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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I have to say I liked that ! Loved the posted comment on the video "this is the catchiest of abominations."? that comment certainly reminds me of a Bapudio Kenny
  2. ??? You Guys are so funny .... you have lifted my spirits ? thank you Kenny
  3. It must have been all the green I did on ST Paddy's Day because when I went to sleep I thought my pecker was this big . When I woke up this morning all groggy and kenfusied I noticed my manhood and treasure was really only this big ... Apparently, it's gone...? Kenny
  4. This was from a poem written by Kent M. Keith and read to her children by the amazing Hedy Lamarr, actress, inventor, big thinker. “ The Paradoxical Commandments People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.” WOW ! some deep stuff ... For those that didn't know , Hedy Lammar was not only an Iconic actor in the Hollywood heyday . She was also the inventor of Spread Spectrum Technology. Kenny
  5. I wonder if her swim partner it is a Dolphin or a Shark ? Kenny
  6. If that little critter had freewill it could decide to agree w the pony's actions or statements concerning the way the pony shows love and stay ... Or the little critter could decide to find another form of expression and communication VIA a different friend and companion that is more inline with its own bias's , beliefs and personal preferences ... The lesson here is when life hands you a $hit sandwich the thing to do is to take responsibility for the situation and always remember , somebody placed an order for it . Even if it was only on a subconscious level . Freewill can lead a person into a deeper pathway of learning where one can learn to evolve and learn from surviving ones own mistakes and choices . Once one takes responsibility for having found themselves in "a situation " one can choose another way ... In other words when one points their index finger at a situation ...the other four fingers are pointing back at oneself ... What that means is one always has a part to play in each and every situation one finds oneself in ...no amount of denial will ever change that fact ... As they say in various 12 step programs ...Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results .... In any given moment one can choose from many different possible freewill scenarios ... Becoming aware of the consequences and or the benefits one can contribute to the overall quality of ones own life and to the lives of others becomes a lesson in choosing the thoughts and actions that hopefully will fit the desired out come ... on that level freewill is a sort of like a playground Kenny
  7. She is so much stronger than the fever ...It can't even harm her . Kenny
  8. Rem incredibilem, tantum venturam. Kenny
  9. This is my concern also . 2 days ago it was one thing or another ... Simple stuff like , how bad is it ? where do you get a test ? who's telling the truth , who's not telling the truth , does anyone actually know the truth ? Now it's a cornucopia of social restrictions in the land of the free and the home of the brave , and many other country's . Wow ..Italy and some other places .. I went to Jr High and High School in New Rochelle NY ....I'm sad to see and hear what happened there .... ............................................................................................................ Here we are about to have closed borders , colleges are going online only , no more school for Johnny or Sally until we get a better grip on this virus ..No more audiences for sporting events and other activities such as concerts, church , no more tv audiences ...ect et ... ^^^^^^^^this was decided yesterday less than 24 hours ago ^^^^^ I can't even fathom the financial burden of how people w child at home that work will handle the maze of changes they will have to confront just to be able to stay healthy and keep a roof over their heads ... Just those adjustments will have a profound effect on the working class and society as a whole ... Then we factor in .....no longer is my brother or sister a friend because they can kill me by not being responsible for their own well being ...the way this is playing out in the media it has people feeling as if they are surrounded by a world filled with hidden assassins... As it is , I don't care for crowds as it is but this is CRAZY ...now people have the power to kill people just by coughing ? Then the leeches come out and try to take advantage of peoples fears ...by selling snake oil or gouging what normal household products our store shelf's had formally had as stock . The talking Orange Corn Muffin opens his mouth and starts spitting out half truths and everybody lines up and joins in on the misinformation feeding frenzy .. The flipping media loves this type of stuff ..I have to say this ...the media is Drama Drunk and there is not enough misfortune or misinformation for them to tell the story objectively and get their fill ...The media has been acting as if they are the new Rock Stars ....to me they are just a bunch of instigators that thrive on stirring the pot and bringing up the dredges of every story angle pretending as if the burning bush told them the truth and they are just passing it on ...to us the sheep ...Yeah Right .... I won't even try to make sense of the world wide money situation ...I know our money is not backed by gold any more and neither is most of the worlds currency ..maybe its time to consider the waiter has just brought us all the check and it's time to pay the bill... Excuse me sir , I need to go out back and fire up the ole printing press ..will you gave me a few mins? I'm a good tipper disclaimer this post is probably gonna end up getting edited down to this typical thing I do after a rant this . Kenny
  10. Today we are having a sale on Glazed Daisy Dukes doughnuts . Buy a dozen and get a free Wibbles Kenny
  11. +1 , That's exactly how I took it .... Kenny
  12. Oh Snap Mesh ! I just found my reading glasses , Yikes after putting them on I can now see the thread title says gazing not grazing ? Can I still be a playa ! ? even if it is only in my own mind . Kenny
  13. So what you can read ! Your not gonna get a roll in the hay with Miss Daisy Duke's just by getting all intellectual with her ... Kenny
  14. Mixcraft 9's ability to do track lanes in the performance panel while recording is a game changer ... Also one can set up track lanes for the video track and have multiple video clips . my only real gripe w Mixcraft is I can not preview Midi files from Mixcraft's browser .... What that means to me is I can have over 10,0000 Midi drum files I can not audition with the drum VST of my choice for a song project This is the way it's gonna be folks ....every-time I say something nice about Mixcraft online I'm also gonna bring up the lack of a Midi file preview in the program ...it is by far the weakest link of this otherwise wonderful DAW . Why go there ? Because "they" ( meaning the developers and core associates ) Shined me on real bad in Cakewalk thread years ago ...when Gibson pulled the plug on SONAR I have never forgotten that whole BS runaround and double talk thing they tried to pull w me . At the time I was using Mixcraft 7 Pro , Now I using Mixcraft 9 Pro and as far as I can tell ...they still haven't made Midi preview a priority ... How 's that Bitches ....? can you hear me NOW ? ? Kenny
  15. Who needs glasses for her ? I know what to do . I have had a lot of practice in the dark ...all by myself If my car ever breaks down late at night on a lonely country road . When I finally walk up the hill to the farmers house to get some help Oh Lawd Please let it be her that answers the door ... Kenny
  16. Copyright and Trademarks .....What the heck is all that anyway ? That Jimmy guy stole my whole look and only paid me one banana. Meanwhile he made a fortune . Kenny
  17. Hi Grem , I'm glad you liked the story I told because every detail in the story is true ... Kenny
  18. I used to love listening to traditional Celtic music( where I used to live in N Y C there were a lot of places to play and hear it live ) ... Anyway back to topic . The band in the video sounds Great ... Nice find , real modern sounding , Gary Moore would sound Great over that Kenny
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