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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I don't care if I take my Music to the Grave with me at this point . Windows 10 has absolutely ruined my desire to use a computer for music making .... Kenny
  2. Every time I go to Sweetwater I have to prove I'm not a Robot with a CAPTCHA ... It gets old considering I get done doing a CAPTCHA for Sweetwater , then when I come back after a little surfing around , they think I'm gonna do the whole prove I'm not a Robot spiel again ... No Ken Do ...No Want to either ... Kenny
  3. That little fella is a scrumptious meal and an exercise program all on his own . Kenny
  4. Dumbo / opus 68 march the Entrance of the Gladiato https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=6233609 Kenny
  5. Hey Craigb ! I finally got around to checking your thread out ..Good Music for sure Yeah . First tune reminds me of the days when a Power Chord actually meant something . It is nice to see this Band has an audience / following that treats them well. As far as the guitar player goes yes he is skilled and exhibits a good amount of restraint and taste in his playing ...also nice tone. As far as the visuals go, I'm sure whatever they are doing is genre specific and tailor made to conform to the bands audience expectations ... Kenny PS the music was good.
  6. Wow these guys put on a really good live show. Kenny
  7. The guitar player is wearing what looks to be a fancy Kendo Hakama . I happen to like that look . I hope that's my get out of jail card if I say something that would earn me a Quivering Palm Death Touch . Wow very interesting band history Craig !. Yeah I want to read more up on these guys ... Hhhmm the bass player Ken-ichi Suzuki which means "the Great Yellow Bapu" in Japanese?) After hearing that interesting tidbit of information , I wonder if our "Great White Bapu" is gonna start wearing black lip gloss ? Amen Brother ! Thanks Bapu ! After finding this video I can officially say ( just for today only ) I have to admit what ever they are saying with the Shabadabadia section of the song sure is catchy . all the best , Kenny
  8. Thank You Larry ! Thank you for the kind word S.L.I.P.! it feels good to play guitar again ... Kenny
  9. Here is a Video of Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio I made this morning . This song is called Feel Good Vamp in B Minor and it was done was for the Twanger Central Forum . Since I recorded and rendered my guitar solo in Mixcraft 9 . I thought why not post it as a vid ... Kenny
  10. I agree . I'm glad you enjoyed ....I have watched this about 6 times already LOL After I posted this I found a u tube of this song done in a concert live ...These Musicians are for real . They sounded as one would expect this song to sound in a live concert setting ... everything was played the same as per the promotional video ... Kenny
  11. I saw this Video at another music forum and for me it is a surprise find ... I'm digging it since it's older guys rocking out ...these guys a for real and I dig the song + the message . If you decide to watch this do your self a favor and watch with the English sub titles on . Kenny PS here is the English Translation If you, Holy Angels, do exist in this universe, Will you bless me on the cheeks? With my painful effort never paid off. I've just been standing in the shadow, Will the day come someday when I can fly high in the sky? Will the day come when I can see the sun? Tell me, Holy Angels. Shabadabadia Shabadabadia Babababa Shabadabadia Shabadabadia Babababa If you, Divine Goddess, are staying hidden somewhere, Why don't you smile at me on my forehead? I've never tasted the nectar of victory. I’ve never succeeded in love. Will the day come when I can get intoxicated by the victory? Will the day come when I can embrace love? Tell me, Divine Goddess. Shabadabadia Shabadabadia Babababa Shabadabadia Shabadabadia Babababa Countless stars are twinkling in the sky. Every one of us is under them, with a thousand wishes in each heart. Lululu Lululu… If you, Lord Buddha, really exist in some place, Please have mercy on me, too. Having nothing precious in my possession, Desolated, Isolated, I've been living my life with a series of failures. Will the day come when I can totally be satisfied? Will the day come when my dreams come true? Tell me, Lord Buddha. Shabadabadia Shabadabadia Babababa Shabadabadia Shabadabadia Babababa Shine a light on my life Shine a light on my future Shine a light on every creature Shine a light on tomorrow for all
  12. A message from Pick Lick's the Beach Resorts towel dog Kenny
  13. The Zoom Q2n-4k sounds like a decent choice for your camera needs. I have the much older Zoom Q 3 . It is not as feature rich as the newer Zooms yet it is a work horse camera ....The Video records fine ( considering my weakest link is I do need to get external lighting for better video quality ) recording audio alone is great ... I have recorded many acoustic guitar parts using the Zoom audio .. good luck I hope you get it , There once was a guy named Bob Who decided to record with a Zoom . While he and his lady were playing their tune Their Music was turned into a pleasant sound and video All Thanks to The Zoom ! Kenny
  14. Wow that Herb guy sounds just like a Bapu in training as far as owning and telling the whole wide world about all his acquired musical gear Me" I can not tell a lie I'm happy with what humble gear I do have " Geppetto " Chop Chop ! get you butt over here now Kenny , I need you to hold down the board with your extended nose before it goes back down to it's normal size " gulp OK , Kenny
