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Everything posted by ZokZTM

  1. So that would mean Zero G is out... that was my own sampling library release first distributor ever! Ahh.. they are still up and seem in operation
  2. It rings the bell... care to remind us ?
  3. I was just sending my heart to Fleer by saying he preferred T+S. but when I think properly without the current emotions regarding the situation, yes I think Larsy is kina right here... they both had their good and bad sides...
  4. Zero G uk is still operating. I don't know how deeply they were connected these days but I believe they were like a sister company to each other back in 2000. Anyone knows more about their connections (T+S and Zero G) Webpages seem to use same base... seemed to...
  5. Thanks guys for all the years, well over 20! Your customer and artist support was one of the best and friendliest! Also thanks for being the distributor and believed in my early work back in the days! All the best to you all for the future wherever that might lead you to! You should be proud of yourself what you have achieved! Love from Finlandia!
  6. So true was thinking exactly the same. Past 4 years spent more than 250 usd per year, but at least I own them?. They are mine, no one else's, just mine!? Btw, Shimmer Shake is great!
  7. Only one worth the attention in this bundle is VSM-3 I could see someone using the Dynamic EQ from the bundle if you don't have that type of eq. Personally I demoed it few years back and passed.
  8. Sound and reaction of the compressor and compression sculpting capabilities which makes very useful comp envelope
  9. Yes I use magnifying glass with it a lot.
  10. You know you want this Fleer??. It's worth much more than a few ducks!
  11. Absolutely correct! It is a great compressor... great!
  12. @Zo ok did quick run trough lofi dreams expansion presets. In all honesty nothing outstanding, some cool stuff, few nice noises, some ok piano and guitar, some interesting basses, drums, overall 3 out of 5... definitely worth the money if one is getting it @ 50% off. Would I buy it for a full price... probably not.
  13. Thanks, will do! Yes you're right, some great sounds in the Omnisphere... need to get more into it!
  14. Will try lofi tomorrow and let you know. Tried quickly Subculture Orchestral & Cinematic Shades, both well worth the price... good buy. Btw for some reason I have a huge problem with Omnisphere, it sounds so familiar all the time like those Romplers... Roland D50, Korg M1 etc... So the expansions could be worth looking into... Didn't use the Omnisphere at all as much as I've originally anticipated. Even consider selling it.
  15. Don't understand all the hate. I love my Albion III Iceni! Bought it few years ago. Spitfire Audio is who they are... but doesn't stop me enjoy using their products.
  16. @Zo I got Pulsar, LoFi Dreams, Subculture Orchestral, Cinematic Shades. I see it like this... Lots of tweaking possibilities within Falcon and fast inspiration while writing -arranging. Will come very handy. Thanks for the insights, will check your video! Btw the problem with UVI's web page for us was due to being VAT registered. This is what their support wrote to me today, after the expiration of the offer: Thanks for reaching out, Since your UVI account is tax-exempted our website is unable to process the offer correctly, sorry for the inconvenience. I invite you to purchase one expansion and keep us posted, we will then generate and send you a voucher code for the second expansion. I look forward to hearing from you. All the best from Paris, Support Team
  17. Zo, same here, the 50% or buy one get one free didn't work on UVI as soon as I logged in... had to purchase it on Audiodeluxe as the time was running out. For me, there were at least 4 expansions worth having, like really worth. Falcon is one of the best software samlers-synths out there. But that truly depends what type of music you produce.
  18. Absolutely!!! Again very inspiring tool. Put it on anything mix it in with taste. See if it works, if not move on.
  19. Ease of use of RC-20 is a total no brainer for this price... Trash2 is different. This is a fast gratification type of plugin and it sounds great imho. Instant inspiration.
  20. Exactly what Tapsa said! NOVO is also great inspiration tool for kicking of writing ideas.
  21. @Paul Young it is truly a great plugin! Put it into the ''starving'' mode and easy on the other knobs... mix in with the mix knob (for me usually around 40-60% parallel mix)... it sings!
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