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Everything posted by ZokZTM

  1. Fidler Stage is good Fleer... I'm also eying TE-100 Eq or UA G8.
  2. Originally sampled as a quartet, the legendary tone of Native’s solo STRADIVARI VIOLIN will be followed by the CREMONA QUARTET release in autumn of 2020.
  3. Could not agree more. I've chosen Amethyst due to the personal experiences with Amek Angela and Tac Matchless analog consoles. Lime was my favourite Neve, hence the recommendation above (didn't try Navy). Lime Eq was great and comp (one of the compressors. can't remember B or C) was very useful.
  4. Maybe Lime instead?... More refreshing ?
  5. Until you're on holidays! Definitely ask your spouse first, he/she just might change your mind, swing it to the (only one possible) right direction!
  6. @cclarry @Fleer @Zo @Piotr and everyone else... Is this doable. Great idea if we could organise some kind of live chat group? Any thought, suggestions on how to go about it?
  7. And have no fun what so ever, or lovely discussions with the super nice gals and chaps here... ?
  8. Love Pink, Ruby use them all the time... never got any Neve stuff from AA. From What I remembered Lime was my favourite of their Neve's. Didn't try Navy.
  9. @Piotr exactly... both are true ?. However keep in mind it is great to have different ''colours'' at your disposal, but not to the point of being overcrowded with the choices and lost in it. I go like this: Buy few at the time to fulfil my appetite, spin them up thoroughly and learn them properly, and later on if I still find that I miss on something (realistically not just 'cause of GAS!)... I get me some more. This time around it was time for Ivory 4 and Bronze2. Stopped there!
  10. Well, there you go! I didn't notice anything as I'm @96kHz. Do you own N4? Try loading up the Acqua plugins (their N4 versions) inside the N4. It sounds better, it has it's own SR converter inside and additional buffer settings (the reason why they are sounding better than Acqua). I don't own Navy, AA comps are hit or miss. We touched on this subject a bit here.
  11. Is that so... Can't believe it. Talking about inconsistency !
  12. Thanks Larry! Good plan! Thanks Hidden Symmetry! Yes same kind of here... I do occasionally use Sand and Water comp but so that I don't even see the needle move, tiny bit only. They are really inconsistent, but higher the Sampling rate better they sound ?
  13. @Carlos... Carlos, did you spin it up? Thoughts...
  14. Yes, this has been confirmed. Original hardware sounds great! @cclarry @Hidden Symmetry... and everyone else! Have you tried it? Have no time to try until in a few days... Any good?
  15. Ah yes, I've heard that Reaper is ''probably'' the best in handling and distributing the load on DSP (sorry CPU) hungry plugins!
  16. @Carlos PC or Mac? channel insert or Group/Bus insert? What Daw?
  17. Likewise! However Acquas are really ''good enough'' compared to N4 custom stuff, as Hidden Symmetry stated above. Some compressors in Acqua (Ultramarine, Sand, Pink) are getting really good, but usually Native stuff and UAD for comps is the way to go. Preamps although useful in Acqua, get used not so often, exception being Cream & Water pres. Workflow is a buzz killer. Another thing just came to my mind: Italian's know how to design the visually appealing stuff. Acquas look apart and that ''fortunately'' goes in line with the sound quality. However, still laughing about when I had a Ferrari here in the studio for a video shot. We drove around (slowly) get some shots and then brought it inside the studio. Shot it for about 2 hours, had the lights on on that beauty so to capture the ''great looks''. It was a red one. Amazing car. Well towards the end of the shoot, battery ran out on the car. The dealer (client) came to pick the car up, charged the battery... nada.. new battery... nada. Huge electrical error! All got totally bonkers. They towed it away from the studio. I've heard later on that they had to tow the car to the main Ferrari dealership in Helsinki (we live cca 300 km away) and got it fixed. The cost of fixing was over 3000€. Still can't believe it... it feels almost same with those Acquas, when they work... boy what a pleasure... And the looks ?
  18. Quick update... N4 Repository now works... and I can see the N4 versions of my Acqua plugins again. If anyone ever gets this problem of loosing N4 Repository please follow this steps: go to N4's ''Settings'' > Engine MAST page (Basic) > set the ''SCAN BOOT'' to 1 recovery
  19. N4 brings lots of interesting possibilities to the table. You can load (the N4) version of your Acqua plugins within N4. This opens up the ability to create your ''setups'' - like presets from multiple sources etc. Also N4 give additional DSP buffer size option (in addition to your DAW). N4 has it's own S/R conversion and it will run properly at 384kHz as well (for those demanding mastering sessions :-). Also 3rd party N4 libraries are indeed great. Tim Petherick in particular. Apparently N4 Acquas versions loaded inside of N4 will for all those reasons sound ''better'' than their Acqua counterparts. Haven't tested this myself but trust the source very much (mastering engineer). For those who are considering purchasing Acustica Audio's stuff. Please test the workflow properly before parting with the cash. Especially if you're on the Mac. There you might look at the Modula lite purchase to come to the rescue. Also on the PC, do your testing guys - first. As the plugins look great (and sound very nice for the most part) temptation to purchase is indeed very high, BUT stability can be an issue, also CPU tax has to be taken into account. I use them less and less in the sessions as they were not worth the trouble. I'm primarily on the Mac. Got the Windows PC server setup just to try to run those Acustica plugs I've got. So, installed some Acustica stuff on the brand new PC, and it isn't really a smooth sailing. N4 lost it's Repositories the very first day... still can get it to work. Just my two pennies
  20. or did someone actually calculated the real age of the tree trunk in question?
  21. Exactly! I have other reasons why I run at 96kHz. + 50% cpu power is a great way to think about upgrade as long as you aren't on the Mac... which I am. But then I add on to it with the PC server for an additional power. A good compromise of sort.
  22. @Mesh @cclarry Are you guys familiar with this Swedish boys? Dirty Loops Hit me
  23. Indeed... ''How do you stop'' and ''Living in America'' I'm familiar with as well as the ''Gravity''. We used to kill ourselves dancin' to this stuff in the days :-). Prince, The Time, Tower Of Power, JB, Quincey Jones, Chaka Khan, Kool & the Gang... Boy those were the days...
  24. That's what I call Funky! ... big fan
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