautionary warning, you might be better off getting these through PB rather than from the BFD site.
  23. @Pluto Gabo Do you work for FUGA or are you the owner? 'We' in the above message leaves a lot to the imagination.
  24. Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I finished of the track and sent it out to radio on Friday. It's going to be premiering on Lonely Oak Radio tonight. We play 'Young Dumb and Human' by 53mph @53mphband at 8:31 AM and at 8:31 PM (Pacific Time) Saturday, November 11, come and listen at Lonelyoakradio.com / %23NewMusic show, @LonelyOakradio
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