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Everything posted by ZokZTM

  1. Did he say... Thorn is good ?
  2. Absolutely! Agreed 100% great sounding synth!
  3. Both have uses in music production, but Windows operating system (be it on the PC or on the Mac hardware) is better for music production if over 96kHz sampling rate is desired. This is due to the sample buffer capped @ 2048 samples on the Mac OSX operating system. Personally I use Mac for composing / arranging @ 96kHz 64 bit float (Cubase Pro @ 2048 buffer at mixing) and PC with Windows for Mix capture and mastering (@ 384 or 192 kHz with buffers up to 16384 / 8192 respectively). And MacBook Pro M1 Pro is a beast for Davinci Resolve 17.4.3 and Monterey OSX
  4. I avoid in the DAW summing by a big margin! The hardware summing always sounds better to me?
  5. PM me ... first comes first served
  6. Hi Lee, If starting out there's a lot to be said for the Orchestrator itself. Depending on your orchestration knowledge-level you can possibly learn a great deal from it if you are a beginner even more so. I would also consider conposercloud plus subscription especially if you qualify for the educational discount!
  7. ZokZTM

    8dio.com hacked

    Bravo! Was just talking about it with my spouse! Brilliantly put and well done!
  8. ... that may well be the case... still sonnox plugs from those days are still very good and respected!
  9. I remember using DUY plugins in the studio in the late nineties (Shape and DaD Tape) they sounded good and were one of the first guys on the block. Digital was hype, so that might explain (not justify) their hyped-up prices... These days even 96 bucks for a Tape sim is a hard call - due to the vast competition. I also do wonder how does the DUY stuff compare sound wise to the other players...
  10. This one looks interesting... anyone tried it out? How does it compare to Tantra 2 and Cable guys shape?
  11. Great thanks!... strange though as Lindell as developer is really on par with Softube...
  12. Thanks Zo, was thinking about it, but not interested now... UAD and Acustica Pink will suffice...
  13. I think so Walter, but I would quickly demo it just to be sure it is something you actually need and will use ?. Neold stuff sounds great the 76 and Big Al... use it all the time here
  14. was thinking the same @Zo.. Nice tool this Warble but still bit pricey, although I love all Neold stuff so far!
  15. Funny I was just thinking about it.... was driving 4 hours through blizzard today and was just defrosting the car after journey... it was scary and was thinking about de-icer.... or de-froster ?
  16. Hi Bapu, do you have a generic PA $25 voucher? Cheers!
  17. Thanks for the insights e-cue! Appreciate it! Re psychopath: Do yourself a favour and capture your mix at 384kHz - 64 bit float and then whatever you do normally, (presume 48kHz 24 bit (?). Then do Mastering @ 384k and 48k... then convert that final master to the final delivery format.... Then call back and call me psychopath ? This is how I work in mixing where tracking out the stems through my analog gear and analog summing is a part of a workflow. With few additional precautions, nothing comes closer than this to the analog sound. 384k (and 192k which I sometimes master at if I need UAD plugins) give you resolution, it is as simple as this... same as in video production when you capture at 4k, 6k 8k you get better detail... same is true for the audio world! Love from Finlandia
  18. Thanx for the insights e-cue! Did you perhaps try it in a mastering? How transparent is it? Does it work at 384kHz? I'm away from my worstation for a few days, just curious... cheers ?
  19. Thanks Larsy for everything you have done for us in this CW community in the past years! Happy New plugin Year 20'22 gals and guys! Stay Finspired! Love Zok
  20. Humble shameless Self plug: Uncivilised G'rooves 6 months in making 21 years fermenting, then finally remastered and re-released all for tad under 34 benjis.?? Sorry guys couldn't resist?
  21. Healthy and Finspiring New Year 20'22 to all of the CW family! Love from Finlandia!
  22. Here's an interview I did for the SynaMax about the Uncivilised G'rooves award winning sampling library and some other stuff Wishing you all a Finspiring year 20'22! Love from Finlandia
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