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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks James... I'll check these out too!
  2. Thanks again scook! Didn't think to go that route. Oops. I forgot. I was really looking for any info that might explain why the selected the default map they have is what it is. I do know I can remap, but I’m looking to see if there’s some benefit/reason to their default choices.
  3. Yeah... Feeling overwhelmed with their mapping. I appears to have related sounds scattered in numerous places. So I’m wondering if I’m missing some clue as to why instead of aoganized?
  4. Hi John... You can layer the sounds, but it's not for the faint of heart. My senior memory is forgetting the acronym/name (sfz), but that's where the layering must be created/defined via text editing!
  5. Thanks abacab.. scook nailed it for me with the ins file. I remember (barely) how to add instrument files so it's up and running fine.
  6. Just what the doctored ordered. You've saved me a ton of struggle once again. Many thanks!
  7. This part is always a pain... Has been since pre-digital audio. (midi sequencing) Though Drum Maps are very powerful, I don't really need them often in my work, but the mapping of the kit pieces replacing the keyboard while editing drums in PRV is a big issue for me. Since we received AD2 from Sonar days, I already long ago added it's ins file and the note names are available in PRV (which now sticks. Thanks!), But I don't remember where I might find such a file for Superior Drummer 3? I guess I could dig in and attempt to manually create one, but that's a task I'd rather not tackle at the moment, so I ask.... no I beg... Has anyone found or created any ins files for Superior Drummer 3?
  8. Sheesh! It's been so long since I dealt with this type of issue. ? Just as I have a basic note layout for AD2 Drums available there.... But I don't know how I did that? Anyone out there with some pointers or explanations would be greatly appreciated as it appears their' stuff is mapped all over the place compared to what I'm used to. Many thanks...
  9. So many reasons... I was just thinking about a trend that seems so common lately. Looking at the sale of top notch softwares from one owner to the next in a spiral of survival it seems. The incident immediately evoking this post was seeing the sales path of fxpansion as a company. I've been using their' products since the beginning and long dreaming of acquiring BFD3... Now I see that they are on their second sale (that I know of) and it’s making me sad. <jokingly> It must be me? So many things in spiral. .........now back to Star Wars always in progress! ????
  10. I doubt they would. It seems no one does. No registration or authorization at all on this one. Not even mentions or traces of such found. I wasn’t trying to do anything but find a good deal and took a chance. It’s not a bad software, but it still leaves me wanting. Some good pieces, but less than thrilled with toms. Hoping BFD survives and eventually finds it's way here. I’ve got a feeling it might suit me better, For now? We'll see.
  11. I just discovered that I can make SD3's interface more what I prefer.... I just learned how to separate my cymbals so that they can appear in CbB on Separate faders! No need for a work around... A bit of learning and thinking found the way. A Bit painstaking and of course I will/would need to rebuild each kit this way eventually.... Yikes! This program makes panning cymbals a lot more difficult to figure out. Even AD2 has a simple pan widget for same. In SD3 each cymbal needs to have a separate mic channel created to allow this... But it's there! Building it now! ?
  12. Ha... So far all is well. Installed and working as I learn my way around. My point is this. As an engineer I know the ease and joy of recording a kit that sounds great. I also know many techniques and methods to bring less than optimum drums up to that benchmark. Some engineers did a wonderful job doing that but when I strip them down to the actual drum, it is... less than optimum. Of course, we all have opinions on what is good, optimal or otherwise. I stripped down and built a simple basic kit with my own methods. Far less encumbered and sounds as good or better than any with all the processing. They used kick inside, outside, and sub to achieve their desire, I got just as much only using the inside mic... and I turn off all the bleeds! I’ve spent too much of my life dealing with the problems of bleed to willingly add it! ? I do understand it’s value right time and place. Meanwhile, learning my way around and finding how to get what I want from it. Monster program for sure! I'm still keeping an eye out for BFD as it's UI is much more to my liking
  13. Thanks for the input Lynn.. I do like SD3 better than AD2, but you’re mistaken. AD2 has plenty of fx available for individual pieces. I turn all that off anyway as I typically prefer to choose my own devices and use discrete outputs so that I have individual faders for each piece in CbB. I did this in Session Drummer3, Ad2, SSD5, MTPowerdrum, and now SD3
  14. All very true. Many things are possible. I’m sorry if I unintentionally did something wrong. I bought thru legitimate sites in faith that all is legal.
  15. If it is such, I apologize, but I do not yet know what it is. I agree it seems crazy, but I can imagine situations? I thought all major softwares require online activation so I'm not quite sure how that would get hacked?
