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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. ??? Gee your funny ..hows that ? I got your back Craig ...Don't worry..... Be Sarcastic Kenny
  2. Agreed . I had a SH 101 that I loved , it got stolen and to this day I still miss that little tone monster . trying to learn this VST modual synth helps me w everything ... A real keyboard player knows and understands all the basics on what the oscillators , filters and all the other synth parts dodads will do to affect sound and tone .... Not me I'm clueless lol to me its like a super big guitar pedal board ...he heh he ...I do know that after attempting to learn the in's and out's of the modular synth signal chain I do have a bigger set of Balls lol ( only in my imagination ) because I'm no longer scared to go under the hood of any synth I have and mangle things ... I went to an alternative High School , they set me loose with a 35 Millimeter Camera , all the film I could use and gave me full access to the schools dark room .. I loved it man ...loved B & W and I wish I could do that again ... Kenny
  3. Yes I have to admit it was a strange install . I let it do it's thing and I figured once I had my licensee also placed in the right folder it would authorize .. Not the case I had to run a manual scan in Mixbus 32 C for it to show up and in Reaper I wound up having to go online and paste my authorization link .. At first it seemed as if it didn't work but after all that Jazz it in fact did work . Seems worth the extra hoops I had to jump through YMMV Kenny
  4. when you say refuses to run ? what exactly do you mean ? does it show up at all after a scan ? can you register it ? Kenny
  5. Wow Sweet , thanks for the heads up Larry ! The timing on this is perfect since I just upgraded to Mixbus 32C a few weeks ago . Kenny
  6. Very interesting topic and thread . One could almost say many of the real Synth Pioneers were hardware or Modual Based ... I have some favorites from back in the day I may need to revisit and listen to again w fresh ears ...one thing is for sure some of the best music ever made was made on that type of gear . My only modual hardware based synth is this one by Cherry Audio a software version .... learning how to use this thing has been a real education ... I hope to graduate kindergarten on this synth and make it to the first grade by next year I kid you not this thing is deep ...the sound is awesome Kenny
  7. All you guys in this thread are my best-est friends ever ...I wub you all .... Kenny
  8. Thank You Noel ! for chiming in and clearing this up . As I said I did get desperate there for a while trying to figure out what was going on . FWIW , I'm actually happy this happened . I wound up poking around with the Lenses feature (something I never used )., Once I got a little familiar w Lenses I realized that the current lenses in Cakewalk are something I had been asking for for years as a Cakewalk feature ... ( Doh ) lol Samplitude had a feature I really liked where you could you could set the GUI to various preset environments to keep the tools and the GUI uncluttered . I haven't used Samplitude in a long while .. It is nice to see Cakewalk has that type of feature since Cakewalk by Bandlab is doing everything and then some for me at this point . I am so grateful to the Cakewalk Team ! Keep up the good work . Thank you all the best, Kenny
  9. After updating CBB a few days ago I was surprised to see another new update ..I download it earlier today and let it sit for a few hours because I had things to do in my day to day . About an hour ago I decided to do some music in Cakewalk and my whole GUI looked pretty sparse . I was like what happened here .LOL My GUI had no transport including all the upper tool bars I had always been accustomed to seeing in the Cakewalk GUI . I got pretty desperate there for a moment yet somehow I managed to get a more familiar to me GUI back up in Cakewalk ...I had to set Lenses to Advanced to get my old GUI back I wonder did I miss some sort of feature notification ? Kenny
  10. I got my left eye on one deal ?and I got my right eye on another deal? . Dang ! my wallet sure picked a great time to be running on fumes.? Now I'm sitting here cross eyed ? Kenny
  11. So far I 'm really digging the new up date .. WOW !Thank You Bakers ! It has been a while since I studied and read music or did lessons w a teacher . I was very excited to hear about the ability to see the note names in the Piano Roll . I ran a little experiment over here and I thought I would post it here in this thread ... My first screen shot is of a Bach midi file I found for guitar ..Piano roll looks very clean and easy to read ... ( love the idea of being able to see all the notes uncluttered ) Then I said to myself " with this new feature we can go way deeper than this "..Hhhmmm how deep ? OK lets scratch the surface ... I loaded up an audio file of a Bass guitar part in a new test project . Then I turned my audio part into a Groove Clip. Next I inserted an instance of Dimension Pro and chose a Bass patch ... ( in Dim Pro I had to transpose the patch up an octave for the patch to sound in the correct octave as seen in the following pic after this one ) Next, I inserted my Bass audio track onto the Dim Pro track to perform a simple Monophonic Audio to Midi conversion VIA Melodyne ... ( I have the essentials version over here ) That simple process created a Midi conversion of my audio tracks Bass part as a mid file being played by the Dim Pro .... Since the audio file was first converted into a Groove clip before conversion everything both the audio and Midi syncs up real nice ... Last but not least What I consider to be "The icing on the Cake " of this new feature in Cakewalk It's pretty easy for me to read this over standard notation in Bass Clef . Also , I prefer the sound of the Dim Pro over the original file .... FWIW , I happen to enjoy using Cakewalk as a learning tool for all the various elements of music I may encounter in my musical journey . I hope someone gets where I'm going with this . Just think of the possibilities of where you can take it ! all the best , Kenny
