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Everything posted by user390096

  1. Hi, I used to know how to do this. Record whatever sounds are being added to the track from the track's FX bin but can't find the answer on these forums. I recall you had to create a second auxiliary track or something like that. Anybody know the trick?
  2. I removed any and all compressors, etc that could affect the gain. I think it's a bug but who knows. I recently had all my AD2 drums just disappear overnight but I just got them back. Maybe I should do a reinstall even though I think I just installed the latest version of CbB a few days ago. Also, all of my lists of custom made plug-ins disappeared after the recent big Windows update that also wreaked havoc on my Classic Shell which makes Windows 10 look like WIndows 7. Hate that recent Windows update!
  3. Really? I still don't know why everything just disappeared. I've had the new e-mail address for a few years now and just out-of-the blue, 2 days ago all of my AD2 purchases were gone from my computers. Aren't they stored on my computer? Do I need to be connected to the internet to use AD2? I liked the old days better, you bought programs that came on CD/DVD's and felt like you owned them. I have a stack of old Cakewalk discs and the 5 disc monster that Cakewalk 8.0 came on. As I recall, 8.0 was the end of getting disks in the mail, 8.5 was all downloaded. Ah, the good-old days... Actually, I remember 2 days ago I finally allowed Windows to have access to all of my e-mails, in particular, my new gmail e-mail. I've been using a Windows 10 multi-email program for a few years that makes it easy to handle multiple e-mails in one easy to see program and after the big Windows 10 update a few weeks ago, it started asking me, very annoyingly in a big pop-up, to add my 1 gmail account. I finally succumbed and I suspect somehow that pushing of a button sent some kind of "kill AD2" drums to XLN. Fortunately, now I have the drums back and I've stopped the annoying pop-ups on my e-mail account. But I think I've left myself even more open to hacking, lack of privacy, etc. At least I've never joined facebook, the worst idea for privacy ever but my kids are on it all the time... George Orwell talked about Big Brother menacingly watching you 24/7 but he never dreamed folks would gladly pay $100/month to be watched. Guess he was wrong. The younger generation loves to be watched all the time!
  4. Hi, recently when I use the reduce gain process I see the wave on the track get smaller but I don't hear it getting quieter nor do the VU meters show a lower spike. Anyone else experiencing this?
  5. I have Revoice Pro which is an even higher end version of Vocal-sync and VocAlign ARA, and now it finally works fairly well as ARA within CbB. This is a new update in recent months. Before I had to use it as a separate program outside of CbB. Revoice Pro not only syncs your vocals but matches pitch changes as well - amazing.
  6. Thankfully XLN got back to me and said I had a new email account assigned to my products which is one of my 5 email accounts and the only one with google ( I also have an old AOL account that opens showing me NO products). I'm old (60), so all my other email accounts are with AOL because AOL came with every computer back in the early days of computers. I don't recall ever changing my XLN account to "gmail" but maybe I did as I've learned the younger generation prefers gmail. I can see from my receipts that I never used my fairly new gmail account to make the purchases. Regardless, I don't know why ALL of my products disappeared on both of my computers. That's a question I've left with XLN. OK, got it all back and installed and I'm testing it - so far so good. Thanx to everyone who helped and hopefully you never experience the total disappearance of your drums.
  7. Good to hear your drums are still in tact. My purchased drum kits are gone on both my desktop and laptop, so at least the situation is across the board and not isolated to one computer. Still haven't heard back from XLN. I guess they're on Swedish time while I'm on USA time. I hope they have someone working on the weekends. I'm trying to find where on my computer the drum sets would be located. Do you know? I see some AD2 folders in My Documents, is that where they are? Thanx, Frederick
  8. Thanx for the response abacab. Yes i reinstalled almost "nothing" several times but when I look in my account there's nothing to load as it says "you don't have any products", ?. All that loads are some demo drums and a very sparse set. I think I was hacked or something like that or XLN was hacked. Scary situation. I sent them all my receipts thru the years but haven't heard back. I know recently the program was always asking me to sync to the cloud but I thought it worked kinda like that anyway - you never really owned it, you just rent it for a one-time fee, or something to that effect.
  9. Just opened a project where I use Addictive Drums 2 and the "drum set" I was using was missing. Checked my XLN account and it says I don't own any XLN products, but I do, like 4 different drum sets. I contacted XLN support and they said they'll look into it. Anybody else have this problem? Was it remedied? I know I recently had to reinstall all my XLN products after that big Windows 10 update a few weeks ago but my drums were all there. Last night, they were all gone. Thanx, Frederick
  10. Thanx Scook. I was able to change the default setting to open up the Loop Construction View by double-clicking. Yet, I still have the problem of it shortening my loop by half. The only way I can get it to work is to double the number of beats to 16 (it had detected 8 beats) but then I have to "Save" the loop to my folder and then drag it back into the project where it finally works like a loop and I can drag it out for loop repetitions, etc. I recall being able to skip the " Save" to folder and then drag it back into the project part, in earlier versions. Is there a simpler way of getting the loop construction to work?
  11. My supposedly up to date Sonar (2019.07, build 79) no longer opens the groove clip construction window when I double click on it. Also, when I simply create a loop by using ctrl+L, the clip is shortened in half, but if I click "Stretch to Tempo" in the inspector window under the Groove Clip tab, my clip gets full length again but it's no longer a loop. Anybody having a similar problem or know how to fix this?
