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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks Noel. That’s good to know. Logging into forum suffice? Does launching CbB while online qualify as logging in or must BA be run to create the login?
  2. Ah... That last one finally nailed it down for me. Thanks. I’m not particularly active on the social sites theses days though I have presence pretty much everywhere. So this will be mostly un-noticed for me. If our machines remain online, might they one day automatically re-authenticate? Thinking again that wouldn’t change anything. The issue is not so much for me but for other systems with unusual situations.
  3. Thanks Mark... I'm trying to grasp how to his works. So now that I've installed the update, is it working? I saw some complicated process to determine if it is working but lost it. Does this alter my need to periodically re-authenticate CbC? Why would logging into Facebook have anything to do with Cake?
  4. Could anyone provide me with a bit of explanation about SSO? Purpose? How does it work? How is it controlled? How/Does it relate to periodic CbB re-authorizations?
  5. I've only installed CS here but it found all my earlier gear and everything is working great right "out of the box" Just spent my first hour oblivious to the world learning my way around. I have 3 and 4 and found I usually used 3? Now it will be 5. Gonna take some getting used to the tuner though... ????
  6. Ok. This fixed it. Very CPU hungry. I normally run with a 2.7 ms latency forced to up that to over 14ms to run clean. This is a reasonably powerful machine. Mac Pro dual Xeon for a total 16 cores with 64G RAM...? Interesting. It changes rooms very quickly and clean. My first listens were only for a drum kit so it will require more exploration to test the personal fit. Strange looking interface controls?
  7. Not only difficult to download, but a bit confusing to download and install to me. It looks interesting, but I get distortion with it no matter what I've tried. Hmmm. Just thought to try increasing the latency. I forgot that.
  8. One would think that after all the books, stories, etc. of issues with machine control limitations, the creatirs of these commercial products would take such in consideration. A simple over-ride on power outtages? Shame on you corporate semi-humans...
  9. I agree on all counts.? I simply post reminders of this topic whenever I get bugged enough... ? I don’t use or need the articulation maps at the moment. I haven’t had much need and always found ways to deal with it, but I see the value and glad to have the feature. Personally I was pleased with the disable button for display muted clips. Arranger tracks I don’t need as I find it simple to do this with the other tools available, but again... good feature to have available.
  10. Thanks Tim... I'm always surprised that more people aren't disturbed by this as it's such a constant in-your-face kinda thing.
  11. Thanks Murat... An interesting approach/work around. Still too fidgety to satisfy me. There was a time with Layers where it was as simple as zooming tracks with Lanes not visible. WYSIWYG... i should get a full screen-area display of the area I select in respective zoom. This must be very difficult to implement as it’s been a topic since day 1 of silverlight and Lanes. My associated discomfort with the parent track imaging is another issue. I don't want to see the parent track promoted clip images while editing Lanes. I find it very uncomfortable for my eye always getting confused. I wish they would simply add a switch to enable/disable such. I can easily see my selected clips by highlight/dim status.
  12. Yeah, yeah, yeah... It's me again. With one of my classic issues... Zooming Multiple Tracks With Lanes If I zoom-select two or more tracks Instead of getting both tracks with their respective lanes within the zoom, I get a zoom of only one Parent track track without any lanes let alone the second track included in the zoom. Where is the logic for this? When I do this to a single track with lanes displayed, it gives me a zoom of a large parent track and minimized lanes. While I'm not happy with this behavior at least I see the logic. We could really use some more attention to these issues. This has been an issue since the introduction of Lanes. It has been addressed a tiny bit long ago, but is forever an in-my-face issue without resolve. I spend far too much time twiddling with lasso'd zooms to get what was once following my choices.
  13. Thanks Bakers and Bandlabers! You continue to advance, refine and improve on such a great device. My thanks once again! Something came to mind about re-authorizations and I thought to ask. Now that update and authorization are available within Cakewalk itself. Will an online machine automatically re-authorize if we continue to regularly use the program? Might this give you what you wish and remove regular users the involvement with re-authorizing? Thanks again!
  14. Ahhh... Thanks guys. ...with no replies I was beginning to feel as though it might be something here, but now with EA3 this appears to be fixed.
  15. Twice now I posted at the close of thread and received no response to the post. when attempting to edit volume envelope on parent track (not lane or envelope lane) Switching edit filter to volume makes wav file images disappear with display muted clips unselected. defeats my reason for editing there.
  16. OK... This is still a new issue. Both EA1 and EA2 are the same in this. If I have all lanes and Envelope lanes closed and via the edit filter select volume, The wav images (parent track) disappear. This should not happen... Should it?
  17. Thanks, but it’s not that issue. The image files are intact. If I switch the edit filter to clips I see the images. This happens when I change the edit filter to volume intending to draw envelopes on top of images in parent track with all lanes/envelope lanes closed. I believe this is related to the hide muted clips option somehow.
  18. Still on EA1 I can no longer see wav forms while editing envelopes on top of the parent track (not envelope lane). This isn't good as it is interpreting not to display because the clip is muted (which it is not)? Ooops...
  19. Funny how our workflows vary. I am thrilled to be able to turn them off. Though I was happy with Layers, I've since adjusted to Lanes as they periodically get updated to clear up some issues. This parent track image has been and is still an issue for me. When editing a single track with lanes displayed is mostly ok, editing with two or more tracks displaying lanes has many issues and cause me of lot of constant minutiae to deal with. This issue hiding the muted clips from the parent track addresses my other side (when lanes are not displayed) Now if we could simply get an option to not display the parent track images while Lanes are displayed! ?
  20. Thanks Promidi... OK, I think I got it. I have many such and have always accessed them other ways. Good example is my guitar controller being able to map different sounds to picking zones and ranges of a string by frets. I'll toss the idea around in my head and see if I can understand how this method relates for me.
  21. Is There an explanation of typical uses for midi articulations? Is it something I've never done before or simply another way of using something I already do? Thanks.
  22. I don't yet know about any of the other features but I'm grateful for the do not display muted clips option in track. A Good step in that direction. ...now to add an option to hide ALL clips from track while lanes are displayed! That will Really make my day!
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