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Posts posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. 56 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

    i think the drum map might actually benefit with some improvements as not all VSTi have built-in mapping features for the MIDI note assignments. another preference would be to not call it a "drum map" but rather an instrument map or MIDI matrix etc to better define it's function - mapping one set of MIDI notes to another set of MIDI notes and assign it to an instrument or better yet, available to multiple MIDI driven instruments 🙂 

    Yes, exactly this.

    Back in the days before we had articulation maps, I used Drum maps extensively to map out orchestral articulations - one for each instrument

    It was a monumental undertaking but it worked! I had the drum map above the note pane so I could change artics in context with the note being played

  2. 3 hours ago, HappyRon Hill said:

    Thanks. I have always been a bit confused about this. 


    Just to elaborate a bit, you should be setting your gains according to the signal level coming into Sonar. Adjust each track so that the highest peak on the track is between -9dB & -12dB. This is with your track fader set at 0dB. (This process is known as gain staging)

    Once this is done, don't move the gain control again! If you do, you'll be affecting the amount of signal being "seen" by your compressors & other dynamic type plugins, so if their input level changes, you'll have to revisit all your threshold settings, which in turn could mean you have to change the ratio & makeup gain.

    Set and forget.

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  3. Very few systems outside of the DAW world will play at 32 bit.

    But it makes sense to export at the highest rate possible if you intend to do further processing on the track and import it back into Cakewalk.


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  4. 1 hour ago, gmp said:

    Mettelus can you explain what you mean by

    simple junction to point to my Multisamples directory on another drive

    I'm not able to point to my sample drive. I wonder if this is a regedit thing

    To create and remove a symbolic link named MyFolder from the root directory to the \Users\User1\Documents directory, and a hard link named Myfile.file to the example.file file located within the directory, type:

    mklink /d \MyFolder \Users\User1\Documents

    mklink /h \MyFile.file \User1\Documents\example.file

    rd \MyFolder

    del \MyFile.file

  5. 45 minutes ago, Green Needle said:

    No, it has been the same across a couple computers, They are big projects is all, some live shows, some sessions with multiple songs.

    I have a few monster projects. Four or five full orchestra mockups with 135 tracks each, a couple of album projects which run to nearly 2 hours.

    Admittedly, plugin counts on these is pretty low, but saving is nearly instantaneous.

    I have many other projects of 60/70 tracks with multiple busses & plugins and save times are similar.

    Like @Glenn Stanton said above - where are the files stored on your system(s)

  6. 10 hours ago, Green Needle said:

    What's the difference in speed? They seem the same to me, the regular save and the autosave are equally painfully slow.

    Also when i uninstalled the New Sonar demo it uninstalled some old plugins with it like channel tools.

    If saving is as slow as you say, using either method, then this indicates to me there is something fundamentally wrong with your system.

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