  12. I work with video often in Sonar and the type of video file is critical for smooth or slow playback. Try converting your video to a different format or 2 and see if it works smoother. Also, you may want to reduce the size of the video file while you are editing and then reinsert the bigger video (more pixels, higher quality) when you do your final output render. I use a very affordable and easy to use program called "Movavi Suite" and find converting to 'Video for PowerPoint' always makes the video play smoother in Sonar. Movavi offers a free trial and it goes for under $100 (I used a coupon and got mine for about $35 5 years ago or so). It also includes a decent video editor, a very nice screen capture program, and a slide show creator and other decent video programs. Give it a try!
  13. Maybe another program on your computer is causing problems. For instance, I recently installed the trial version of Vegas Pro 17 (a popular video editing program formally of SONY ownership). After installing it, Sonar by Bandlab crashed repeatedly so I uninstalled it and Sonar works very quickly and smoothly again. I may try Vegas Pro 17 again, after they work out lots of issues such as most of the new features they included don't work, lol! Typical new release.
  14. I think I got it right after experimenting with some changes in the Recording Mode (see pic below for the set-up that's working well). In the "Recording Mode" I set it to "Comping" which I had before, then "Auto-Punch" stayed the same for the time region I wanted, but in "Loop Recording" I selected 'Store Takes In A Single Track' and under "Lanes" I left both options "unchecked"; before I had selected both of them and it was creating a whole new track upon each loop instead of a "Take" of the 1st track. Now the editing seems to be working and I can get the separate clips to drag together into a new blank audio track I insert at the bottom of all the take lanes using CNTRL + SHIFT. I guess "Tracks" and "Takes Lanes" are different enough that they don't behave the same although they look very similar. Thanx for all the help!
  15. Here's the new tutorial video I'm referring to which doesn't work for me. It's the 5th video. Anybody getting it to work? EXAMPLE: Dragging clips from multiple lanes to blank space below all tracks in the Clips pane will automatically create a new track with the copied lanes
  16. OK, just watched that video from Sonar X3 and remember using it a few years back just like in the video but it certainly doesn't even look the same anymore. My mouse arrow never converts to that I-beam looking bar with several horizontal lines stacked next to it. Hmmm? Gotta find that newer video I guess?
  17. Unfortunately, bounce to track hasn't worked for me. It seems to choose only the highest track/clip and render it to the new track, all the other clips are flat-lining. Been using Cakewalk for decades. Maybe there's a bug? Gonna try and get thru the video above and see if I'm doing something wrong.
  18. "Cntrl + Shift" then drag, I tried that and now at least the timing stays in sync when I drag. Thanx. I guess that's what I'll do but I thought Cakewalk had figured out a way to simply highlight each clip you wanted and then enter a "command" of a few keystrokes that would put all the chosen clips into a new track perfectly in sync and then you just have to 'bounce to clips' to glue them together. Maybe in a future update?
  19. Thanx for the response but I like to keep my often huge screen of trax tidy. I see some demo's on this board on how to achieve my goal but they don't work for me.
  20. How can I combine the best takes into 1 track, then delete the other tracks I'm not using? I'm recording about 4 small length loop recordings of vocals, bar by bar, assigning them to their own track, and then I choose the best take of each bar. So I end up with lots of take lanes. Is there a quick and "in-sync" way of dragging my chosen clips simultaneously to one track and then deleting all of the other unused tracks to tidy things up? Right now when I choose individual clips and drag them to the bottom, I just end up with new tracks rather than all of them placed into one track.
  21. I think I tried getting those pre-programmed grooves out of my old Yamaha PS?? (which I still have somewhere collecting dust). Maybe I'll give it a try again and see if I can do better this time since I know way more about MIDI now than I did in the very early days.
  22. Scook can you detail the steps as to how you do the connection? Thanx, Frederick
  23. Thanx ZincT. Trying out Chordpulse right now and it's just about perfect and CHEAP ($29 US)! I'll look at the others too but this greatly removes writer's cramp as I tend to write/create way too many songs that sound alike. This gives me almost instant new ideas for grooves. Thanx Again, Frederick
  24. Hi, Long time Cakewalk user here and owner of BIAB from around 2010? I was wondering if there were similar types of song creation software like BIAB out there? Ideally something similar to my old Yamaha keyboard where you could pick a "style", play one note and it would give you full multi-instrument accompaniment along with beginnings, endings, bridges, etc. and I assume in MIDI format. But you couldn't extract the midi, it was locked into the brain and totally unavailable for tweaking in CW. I like BIAB, but at the time they offered little to no club dance styles, hip hop, or "urban" styles. Their styles seemed focused way too many bluegrass and country grooves. Not vey diverse at all. Maybe they added some more urban sounds but I'm hoping there is a MIDI program that can do it all as BIAB seemed focused on actual audio trax. Anybody tried BANDORA which seems like the reinvention of JAMMER (which I own and totally forgot about)? Thanx, Frederick
  25. Thanx for the info msmcloud. Hmm... I finally got the "Assistant" to update itself which always seemed to hang at about 95% complete when it was trying to load, and then Assistant supposedly updated Sonar to aka 2019.03 (Build 20) and now Mix Recall "tries" to work. Unfortunately, it crashes every time I try to change the scene. On it's way to closing down the Sonar program an error pop-up tells me that it doesn't like my new Fab Filter plugins. Hmm...Always something! PS I don't see build "27" anywhere.
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