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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Thanks for the explanation Noel. I wasn’t confusing them, I was searching for method of saving the tasks. i understand now that the task queue is saved with the project. Good idea. ...but I could wish for a system of saving tasks (task presets). It gets tedious rebuilding things repeatedly Same with settings in the mp3 dialog. Presets there would be a big work saver too!
  2. Is there no way to save the task queue? I tried saving the preset after creating them but they are not recalled.
  3. This issue is a bit uncomfortable. It seems that no matter what file type I select, it forces the sample rate to 48 forcing me to continually reset it to 44.1 which is what I want for my final masters
  4. Thanks Noel. I was just about to report this. I see my earlier made mp3 files read the same so it's actually working fine here. Things were a bit like juggling adjusting my settings. I'll have to see the correct order to change things as some changes reset earlier settings I had just made (not using any presets).
  5. I left it at the default. Interesting though. It plays ok! Windows reports it correctly as 320 baud.... When I look to import it, Cake displays it's file info as 0bit. So it appears the file export is working correctly though Cake is reading the file's data differently than expected? Using Free MP3 Tag Editor it shows as MPEG Version 1 Audio, Layer 3 320 kbps,1044 frames, 44100 Hz, SingleChannel, Copyrighted: No, Original: Yes, Protected: No, Padded: No Single channel? It was set as stereo? Tested - It is stereo
  6. I got a similar problem here. I setup two tasks. One to export a 16/44.1 wav and the other a 16/44.1 mp3 each using Pow-R 3 Dithering. The wav is fine, but the mp3 result shows as 44.1k/ZERO bit I just tried it as a single action. No created taks and the same result to the mp3 settings were for 16/44.1 pow-r3 and ended up 0/44.1
  7. So far? No differences between floating vs. docked in multidock. Same beahavior. Some additional stuff? I notice that in the process of using snap enable/disable while PRV is open and both begin ON. Clicking on PRV snap toggle (grid icon) Different results such as enabled, but no value set (grayed out)? Sometimes value still set, but grayed out? Sometimes clicking on value enables it? Other times it seems a right click is needed? What's going on? This is not new. I have simply lived with it up until now as I question. Maybe I need a better grasp of what each of these functions do such as clicking vs. rt-click on snap value Am I misremembering a default change that I over ride? I have always used N for snap but something in the back of my mind keeps itching at me saying this got changed somewhat recently? Is something half-bound or... ...and why does my grid disappear when I disable snap? Yes, I have it set for grid to follow snap, but that is value, not grid on/off?
  8. OK. That’s a biggie! When snap is finally fully disabled, my 16th note grid (typical) disappears. Note I say fully disabled. Turning off PRV's snap stops it's over-ride and PRV is then snapping to global. So they must both be off too see this. I’m guessing this relates to the grid follows snap?
  9. Thanks David... That's an interesting thought. I do use PRV in what is probably a less common display. Floating, not quite full screen. I'll experiment a bit...
  10. Or simply adding a master toggle with keybinding that enable/disables both simultaneously as I expected the global to do! ...and why must the grid disappear when snap is disabled? Very uncomfortable for me as I use the grid as guidelines even when not snapping!
  11. There is the problem. That is what I expected and remembered, but right now the keyboard shortcut toggles global but leaves PRV snap on! Go figure?
  12. There is the crux. For me. If I'm working in PRV and use the global toggle, it leaves PRV snap enabled. Shouldn’t it be when global is off, all (global?) is off including PRV snap.
  13. I won't launch a tirade though I gotta say this one has been a noodge for a long time. It was great the offer separate snap settings for TV vs. PRV, but shouldn't the snap enable button toggle BOTH (as it seems is needed)? If I'm trying to disable snap while in PRV, the snap command turns off TV's snap but not PRV's snap which seems only to respond to mouse clicks separately! If I simply disable the PRV's snap, the program defaults back to the TV's snap instead of off! Please.... Little pains get annoying with time. Or am I missing something? Has this been dealt with in some other way?
  14. I see your point, but adding the button would be more to my taste. We all have our work model preferences. Work arounds when needed, but I prefer.........
  15. I guess you haven’t run into the things I have. I only wish to transmit when I wish, not when I happen to have as current selection
  16. It would if I simply wanted it on all the time...
  17. Good Thought, but how do I tell it which instrument to enable when there are numerous (typical)
  18. Getting Old Having some tools unavailable in some views.... All should mean all! In This situation, Changing MIDI Input Echo Enable while editing MIDI in PRV get old very fast back and forth between TV and PRV to continually switch this selection.... Elsewhere too!
  19. I imagine this is already well documented and requested. The display scrolling method dates back.... way back! With all the attention to the new menus (still in dev) is going on, maybe there’s hope for this too?
  20. Hi Gang... Just thought I'd note that learning is a great thing. I seriously didn't think I was going to need so many things in the process of adding SupD3 to my pallete. But I am learning. Here again I get confounded expecting "perfect samples" and kits simply assemblies of such, but instead, it's a toolbox to handle the myriad of issues typically faced with recording drums and virtual drum use. If I was used to simply using it as a stereo output/instrument, I might not likely have needed to lean all this so fast, but I am what I am.... That said, the lack of perfected drums having been recorded/sampled, stripping a kit of all adjustments leaves a ton of work (it seems) just to get the chosen drum kit to my expected result. There are many reasons/uses for either system. I'm not debating that. Good find though. Now that I have my kit more specifically built. I found I can enable SupD3's MIDI input mapping so that it re-maps any AD2 input (recorded or live) and triggers the appropriate SupD3 equivalent. Not sure yet how it handles the loads of additionally available sounds in the kit, but it made it easy for me to sway SupD3 for Previously written AD2 simply loading the correct map! Wonderful!
  21. Some, yes. And if you follow the links provided you will find some as well as a free util to create a drum map from an ins file which is a simple, text file. Easy to create if you put in the time. ...just sayin' I followed the links and found the SupD3 ins file which was enough to satisfy my immediate need as well as the ins2map util should I wish to create the map.
  22. Yeah, but honestly? It was back in the day when AD2 was bundled with a paid version of Sonar, yes? ...also, in all fairness. AD2 drum maps are far less complex than SupD3 (gotta stop me referring to it as SD3 for I've been using SD3 for Session Drummer 3 far longer). ...but from what I see of the basic map, SupD3's mapping and included derivatives (assortments of variations of strike etc.) are much more extensive and thus resulting in issues between apps with fewer mapped sounds/instrument. Hard to satisfy all in a single mapping. But this does raise the bar on more tedious mapping.
  23. No. No trashing. First save your project, then use ctrl-a to select all clips followed by delete. Then do a save-as template (make sure it goes in correct folder) and either close the project without saving r go to new/different project. End result is first you have a saved copy of your project intact and a template exactly how your project is.
  24. Where’s a good casserole when you need one?
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