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Carlos Iglesias

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Everything posted by Carlos Iglesias

  1. This is great news and if prices were lowered they would be the perfect company
  2. I already had it, they could give us another one.
  3. At 199 I think about it, they are predictable ...
  4. Yes, that's what I was thinking about, drop my perpetual licenses and switch to subscription. I'll keep what I have until it stops working. I don't even think about updating to the new versions.
  5. New version of this excellent synthesizer and best of all, it's free. https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/changelog/#changes-in-version-190
  6. BFD launches new website with 3.4 software update, new user portal, and expansion pack offer. https://www.bfddrums.com/
  7. And what are the new features of version 6? I only see version 5. Magix as always.
  8. UVI Spring Sale 2021: Save up to 50% on virtual instruments and plugins UVI
  9. What a surprise, first Izotope subscription and now this. I don't like that Francisco.
  10. Waves are geniuses to make people pay continuously for the same plugins and the funny thing is that many people pay for it.
  11. Callybeat has released a free synthesizer instrument geared towards 808 kicks and deep bass sounds. Callybeat Enjoy the music
  12. They could already do the same with Samplitude
  13. Subscription, subscription this is turning into disgusting. I refuse to subscribe.
  14. A download assistant that does not show your product updates.
  15. Let's look at what happened to Sonar when it was owned by Gibson, they also sold us the bike of how wonderful the subscriptions were.
  16. If they take the subscription model in the future, here's one that says goodbye Native.
  17. I did not get the download link, it was a free plugin, it was not necessary to enter the PayPal data.It seems that the page does not exist.
  18. Independence Pro Suite Plus Platinum + Deluxe They could change the gui instead of continually selling the same thing.
  19. New version of Sitala arrives with many interesting news. https://decomposer.de/sitala/
  20. I've been trying to download it since yesterday and it's impossible, with ridiculous speed. They bought the servers at Toys "R" Us.
  21. I know, but when I'm inside the IAC and I download the executable, the IAC downloads the Mac version, not the Windows version. They must have a bug.
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