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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Certainly Bitflipper... I love to help!
  2. I’d love to see dynamics added to he QuadEQ!
  3. Yup... If working in midi list. The event needs to be either key or channel (some different characteristics fir each) aftertouch to trigger that sound. In PRV, only channel aftertouch seems available via envelopes, but I’ve now created & posted Cakewalk Articulation Map to make it easy using key aftertouch inserted at each desired location. Much easier now. This has been irking me for quite some time now so I’m relieved to finally have an easy solution. There's a link to the Articulate Map in the Content forum...
  4. OK! This is better.... I fixed the crash 2&4 as well as the ride so they now perform correctly triggering at start and releasing at note end so that following notes respond correctly. I've replaced the link in the Top of thread message...
  5. Done! Got that quickly. Much thanks for the pointer! I'm about to post the updated versions.... Thanks again!
  6. Thanks Mark! I was guessing something along those lines. The learning continues. Two events in one articulation. First happens at start and second at end. Just booting up. Today’s lessons begin with this at top of list.
  7. OK... So what am I missing here. I can get my articulation to work, but it doesn't return to normal or I have something set wrong. I've tried various chase modes etc, but once the key aftertouch articulation (Superior Drummer 3) is called as Articulation it doesn't release. I can use Channel aftertouch as an envelope and the aftertouch returns to normal after the event, I have been unable to get Channel aftertouch to work as an articulation. I'm missing something(s) here, yes? This is my first excursion into using articulations and their' maps so I'm sure to be missing a lot of understanding... Much thanks for anyone's time...
  8. Some strange stuff... If I use a channel aftertouch (Key aftertouch doesn't appear available there) in an envelope, the mute happens and the notes that follow are back to normal. If I use an articulation, Channel aftertouch does nothing and the key aftertouch doesn't release once invoked. I basically understand the difference between the two types of aftertouch but I am confused at what's going on here...
  9. I hope this link works from my dropbox... This is the newly updated (11/30/22) file in which the crash 2&4 as well as ride now perform correctly muting at start and unmuting at end. Still can't get the hat working... any help here would be appreciated... https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fo74sy1y0gwsog/SupD3 Cymbal Mutes.zip?dl=0 Hmmm... Just learned that the articulation doesn't release after the event. I'll leave this up for anyone who might develop it further while I do my best to learn,
  10. OK... I bashed against it long enough. I have created an articulation map for SD3 that evokes the aftertouch mute for Crash 2&4 as well as Ride. So far unsuccessful at muting the hat. Any hints would be helpful. Nothing I've tried has succeeded yet. I'm bashing at this as I don't really know what I'm doing, but I have managed to get some the above mentioned working fine. I will share it as soon as I see how...
  11. Sounds handy. Will this mute a cymbal who’s note is finished while sustain continues? The key aftertouch only activates during the note's length requiring drawing some very long notes. Articulations. So I've finally found one I can use. Do you know where a list if articulations is available? I’m facing a bit of a learning curve here for that as I used them sparingly long ago and haven’t approached Cake's articulation mapping yet ... edit Hmmm. I see I need to find/create an articulation map for this? I have yet to find any mention of the defaults anywhere. None in the content forum here either. Learning curve is getting bigger. Off for more searching.
  12. Whew... This one was just driving me crazy. I finally learned about it from someone's video where he mentions it getting in his way. Superior Drummer uses key aftertouch to execute cymbal mutes! This is gonna be very useful here as I’ve been using volume automation to achieve this... ...just thought I’d pass it on for others who might not be aware of this.
  13. Huh! ok. Time to give my DAW's gremlins personal names. Last night's work found Melodyne render back to "normal" naming. I sometimes feel my machine is toying with me as my cats used to? There have been no updates or other machine changes in between.
  14. All should be all. People can always use custom if there’s too much... My slant on this. I dislike the constant window hopping to find commands. I prefer to have everything available all the time.
  15. Not in my experience or memory.. the most current was to insert/append the name Melodyne to the front of the current clip name. Not sure if it behaves differently, but not bounced. I use the render command in the Region fx Melodyne menu tree. Weird... I’ve always wanted to disable the renaming addition in this scenario, but losing the clip's original name is inconvenient for sure.
  16. OK... I'm sure to be told this has nothing to do with this update, but I do this task constantly and yesterday it was "normal" not after the update. After a render of a Melodyne clip, the clip's name becomes empty instead of the original clip's name (with Melodyne affixed to the front.) Now mind you, I might actually prefer this as I'm constantly manually removing Melodyne form the clip's name afterwards, this is near the same but I have to remember the original name as it becomes empty after the render... I'm only running Melodyne 4 Studio (5 will not load on this OS which I'm trapped with)
  17. You bet! But as I didn’t win, I’m hopeful for another chance! ? ...and uf that doesn’t win? I’m currently working on my next album which might make the following Grammy’s ????
  18. Hi Gang... I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their' support. As we all expected, I did not make the finals. It was fun dreaming though. So in my heart I wish to say that "anything's possible". Who knows. One of these years it might be You walking up to receive an award. I sure hope so! For me? Thrilling ride and... There's always next year. My NEW album (Hear Me Calling) is being released 11/23/22 and is in time to make the 2023 Grammy's! It ain’t over until... My humble gratitude ?
  19. Absolutely! Nice way of saying it. I’ve been working at this issue for a while. Even the ability to lasso a group of controller values to slide left/right or compact/expand. A transform tool if must be but I was picturing it as simple as a dedicated command to allocate the lassoed data as selected and treat as group as would any selected notes currently?
  20. I apologize if it seemed I was wasting ea time. It was not my intention. These are issues I did not have prior to this ea. (Controller editing? Special case as I found it hard to believe we would be given such a view in an edit window without being able to edit it). I understand that nothing was changed in this ea regarding these issues. But then what changed here? Thanks
  21. Thanks Mark Ok. But something is different somehow. Though I admit to having continuous issues with controller editing since forever, it’s now doing some things in an unusual manner. Point in case. two successive notes. a mod wheel gets elevated to max for last note and returned to zero at note's end. with select envelopes with notes enabled, I select the last note which gets highlighted as well as the raise controlled markers, but not the return and moving the note a distance much later, only copies the selected portion. I then made sure to manually lasso the entire area containing both the note and controller values so all was highlighted but i end up with the same result. I haven’t had this situation happen before this. What was specific to this ea was my questions regarding controller editability in the main PRV view.
  22. Behaving very strange trying to move notes with controllers. Now I see it need the controllers to be within the select range of the note and if events happen between notes, they are not moved (not tied to a note? A bit finiscky, but not working here anyway. I moved the note and the return value was moved with it but not the beginning set as they began slightly before the note. As the controller is happening during the note, shouldn't it be selected even if it began between notes? ...and then there's always the difficulties of moving controllers. If I have a controller range, why can't I simply slide it (or portion of) left right??? Very frustrating.
  23. OK.. That would be great. First off, I don't use the inline editor. I tried that as another user suggested it might be working there. My request is simple and now has a bug attached as well (see edit to previous message). When I'm seeing the regular PRV view and see the controllers "behind" the notes (instead of in the controller view below in it's pane. I can not edit the controllers? I must switch to the controller view to do this. That's my "request". Editing them in the main PRV view. The bug is related to moving events while select controllers is enabled. I move the notes but the controller is not moving with them. In this case it's a mod wheel.
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