  16. Whoa! I wonder what crazy door I just opened? I found an "approved" seller on ebay selling SD3 for $50! Details claim it to be a digital download though it speaks of sending via USPS?. Clone from China? I don't know. Poor as I am, in desperation, I couldn't resist trying. Here's hoping for the best! ? For anyone interested, I'm trying to include a link to the deal... https://www.bestdeals.today/toontrack-superior-3?origin=google&google_params[matchtype]=b&google_params[network]=g&google_params[device]=c&google_params[creative]=466553349346&google_params[keyword]=toontrack superior 3&google_params[adposition]=&google_params[adgroupid]=58646400169&google_params[campaignid]=1423252507&bs=6e3ujAxYZWNqEUoGOPQFzPOdZ4f4aGkt9W83ujLcCrgrYcaxzjFyYPcxIRamK9hz1qBtmyObdtZAamxH-e3tfPJqTnvaKEJT&google_params[feeditemid]=&google_params[targetid]=kwd-356744287080&google_params[loc_interest_ms]=&google_params[loc_physical_ms]=9032366&google_params[devicemodel]=&google_params[target]=&category=20&dest=0&sys_id=0|458&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu7OIBhCsARIsALxCUaNT2U6nPoKOkWduXv_V76caGNvjp2JZPFOJ9tx8OIUCQKzXVJA_6koaAoLsEALw_wcB Hope that works?
  17. Thanks Jackson. Yeah, that sounds much as my own thinking has been leading me. I also just noticed another item. System Requirements. This machine is hardware limited to windows 8.1 which works great and I have no problems with. Surely not the non-stop issues I hear of with win10. ? BFD requires win10 and I don't know if it is only regarding support or actually will not install on win8.1? So now I'm leaning more towards SD3 typically my second choice. It seems a shame that along with the changes in many recording situations (non "pro" studios) The simple work model of: 1: Instrument makes a good sound 2: record it ...had been replaced (mostly due to single-room studio environment issues) by something more akin to: 1 :record it 2: make it sound good What in my earlier days I would think of like "fix it in the mix". Nothing wrong in so doing at all, but if I'm paying for something I prefer to choice what I'm buying. I don't want to buy a less than optimum sounding kit (of any given "flavor") forced by a talented engineer to conform to his desire. I want to buy a brilliant sounding drum kit well sampled/modelled/etc and at the mercy of MY will to shape to my desire! ? Having those as options is a wonderful extra for those who desire such, but for me, I consistently find it lacking in the end. But I digress. A few months back I installed SD3 on a friend's mac for him. Interface? much like AD2 for me, livable, powerful, not the best for all "issues"? But heard some great sounds in passing. Probably very internally processed <sigh>.... but one can hope? Between this and having a negative budget, I think I'm doing ok for what I got, but would like to find a better solution. I don't need a whole lot of what these programs offer. Just the basic discrete multi-layered drum pieces and a basic mapping output is all I use. I turn off all vst's internal fx/rooms/etc and map to discrete outputs.... My tape machine! That's more the way I think as a musican-turned engineer of so many years. I understand well how so many others prefer to simply scroll therough presets to find someone else's work to achieve. We all need partners at some level but we can each choose? It's funny how over the years, the sounds I recorded in studio for others always far exceeded what I could create in my bedroom/home+ studio for myself. But it has improved with time and technology to where I can feel so close to the solution.................. Sorry for rambling on.
  18. Thanks abacab... Just the kind if info that might help me. Off to check the link...
  19. Thanks guys... now I’m starting to hear what I’m looking fir. All 3 of these are the same in essence. They all allow for extensive processing. That’s good for some, but I prefer to process the recorded sounds my own way using a well sampled/recorded drum kit. Not a kit that needs a lot if processing to sound good. I guess much of my method harkens back to my studio upbringing. Getting a kit to sound good, then record it as opposed to recording a kit then processing it to make it sound good. These all have internal eq/compression/etc., but I prefer to turn it all off and use such devices of my own choosing. Both AD2 and SD3 treat some cymbals as overheads instead of individual pieces. I can work with that but I prefer BFD's approach with individual faders per cymbal... ...but I worry about the company health of BFD from fxpansion to the new owners.
  20. Not an enemy... a driving force pushing me to improve. My 12th solo album (Outside by In Exile on Deep Space Records) shipped to me from manufacturing today. It’s official release isn't until 11/23/21 so I’ve got lots if time to prepare for sales. As always using CDBaby to facilitate distribution and collections to/from all streaming/download sites as well as hardcopy (CD) sales. So I’m feeling a bit burnt with the limitations of my current drum sound. ...Hence this post to gather info about SD3 and BFD3
  21. Ha! Maybe I’m simply a crotchety old man who's very picky? As an engineer, I've spent uncountable hours recording/mixing drums and strive for my ultimate drum sound to this day. Lots of good stuff along the way, but drums in the box has been chased it seems forever. As it has improved, I feel close. I could live with AD2 as an interface (with it's issues) if they only had and displayed drum pieces more to my liking.
  22. Yes... I’m well acquanted with recording mixing drums. I've been a working engineer/studio owner for over 50 years... BTW, I do play and own a kit, but I can’t use it here in an apartment... sadly even worse, it’s a senior living apartment!
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