  15. The whole Mixcraft library can be downloaded in its entirety in one swoop . Select Library All ( red circle in pic ) then set the filter from folders to All ( grey filter below sort by Song Kit ) Now when you download Mixcraft will go through the whole list ...If for any reason you change tasks before the whole library is fully downloaded ...no worries ...when and if you run across a loop that has not been downloaded Mixcraft will remember to start downloading again ...keep in mind it will either download the All or the per folder option depending on how you have that section of the browser set ... Hope that helps Kenny PS that Humble deal is pretty smoking
  16. Here's a new VST instrument based on that router ! Kenny
  17. You can always use what you have now to get good at working with video and music at the same time as you save the money and shop around for the camera of your choice . It is very common for people to record the musical performance in the DAW while they use the camera only for the visual end of things w crappy audio. The thing is a camera that can do DAW quality Audio cost bucks ...most people will use the visual of a camera and mute the on board camera audio for music video.It is easy as Pie to sync up an audio file w a video file if you set up the cues ahead of time . For an audio lesson w a vid , that is different so people will use the audio from the camera ( often edited in a DAW ) Before recording a live video w music what most people do is they set up a visual cue ( clapping hands , mouthing a 4 count , or insert another cue ) This is done because it makes it easy to take the pristine audio from your filmed / live video performance and sync them up in your DAW (if your DAW does Video w Music & Video editing + export) ... if you decide to use a dedicated Video software program ...you will have much better video editing options .... Me personally , I use a few older Magix Video programs or some of the Newer Sony / Magix software apps .. for what I do when I do it those are fine for now ... Because I scare women and children with my intensity and Saskatchewan looks , I do videos infrequently ...but hey I may have a new lease on life now that everybody is wearing masks and covering their faces ... For the record all my u tube videos involve a straight through musical performance while being filmed in one take .. IT's a BRUTAL Workflow I SAY .....make a mistake early on and it is back to the drawing board early on ..LOL If I may offer a suggestion Bob , while you are doing your research , have you considered taking one of your best recorded audio performances and then having you and your lady ham it up for the camera by doing some cute moves that put a little stage presence in your vid? Acting , story telling , pure silliness or whater you guys may think a visual look is that is cool and gels with your music .. All Music Videos are done this way . Lady Ga Ga and Beyonce aren't recording their singing when the are shaking their moneymakers while recording a new video ... Shheesshh Look at the ED Sullivan Show . Every Band had wireless 20 years ahead of the times because no body had a cable going from their guitar to an amp .... I don't know what type of chops you have w video but it will certainly offer a creative solution for staying in touch with your fan base and giving you the opportunity to remain a content creator for your friends and fans .. Why not try this , for grins and giggles even if you only use a phone , Film your old lady doing a guitar solo to one of your songs , have her film you playing some safe Sax ...put those two scenes in a video and I guarantee you will get a much better idea of how deep this thing can become ... all the best, Kenny
  18. OOOoooch that's certainly not what I meant .... Kenny
  19. Don't worry we got you covered Craigb ! . The pick up selector switch on this guitar does double duty. 1 as a stealth cloaking security device , 2 as a traditional guitar pick up selector . In addition to that , the Pro package deal on this guitar includes a sturdy kneeling Jimi Hendrix Guitar stand to keep your brand new guitar perfectly safe at home and on stage . Pardon the pun but The Jimi Hendrix Guitar stand is fire and bullet proof ...why you ask ? .....Hey Joe ! you just never know ... Also New in 2020 , we have included a live scantly clad bikini model . The Model is prone to throwing Hissy Fits every once in a while and if you can get past those emotionally charged moments and move on you will be rewarded with having her bend over and adjust your pedals to your unique personal tone while you play . For those among us here with vision issues you will also have the added benefit of never ever ever ever loosing a guitar pick ever again after having dropped it . How she can find those lost guitar picks on some of those dark and cluttered stages , I don't know ... It's a miracle I say .....Get yours now while supplies still last ... Kenny PS : We personally guarantee once you start playing this guitar , you will definitely know whether or not your Heart is Healthy enough for a Memorable Deep Nookie Week End In Space .... But Wait there's more ! if you decide to act now we will bla bla bla bla bla bla bla........................oh well it was fun while it lasted .
  20. I thought all you needed was A Minor . Kenny
  21. Very Nice Guitar ! I would Love to get my sweaty hands on one . Good Luck Mesh , Good Luck Steve . Kenny
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