  12. Hi Steve , thanks . ?you got big pockets too.? Hi Bjorn , Wow , very nice complement you said there . I need to get back out in the clubs again . I miss playing Live in front of people . If and when I do get back out there (in my current Geo location) I'm local to you ...maybe we can even meet . Hi Max ! Yes I did have a lot of fun playing over this track . I'm glad by the third mix I got the song in the ball park . I enjoy listening to tunes here myself . I need to make some time to comment on some of the new tunes I have yet to hear. thanks Max . Hi Kevin , As far as my guitar playing goes , I sit in my Lazy boy chair and play for hours ...during that time I come up w lots of ideas , Usually I analyze what I'm playing and just practice what I think will free me up ...sort of like the big picture and It's like my little cocoon ........... Then when it comes time to record I throw myself into it w every thing I got ... I always try to leave my mind out of the equation ...doing it this way for me is sort of like a metamorphosis ..if I want to repeat what I played I have to sit there and learn what I just played ...For some odd reason playing guitar solo's comes somewhat easy too me ...as long as I get out of my own way ....lol Hi Tom , I'm glad you liked what I did here on this tune . Midi Guitar 2 is so much more than just a Midi Guitar app Used stand alone it is pretty versatile as a live performance tool. I love that It hosts every VST plug and VST I synth I have . Not only that , it is capable of creating some very complex signal chains for Midi Instruments and audio combined (Midi Guitar is easily as versatile as Main Stage) . Used in side of a DAW it tracks very well as long as you keep audio buffers to 256 and bellow . I have actually used Midi Guitar 2 as a poor mans Melodyne .. Check this out, both clips are Joe Pass ...I took an MP3 placed it in SONAR ( Pre Cakewalk ) and Placed Midi Guitar 2 on my audio track and had it trigger a VST instrument ... first clip is Lounge Lizard https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13548515 second clip is Joe Pass Virtuoso All The Things You Are ..audio on one side Strumm acoustic on the other side .. This was done in real time as the song played and I did not do any midi or audio editing at all on this file / conversion . I left the warts in there so a person could be able to hear for them selfs how good this plug really is ... There is a part of me that would like to edit-it but man Midi Guitar kept up great https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13311064 I used Joe Pass because he is a true musical virtuoso on the guitar ..very few people play on his level .. I think Midi Guitar kept up pretty good with him ... PS disregard anything that might come up as an auto play after the files I linked .....I have left that site as a ghost town nice talking w you Hi Arlen , You hung in for the long haul w me on this song ...I'm gonna suggest you get hazard pay for hanging in there ? Yeah man I got burnt out putting in the time ....the playing only took a few takes and less than a half hour for the session . The Mixing and all that other stuff ( in my case ) is always the thing that takes me into the championship rounds ... I got my rest and one day back in the gym after doing the updates on my tune ... If I can make the gym tomorrow I may be strong enough to take a Victory Lap ...lol... if not I'm going back to practicing in my Lazyboy all the best , Kenny
  13. OK , here we go again . I remixed the song as I paid real close attention to the low end . After saying "Dang the ending of my song really sucks ...I'm gonna do something about that " to myself . I whipped out my guitar and did something about it . here's the newest mix .....my opening post has same song version I plan on getting some rest , ( been at it all night ) I will come back here and thank the people that helped convince me to keep at it .. till then all the best , Kenny
  14. Hi Arlen , A few other people thought there was something funny going on w the Bass in my other mix . On this Mix I did take a lot of the rumble out in Cakewalk . I think some may be getting added back to my stereo file during the pseudo mastering stage . I kid you not ... I have always created characters or named parts of my solo's and sections of my songs .. Dr Mumbles got sent down the road packing . ? Yes it is true ..my current ending BITES ?I'm gonna have to something about that real fast and real soon ...I just can't take it no more ? I might just end this one with a solo ... thanks for the listen and feedback Kenny
