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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I wound up at this monastery after I dated a Bass Player . I will never date a Bass Player ever again . I am so much happier ever since I left the monastery and started dating guitar players Kenny
  2. I just got an e mail trying to convince me to give a new A .I. app called Gemini a whirl .... Any way here's the FAQ https://gemini.google.com/faq?hl=en-IN Tech is moving so far away from what I want from my interactions with tech . I am astounded and concerned about my rights to the privacy of my very own thoughts ... Kenny
  3. Hey Patrick ! Have you heard the joke Woody's tells about the falling whale ? Kenny BTW . The pic is real ...it is from a PBS documentary called Patrick and The Whale
  4. So I log out from this forum , Now when I decide to sign back in here at the forum 15 mins later they want me to go and grab another set of 2FA codes ... OK, So I go to log into my e mail on file here to retrieve my code and the e mail provider wants me to go through the little 2FA dance they have been running on me where I have to receive a text on my phone . What T F.... Now I have to have my phone and my e mail combined available at all times when I want to chill out and participate in a little online social media ..... Yeah Right ! I can tell you how this is gonna end because there is nothing social about social media anymore and for the record I am not one of Pavlov's Rat s he performed his ground breaking laboratory conditioning experiments on Kenny
  5. Here we go again I didn't enable 2FA Verification in my account . According to the default privacy settings It seems to being forced on me . Kenny
  6. I kind of laughed when I read your post ..So I go to sign in log here at the forum to reply to your post and they got me too πŸ€ͺ I signed into to the wrong e mail by accident so once I realized that I had to scramble to beat the verification count down . I am so not in the mood to play this game ..... NOPE NO KEN DO
  7. After 10,000 years of humans and dogs , let us not forget about some of the success storiesπŸ˜† Woof !Woof! Me Next! Me Next ! Kenny PS It's Valentines Day ! I Had to do it
  8. Happy Birthdays are like a box of fine Chocolates ! It's always a wondrous gift to achieve another B Day & it sure beats the alternative πŸ™‚ Bapu ! Here's to wishing you a Happy Birthday Kenny
  9. I have to say that fish reminds me of all the times you have given my posts on this forum that reaction πŸ˜‰ Here's back at you πŸ˜„ Kenny
  10. Hi guys , I have been reading each and every post here . I feel most of your view points and comments are valid and have merit .πŸ™‚ Rather than jump in and try to comment on everything said I am choosing to describe an experience I had yesterday afternoon just trying to sign in to my e mail . I have 2 e mail acct s with the same provider and I was shocked that my first sign in went smooth with out a hitch ...I said to myself maybe the tech support call had an effect and they lightened the sign in restrictions for me when I sign in . I go to sign in on my other e mail with the same provider and I get hit with a group of multiple choices for my identity verification. OK yeah great here we go again ..... I had my cell phone right there so I choose to have then send me a text w a code ...I have the page up where I am so-posed to enter the code up as I check my cell for the text they are sending me .... NO LUCK No TEXT and I time out .....I repeat the process 2 more effing times and no text with a code 🀬 I have just wasted a grand total of about 4 mins getting jerked around playing along with their little game and if I could Pull a Lawnmower Man and jump through the wires and go after them I would So I hit the show more options and choose a to receive a cell phone call . Next some artificial sounding robot voice calls me and informs me of my one and only sign in code for this session. I finally get into my e mail and then I put the brakes on to stop every thing so I can take stock of what just happened ..... I say to myself WTF is this ?????? After 3 failed attempts ? I have to become a citizen of your Dystopian New World Order just to sign in to my e mail of 20 years just prove to you that I am not a robot and then you put a Robot on the line to call me on my cell phone ...... Shouldn't I be able to check your Robot's credentials ? I check my phone to make sure all my settings were properly tuned on just to see if on my end my settings contributed to not receiving the texts ...All was fine on that end ....BTW 2 hours later the 3 texts showed up .... All this hassle got me going and apparently I must have worked up an appetite because I wanted to go out and get some food at the supermarket ...I rifle around in my wallet searching for my store card so I can save a whopping 20 cents per item on my groceries ..... I'm just doing my part as a "well trained docile citizen " I feel it is very important for me to always share my preferences and purchasing choices with all who come to conquer and subjugate me 😜 Kenny
  11. I have played these type of places before and no matter how bad the deal turned out to be , I could always bank on both the waitress and the bartenders tip jars being stuffed πŸ˜‰ Kenny
