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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. HB has a new Music related bundle up. Mostly interesting for people that don't have any AAS stufff: https://www.humblebundle.com/software/music-producer-2-software?hmb_source=navbar&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=tile_index_3
  2. Still trying to get my 10 Live Lite 10 Licenses turned into a suite one. No luck so far ??
  3. You mean with the non-upgradable/ non-resellable Syntronik Max included? ?
  4. Thanks for letting me know the existence of the server. I just entered there
  5. with those price points, who are they trying to compete with?
  6. Yeah, also not on the ol Facebook. Guess we'll have to do our own sound design
  7. That means they will be giving them out for free in three years???
  8. How do the vocal instruments from EastWest still hold up to other options these days?
  9. Probably gonna pass on this one, unless it is a huge step up from their previous Amp Sims. They are OK but nothing that can't be done with AT4 or TH-U
  10. This month with Beat Magazine: Tracktion RetroMod Lofreq Wired for free. I saw it in the Falkemedia app. Not sure if it is released at Zinio and Pocketmags yet: as usual get your serials at https://www.serialcenter.de/ download the DVD contents at bit.ly/BeatDL181
  11. How do they stack up against the competition like Ample or Orange Tree?
  12. I bought a lot of stuff over at Koby's during their year 2 sale, think that was a lot cheaper that this?
  13. I just have the deals forum as my browser home page ???
  14. Then what is the best way to get quick access to all the Rigid Audio Libraries? I believe some use Snapshots and some loads of NKI files.
  15. Any feature you are waiting on? I was excited about the articulations, until I found the limited implementation. But then came the CbB update and I'm a happy camper.
  16. Can anyone help with an overview of the CC+Channel the Keylabs are sending? I want to remap my PCR500 to mimic the Keylab, the other way round I'm having issues in Analog Lab
  17. Or even crazier: AAS Player where you can layer patches. Like something from Chromaphone together with a VA3 one..
  18. Must be Melody Sauce. There is just not enough control to what you're getting. Unlike Riffer
  19. I think Intro is the name of the Lite version of Analog Lab 5
  20. This reminded me to check the perks at Groove 3, there were a couple that I missed before.
  21. Not sure, I still have the original StompIO, which is a very expensive Paper weight of ever since Amplitube 3. Hope they'll give it some love, or at least make the firmware open source so it can be reprogrammed. @Peter - IK Multimedia (hint hint )
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