  15. You have gotten good feedback so far . At first I listened w cans and then over my monitors ... I preferred listening over the speakers for sure ...your using so many clean sounds on the gtrs .while listening over the cans they sound alright . They sound even better over the speakers . I can hear and feel the subtle punch of moving air ( In the whole song w all instruments ) Pretty cool song I want to hear where you take it . all the best, Kenny
  16. I enjoyed your songs overall vibe and story . Very fun listen .It brought me back to a time when Rock And Roll was all the New's ,Weather and Traffic Report I ever needed to get through the day ... Kenny
  17. Hi Guys , I just put up a new mix for this song . I had gotten a lot of feedback on the songs rather suspicious low end . Using my Pro Channel EQ I placed some notches in the areas that were causing problems . I had also gotten a lot of feedback on the songs rather anticlimactic trumpet solo played by Dr Mumble's . Dr Mumbles is not a bad fellow but he has no biznez trying to play a hot trumpet solo on my Funk song one hour after getting a Botox Lip injection LOL ... I took his solo out and left some space for the outtro groove . I'm still not happy with the ending ....yet I feel what I have up now is better than what was up before ...it is my desire to give this song a proper decent ending that matches my playing ..( my next goal for this song ) Other than that, I also dialed back on my Mastering signal chain The songs link is the same link as per my opening post , Please let me know what you think ... thank you in advance for your time and patience , Kenny
  18. I use the old best way a real amp , Glad you enjoyed my playing I would urge you to get acquainted with Midi Guitar and Midi Bass since you already own them . I find playing my guitar along w synth patches helps my overall musicality on guitar ... As far as the sax and what's quirky about the tune in general goes , now that the other thread has run it course I may decide to offer up a hipper mix . On the down low I update some of my tunes on Soundcloud all the time ( as long as I pay up on my SC Pro Subscription LOL ) thanks for the listen I'm glad you like it . My whole thing on the guitar is to play w emotion and feel ...in a perfect world not only would I be a Great Guitar player I would also be a Great Engineer . Since I don't live in a perfect world I will accept being a very quirky guitar player that needs lessons on how to engineer .. thanks for your listen and your feedback , Kenny
  19. P5 is even better when you add some of the stuff that came with SONAR as add on's. Throw in some of Larry's deals and watch out . Kenny
  20. Yes ? I do he was a real Joy to be friends with ☺️ Erica likes guitar . Kenny
  21. I heard Donkeys have an ear about as good as Van Gogh 's . That's why I use the New Guitar Tuner that comes with The Waves Farm Edition Bundle . My guitar tuners ear is very accurate up or down to 0.01 cent and he don't steal the becan . Kenny
  22. I have Project 5 installed on the Win 10 computer I am writing this post on . Before this lap top became a Win 10 64 OS I had P 5 on it in Win 8. My experiences have been good running P 5 on the newer Windows OS 's .That may be due to when I was deepest into P5 I was only using a 32 bit XP P 4 w an M Audio 1010lt. Now I run a Focusrite 2i4 . P5 in Win 10 runs much better for me than it ever did in XP . I have a better machine , I have more ram and an i 3 beats a P4 at the poker table after all the bets are in . Is it worth the trouble ? In my case the yay's far out weighs the nays . I will say that w some reservations ... Just about every thing P 5 could do Cakewalk can do ...P 5 was so streamlined in it's work flow .Most of the features P 5 excelled at are living a breathing in the current version of Cakewalk ..so are most of the plugs , arpeggios , song and patterns , and a number of other things like the Matrix View , just the tip of the iceberg. Cakewalk seems to have more layers of options to wade through itself to get the same results . I have l worked on learning Cakewalk to the point of being able to do a lot of what I used to do in P5 ...it is a steep learning curve imho ...It would take me hours to sit here and do a comparison on a workflow comparison one feature at a time between P 5 and Cakewalk . To be perfectly honest with you I fired up P 5 in Win 10 before I came here today . I find it totally inspiring to use P 5 with many of the SONAR X3 , and SPlat instruments and plugs that show up in P 5 ...P5w more modern plugs and synths kicks some serious colo ....the workflow is simplified and it is easier to get around for FAST down and dirty ... Having said all that P5 on a more modern computer can be a little finicky w plugin scans and may crash more often . this computer has both 32 and 64 bit DAW's and the plugs an VST instruments I do have will scan and work for the most part in P5 ... FWIW I don't use P 5 nearly as much as I did . As far as other options go I have both Mixcraft 7 & 8 pro and they are pretty decent DAW's that can do what P 5 used to do and a lot more ... The only thing that P 5 does that none of this other stuff does is save to PTN files .. any way nice talking w you , Kenny
  23. For starters the Becan could go down with the Ship Kenny
  24. Hi Freddy , I was able to find this w out any trouble .Pretty cool tune .Sounds like old school Rockabilly too me . Nice message contained in the lyrics , Love the way the drums are floating in and out of the mix and the fills you used .. Voice sounds good so does the guitar . all the best, Kenny
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