  12. From what I have read here so far , I guess I'm gonna have to just bite the bullet and get used to the Idea that when it comes to the internet and social media I am no longer a free range human being anymore . " Once a Pickle never a Cucumber again " Thank you everyone for your feedback and comments . Kenny
  13. Dang Bit ! "Club Owner Entitlement " It sure has gotten a lot worse over the years . all the best , Kenny
  14. It has been a year since I put this thread out there . I am shocked at how much worse things have become for me as far as online sites have become as far as ignoring my privacy while trampling on my right to exercise my autonomy ... Now to sign into every e mail acct I have ( all of which I have had for 20 + years w no problems ) They now think I have to receive a text with a code to log in after to my e mail once I have proven I am not a Robot ...This happens multiple times and they don't even give me the whole day ....If I log out I have to go through this BS every time all over and over again 🀬 So I call them up and spend an hour and 15 mins on the phone on a tech call and they ask me if I'm using multiple devices to access my e mail. I tell them what difference should that make I own my devices for years , I have used them all with no problems what so ever and I have a right to use what I have when I choose to ... Incredibly the tech woman was shocked that I had the audacity to mention this fact and she tried to tell me I should stick to using only one device .. WTF ? So I told her I hope you are recording this conversation ....I knew they were but I mentioned that fact anyway ... Next I say to her let me ask you a question ...Do you own more than one pair of shoes ? silence ..... I say OK how would you feel if every time you wanted to wear a different pair of shoes from your shoe collection a policeman pulled you over and gave you the third degree ?? silence .... Any way I'm not happy about the way any of this whole assault on my personal privacy is playing out and I stick to what I have said here previously I'm glad you guys chimed in . I hope to respond proper later on in the day . all the best , Kenny
  15. Mirror Mirror on the wall ! Who has the most Iconic Guitar Face of them all ? Not in this thread ! Not in this thread ! It's OK though . At least the guy can play Kenny
  16. πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ πŸ’‹ Kenny
  17. 🀣 No Shane ! I did not caption that picture with you in mind ..... I was playing off the looks and vibe of the dog . That pooch seems to be somewhat of a sly sneaky scruffy looking pooch whom in my opinion if he was placed in the position I bet he would probably entertain the idea of getting over by advertising having the big 14 . When it became time to deliver , I'm sure he would work with what he got by delivering a modest 3 1 /2 four times . When one's garden hose is only a miniature micro tool one has to do what one has to do all the best , Kenny
  18. When she asked me for the 14 . I gave her 3 1/2 four times Kenny
  19. I have heard some chit in my life time but I have to say , I don't know if I ever heard truer words spoken πŸ˜‰ And there you have it folks. What we have here is a perfect example of a fella going from "What's Happening " to " What Happened " Why ? Lock the thread ? We got music in here Kenny
  20. Oh Al ! Lets go upstairs and fool around ! It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed my a$S out all day long ! Kenny
  21. After the guy in the hospital told his wife she was only a one , His wife must have taken out all of her emergency money hidden in a coffee can up in the cupboard . Once she found the guy who was singing about having a bad day , she decided to hire him to dish out an extreme case of instant Karma to her ex in the parking lot . If that was my situation and if she left no doubt in my mind by her confirmation . I would certainly be motivated to buy her a brand new set of knee pads just to show her how much I loved her 😜 Baaad Kenny ! for saying that 🀣
  22. I got it πŸ€ͺ I finally understand fully why none of you guys here have commented on this video . All your " lovely wife's" moderate your computer activities and social media ...πŸ˜‰ Sheesh! I remember those days . I had to say yes dear to everything and if I did int I could forget about sneaking in a new guitar in under the radar or dropping the coin on a good deal I may have found over at the deals forum .... Since I'm single I have been emancipated and I don't have to put my boys into "the handbag "anymore for safe keeping. I hope Y'all have a good Day ...I'm off to the Home Depot to buy myself a large wheelbarrow with a plush purple velvet lining . Next I'm gonna hire a topless bikini clad foxy female no older than -- to walk right behind me with my boys proudly on display in the wheelbarrow . She is gonna take me every where I want to go . What a glorious day we are gonna have as we take in all the beautiful sights while the remainder of the day unfolds . Oh No! No ! No ! please say it isn't so . My alarm clock just went off early and it just woke me up from the glorious dream of freedom I was having . Egads !! Now I'm stuck in a dystopian relationship model ..... just like the one everybody else around here is stuck in all the best , Kenny
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