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Everything posted by user390096

  1. What happened? I can no longer export anything. Big project or 1 note samba. I did the early adopter thing and everything was going well until today. Keep getting these errors when I try to reinstall/ or rollback. Anybody know a fix? Thanx, Fredreick
  2. If there are no tempo changes or envelopes, just highlight all tracks and drag them left to the start, then export. If you like the exported file, simply close the project without saving and next time you open it, it will have that 10 second silence in the beginning. You could also just hit CTLR+Z once or twice to get your tracks back to where they were before you dragged them. Then save/close.
  3. Thanx for the clarification. All is working well now!?
  4. Having problems again finding my newly created track templates. Looks like maybe from the old days updating from Cakewalk to Sonar, to Bandlab, my current CBB still likes templates saved as .cwx files but it looks like the file extension is now .cwt, yet no templates with the .cwt file extension appear in my list of templates when I try to insert them in a new project. I'm storing the new templates in C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Track Templates with .cwt file extensions. Somehow I made a .cwx template a few months ago and it's the only custom template that shows in the list. Anybody know a way to save as .cwx or get my system working correctly with .cwt. files? Thanx, Frederick
  5. Well it was working like it was designed to for a few days (after the newest release of CBB and a Windows up-date) but in the last few days constant crashing is back after 1 successful "process". They joked maybe they should just give me a refund instead of fix it. Maybe????
  6. Four years ago I built me own Thunderbolt 3 desktop to use the Apollo Twin Quad and it works great, when it's working, but I seem to have constant mysterious slow-downs and sticky, jerkiness every month for up to a week, and then it just goes back to working well on it's own. I've tried lots of things to get it to work well EVERY day but I haven't had much success. Calls to UA support usually end in them telling me Windows and UA are still a work in progress and they don't seem to have any person who is an expert in Windows which is kinda sad, considering millions of folks use windows. Would I buy it again? I doubt it. The plugs are nice but not night and day better and most of them are aimed at simulating old gear and it seems they are stuck in the past quite a bit. Getting a plug of a famous old piece of gear I've never heard of is pretty useless since I've never been in a "real" studio to try the various gear and compare the hardware to the software. Also the latency is lower with other USB interfaces. Hope this helps?
  7. Newest release not working well (2020.11 build 099). Hit play then wait 10 seconds for it to play then it stops 5 seconds later, error "Audio Engine Dropout" (5). Repeat.
  8. I had a similar, very odd, experience with an "early" build a few versions/weeks ago. Since I installed the latest final version, the problem has gone away. FYI, the 2020.11 build 088 fixed it for me.
  9. Just did a Zoom meeting with the Synchro Arts folks (Developers of Re-voice Pro 4) and they see the problem and are going to try and fix it. They said they rarely deal with Cakewalk but will see if they can work the kinks out. Also, they said this was the first time they've seen the plug-in crash so much and had assumed it was working glitch-free for all users of other DAWs. I'll update this post as they try and fix it.
  10. Hi, From the beginning, my Revoice Pro 4 has been crashing after about 1 successful use per session and then I need to reboot, use it once again, then it crashes, repeat, etc. Anybody else using this and NOT having to constantly reboot? It works pretty well the first instance I use it in a session but when I try to use it a second time during a session, it usually crashes. It's a hassle having to totally reboot to get whatever bug it creates out of the system. In comparison, Melodyne can be used many times in a session and rarely crashes these days. I recently updated RP4 ( hoping the crashes would stop but they are still here. Any settings I should try adjusting? Thanx, Frederick Win10 Apollo Twin TB3
  11. Went into the Strike FX/Midi page of the Voice Mode and found all drums default Gate Time set to 1/16, and Note Off: set to "Sent". Then tried recording and it looks good again, like it used to, all notes the same short length. Hmmm...? I just installed the recent Early Access update before recording drums. I'm on the "3rd" build (2020.10 Early Access 3 (EA3)). Maybe the 2nd version I was using the previous day was messing things up. I know I was hearing my TTS1 making bass guitar? sounds simultaneously with the drum sounds and I didn't didn't see any way the Strike was routed to the midi bass track I had in my project (as well as piano, banjo and guitar). Very strange and nothing I'd ever come across before in about 30 years of using Cakewalk. Maybe that was a glitch fixed in EA3? Oh well, it seems to work now. Time for bed but I'll see if it still works tomorrow when version 4 is likely to come out. It seems like every day there is a new "Early Access" version. I think I'll stick with this one (EA3) until an "official" version comes out. Thanx to everybody for your help! UPDATE: The next day....Still working perfectly after installing EA3.
  12. Thanx for the quick help. I find that a value of 5 to 7, for all of the notes as produced in event inspector, cleans things up quickly and I can see the faster notes individually. Still not sure why my Strike is producing very long overlapping notes. I'll try some more tricks and drum maps but at least I can adjust the view now to see what I just played/recorded.
