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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^ This! Listen with your ears and not your eyes.
  2. And I gave a legitimate answer. Play in time. That's not disrespectful. Man, you would have had a rough time with my guitar teacher, that's for sure....
  3. The only one I 've really had trouble with is the post office. I can't remember what it is called but there is some thing where one carrier brings the package from it's origin and the post office makes the final delivery. I've seen UPS get something all the way across the country in two days and then the post office sat on it for TWO WEEKS
  4. With the pocket knife I carry all the time....
  5. That sounds pretty stupid. I have never heard of anyone doing that; people just send the files back and forth.
  6. Rapture. But definitely not in the eschatological sense.
  7. https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/pc-optimization-guide-for-windows-10/
  8. That is Blasphemy against the Holy Elixir!
  9. You need bass traps - real bass traps and not chunks of foam masquerading as bass traps - before you need room correction software.
  10. Thunderstorms most of the day so we really couldn't tell the difference.
  11. It is a paid product, not a freebie. I would contact the developers for both CW and the plugin.
  12. Yet more reasons why Linux is not ready for prime time.
  13. I think it is best explained with an example: Kick drum and bass often fight for the same space in the mix, making it hard to hear either one clearly. So when mixing you decide which one you want to be more prominent in, say, the lower end and eq appropriately then you basically mirror that in the other part. If you boost 80 Hz and cut 100 Hz on the kick, you would then do the opposite on the bass. This gives each instrument it's own space.
  14. I slept in my Dead Kennedys shirt while on Holiday in Cambodia. I Turned into a Martian last time I slept in my Misfits shirt.
  15. Slept in my Arch Enemy shirt and when I woke up I knew that Yesterday is Dead and Gone. Slept in my Dokken shirt and woke up Alone Again.
  16. Slept in my Doors t shirt and woke up at the End. Slept in my Megadeth shirt and woke up in Hangar 18. Slept in my Black Sabbath shirt and woke up in a Wicked World.
  17. Why in God's name do you have so many plugins on one track? Just the thumbnail on this video says it all:
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