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Michael Richards

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Everything posted by Michael Richards

  1. It really is ridiculous how quickly replies and remarks are taken to the nth degree. It is difficult enough that the president behaves in this bully manner, but this is a forum where people help one another. Honestly, write your remark and then wait a few hours before sending it. Maybe, just maybe at that point you might see that it is a bit offensive. We don’t become better people, musicians, and nor do we become smarter by acting this way. We just look bitter.
  2. I tried these settings. They didn’t work. But, thank you. I have not changed these millisecond buffers in 10 years. Until recently (the last one or two updates) I’ve never experienced this issue.
  3. Happy new year. I have been having issues I never had before (and I started with the floppy disks). I am using the latest update, Most of them are midi related. I have a Roland XV-5050 connected and usually the first note does not play. I've changed the time when it appears (for example 01:01:010) and sometimes it plays the note, sometimes not. Even if I loop a few measures that note doesn't play. This is where things get confusing. If I get the note to play, other random notes don't sound. I even have this issue with DimPro. Another problem: say I have some tracks playing 12 measures. If I stop the playback and then start it anywhere in those 12 measures, many times several tracks (audio and midi) will not play at all. If I try to replicate that issue I have little success. Yet, it an hour's work it will happen anywhere between 1 and 10 times. Did something new come along in the last 2 updates? I am running an old Win 7 system with an Edirol FA-101 Firewire interface. Usually, it is rock solid and takes over 40 tracks, half of them vst synths, without a problem. But lately, strange things have been happening. If anybody has experienced these types of issues, please let me know. M.
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