  13. My midi drums (new Alesis Strike) for some unknown reason are now producing very long, messy looking, overlapped notes in PVR view. So, 2 questions: 1. How to shorten midi notes in PRV? I would like them all to be about an 1/8 note. 2. How to prevent this in the first place? I wasn't having this problem with my old Roland TD-10. Thanx, Frederick
  14. If anyone is curious, I found an 18.20 and bought it immediately because these things are hard to find these days as they are mostly back-ordered country-wide (USA). It's up and running as a stand-alone in perfect synchrony with my Apollo Twin TB3 Windows unit. I like that my Apollo has a preset for the 18i20 so that took a lot of the mystery about setting it up. Thanx for everyone's input, I learned a lot.
  15. Thanx for the info. I'll give these a look. I probably have over 300 files that need to be renamed.
  16. Wondering if anyone knows an easy way to rename a whole bunch of backup files that I needed that now contain a section within parentheses of date/time information added on to each file from the Windows built-in backup program. I had a crash and noticed several of my projects totally disappeared but thankfully I found the backups on my dedicated back-up drive. However, the .wav files all have this look now and the CWP doesn't find these files when loading the project: bass, Edit (1) (2020_09_10 11_22_12 UTC).wav where the back-up program added a date/time within parentheses. I want to do a batch rename where I get rid of the parentheses and everything within it so that the files look like this, which is the original look (syntax) and what the CWP is looking for: bass, Edit (1).wav Any ideas? I've looked at a few renaming programs but they give me a headache! Something simple is my goal. Or, I don't mind complicated if I'm given step-by-step instructions. Thanx for looking.
  17. Yes, I've been looking at that one and I own several Behringer products and they all seem very good. But, for me, I like the options of the 18i20 Focusrite Scarlett as it can be used as the main sound-card, or as a stand-alone connected to the Apollo Twin and I want most of the inputs on the back-side but really like 2 on the front, plus it has that "Air" setting which I'm curious about. I've noticed that none of the higher priced units of these type have any compressors at all which I've read on SOS are not really needed these days. So the 18i20 looks like a nice match for me, a recently retired geezer with all day to record and tinker.
  18. Hmmm... I checked out the link and see several scary posts about this possibly being "malicious" software. What's that all about?
  19. Update: Roland responded wrong. They said just unplug my Apollo and use the Octa-Capture to do 8 drum input, duh. I clearly asked them if there is a way to use it as a stand-alone, connect it via ADAT like the Focusrite Octpre, blah blah blah. Guess I'll try again ..........?
  20. I'll look and see if the "add drum" buss is obvious.
  21. FYI I just sent an e-mail to RolandUS asking if I can connect the Octa-Capture to the Apollo. I'll update this post when I hear back.
  22. Thanx for the response Mark, The Octa-Capture does have a coaxial RCA SPDIF output that I forgot to mention I have connected via a small adapter box that allows one to connect the RCA on one side and an ADAT optical cable on the other side and then into the optical input on the Apollo, which I've done, but I'm not getting any signal. Also, thanx for the info on MIDI but I already know how to do that. In fact, I just bought an Alesis strike and have converted many of my VST's (SSD5.5, EZ Drummer, Addictive Drums 2) into samples via software called SDSE. I've loaded the samples onto the Strike and then recorded the audio from that whilst simultaneously recording midi and then using the VST's to listen to both versions of the same drum kit, one is "LIVE", and the other midi, and they sound about the same to me so now I have some very nice drum sounds coming out of the Strike. Pretty cool. I'm currently trying out a Fucusrite Octopre Dynamic that works perfectly but I realized I had this Roland Octa-Capture collecting dust and want to see if I can save some money and re-purpose it. If this experiment fails, I'll likely get the Focusrite 18i20 which can be used stand-alone (it essentially becomes an Octopre) and connected to my Apollo via optical. It's a little more affordable and can double as it's own interface if the Apollo bites the dust.
  23. I've got an old Roland Octa-Capture and just learned that it can be used as a stand-alone 8 channel expansion with some "VS" Roland equipment. I want 8 channels to record my Alesis Strike drum module withe the drums split into 8 separate tracks. I've been trying to get it to work with my Apollo Twin that connects via Thunderbolt 3 to my Windows PC. No luck so far even though I am able to boot the computer with both the Roland and the Apollo connected simultaneously as I have the Roland set to "VS Expand" and digital to "AUTO", so there is no conflict as to which unit is the "soundcard". I was hoping to see the Octa-Capture show up in the inputs list in "Preferences" but I don't see it nor do I see any movement of the led's in the Apollo mixer console, however it does show up as a MIDI input device in Cakewalk. Also, I see it in Device Manager under "Sound, video and game controllers", so windows does recognize it and it looks like I'm close to getting it to work but I'm stuck at this point. Has anybody done this?
  24. It worked! Thanx again John. PS I notice it added a "Drum" buss but that's what I wanted so I think it worked perfectly? Is there any downfall to it adding the bus?
  25. Thanx John! I knew the forum would pounce on this seemingly easy topic quickly! I'll give it a try, of course it's not easy until you learn how to do it.
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