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Everything posted by fitzroy

  1. You gotta' love these discounts ? I hear Waves V13 will allow you to resize the plugins without the UI going fuzzy, which will push them into uber-premium realm, at $10,000 per plugin. But then they'll just give them away, for a symbolic donation of 0.2999% of retail price.
  2. I'm considering that option as well to replace my Motu interface, which is superior in several areas to the Axe I/O, but is not guitar centered and, most importantly, is Firewire, which kills portability/flexibility. I'm no fan of IK in general, or their occasional tendencies to screw over their customer base, but come on, what issues are you thinking of? I think it's highly unlikely there'll be any. I mean, imagine getting the Axe I/O + AT5 bundle, finding out they don't work well together, contacting support and being pointed to a paragraph in the small print that basically says... just because we sell them as a bundle doesn't mean they're supposed to work together.
  3. I hope you're wrong, too. It's only going to push things forward for everyone else if they got it right, so it's a win-win, whether one likes Amplitube or not. I completely agree on S-Gear and Neural DSP. As for Amplitube 5, it will be interesting to see what the new cab section brings to the table. I'm using the Fender collections with Ownhammer IR's, and to my ears the result is significantly better than going through Amplitube 4 cabs. So there's considerable room for improvement there. Let's hope your $80 will go a long way.
  4. I bet they'll have a nice sale for the 3-pack EZX, like last year, and hopefully it will include the newly released ones as well.
  5. fitzroy

    JRR Shop

    I wonder if they every really recovered their database after that big crash. Only my more recent orders show up, the SQL query fails if I want to see all my orders.
  6. I think it’s no secret that I don’t like IK as a company, nor much of their business model, nor their reps. I wouldn’t comment on this topic, but I do because it’s you, and well, you ARE the king and I need you to be happy; heck, BF is around the corner ? I'm not sure I get why you're so upset. Let’s see: Amplitube 5 isn’t even out yet Amplitube 4 is a decent product, in an ever more crowded market of decent amp sims; most people who like it (and I like some of it) think it’s up there with other good choices, nothing more, nothing less IK’s product line comes up for sale often enough at heavily discounted prices, as you know better than anyone here IK’s business model (somewhat similar to other larger companies) heavily favors bringing in new customers over rewarding loyalty; this is reflected in often mediocre upgrade/crossgrade offers compared to buying into the system (or picking up only the stuff you like during sales); this is even more evident when you consider what second-hand licenses routinely go for, despite the license transfer fee. Add up the above and, if the current offer offends you, it seems an easy choice to just wait. Wait until it’s released, try it out, see if it’s worth the hype, decide what you like and what you don’t like about it, figure out what it’s worth to you, buy, pass, or wait for a sale.
  7. Dirk (PA), coming across your post while browsing the forums and reading about people willing to pay $$$ for the new Amplitube before it's even released.
  8. The Focusrite SC might be what you're looking for - it's quite transparent and 'clean'. The new(er) SSL 9000 J messes with the highs less than the 4000 SSLs, but you might still prefer the Focusrite.
  9. If you buy two 'used' licenses, you can then use your monthly $25 voucher to register them for a total of $7 + tax, so about $4 per plugin.
  10. Check out KVR's buy and sell section, too, if you're after the UA (or, in general, PA) stuff. As it happens, I bought Triad and Lion there cheap (as cheap or cheaper than you could buy them from PA during a sale AND a voucher on top).
  11. The one that sounds best to you, no doubt. But if the question relates strictly to Neural DSP, demo Nolly, it's got quite a wide tonal range in that area.
  12. Same here. If the 20% loyalty voucher would work on top of the discount code, I would buy it just for the wah. For 75 EUR, I should probably just work out my foot on my 535Q. I wonder if they're going to sell effects/modules separately in the future.
  13. That wah is sweet (as opposed to the gimmicky shimmerverb). I've activated my trial extension (nice of them to do that for 14 days), and demo-ed this again, thinking I'd buy it. Now I'm not sure I will. It just doesn't add that much to Plini, and there's overlap in tones. But that wah... damn. It's like 75% of its appeal. Might alone be worth the price of admission.
  14. Is that based on previous purchases from them?
  15. Some of these site templates are so similar. Unless they're best buddies with 8Dio.
  16. fitzroy

    PSP L’otary2 $20

    Anyone have this AND Eventide's Undulator? Similar? Completely different? Dumb question?
  17. There are some nice ongoing Beatskillz deals. I bought Maharaja 1 & 2 for something like $15 (total) on JRR.
  18. Absolutely. It's been sitting in my NowTheseYou'reDefinitelySupposedToBeUsing folder ever since I demo-ed it, liked it, and bought it.
  19. You could just get another license. You'd have no problem selling it on kvr once the sale is over for $20.02. At decimal points no one could accuse you of profiteering, but you'd tilt the balance one penny on the side of happy.
  20. I wonder how this compares with the Rebelle bundle they had on sale a while ago. I bought that one for my girlfriend who keeps saying she likes/wants to draw but never does. If this is an even better deal, it might be worth getting just to push her further down that guilt trip. Heck, this might even get me Falcon for my upcoming birthday, if I play my cards right.
  21. You mean keep typing it in randomly, hoping that it would magically work, even without a sale announced? That's just wong in so many ways.
  22. I'd probably get it at 50% off as well. Maybe they'll have a group buy like last year. Oh, and why is this in the 'Deals' section? It's not even an upgrade.
  23. Damn, I'm getting there. Is that by calendar year (did you get your first $50 voucher in January)? I agree, at least you should have the choice of whether you want a $25 or a $50 voucher. I was just saying that I think you'd be able to exchange it on kvr for the $25 voucher, since the $50 is more useful for the newer plugins (say, you want Knifonium now) and there's plenty of people hunting for the latest stuff. Sure, it would be harder to do during one of the sales where the $25 voucher would be more useful, and it's a hassle, but... yeah. If $300 over the last year is the threshold - I'm practically there, but I also feel I'm slowing down. Not really hunting for a lot of other PA plugins - I still want a few, but I'd only get them on really good sales (I didn't get anything for $29.99 the previous round of sales). I'm quite happy with the plugins I bought from them. On that note, I picked up SpecOps now.
  24. Is there a known spending threshold beyond which you get the $50 voucher, instead of the $25 one? Or is it one of those dark secrets that everyone's just trying to guess? Just so I know when to pause buying their stuff ?. Also, can't you just exchange your $50 voucher for a $25 one? There seems to be some interest in them on KVR, so it might not all be hopeless.
  25. It's true. But there's nothing preventing you from loading individual plugins by loading only that one plugin into the empty rack. As I was posting above, the CPU hit/difference is negligible. The workflow is a bit different, that's all.
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