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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. Two laws: The missus and the bank account??
  2. If the transfer price is lower, I probably will sell it and get SD3. ?
  3. Will the old FxPansion accounts be moved over?
  4. At this rate it can't be long until we get the EZBass Midi 6 Packs. Or does Bapu already have them?
  5. Probably not. They skipped the Crossgrade Sale last year too. Seems it was an anniversary one-off two years ago.
  6. They also got some specced down version of Synthmaster this month,, I believe. Seems to be different from Synthmaster Player. I
  7. Dann, should use it fast. Before the 2 reffeshes ?☺️
  8. They're like waves, it's almost always 60% off. Just a different promo name each time. There's often also the promo wheel to get an extra 5 to 20% off
  9. Would be nice if he would release some new Plugins instead of just sample packs and mix courses
  10. I played half an hour with it, then bought the pro version. It is intuitive and a lot of fun to use.
  11. Would have been tempted if they would offer a decent Choir Library. One area, where Komplete is seriously lacking, imho.
  12. Don't really mind Pulse. It's quite painless and unintrusiv.
  13. @Peter - IK Multimedia does the bundled version qualify for an upgrade to AT5 Full or MAX?
  14. We'll all try typing our posts louder for you then.
  15. Buy any of these 19 interfaces and get Amplitube 5 CS for free. SPECIAL OFFER Including IK Multimedia AmpliTube 5 SE BDL In the period from 12. March through 11. April 2021 when you buy the applicable USB Audio-Interfaces you will receive thee download version of IK Multimedia AmpliTube 5 SE BDL with a value of more than EUR 178,00 (MSRP) for free on top. https://m.thomann.de/gb/search.html?articleNumbers=325925_359080_422477_359082_346859_497748_354517_468428_422472_346860_373404_457479_467950_500740_359892_479551_468429_475275_500747 It's BDL so probably NFR , and Peter probably can tell if it would qualify for upgrades to full or max
  16. So is Carbon part of the Guitar Series, or only somewhat? It's not on the update list, and it also doesn't have NKS.
  17. Did Francisco Partners invest in Izotope too? That would put some logic to this new alliance...
  18. Just as I got my 500k together for the one from Josh....
  19. Mine is fine that I get rid of a piece of gear, then buy something new. If I suggest the same for her shoes, she looks at me like I'm crazy...
  20. Well, that is actually the part I would be least interested in. That's something I would consider bloat. I'd rather see new features, in the sense of better MPE integration and more fleshed out articulation management. And though I don't use it; I would expect some added features for the show page.
  21. Wasn't it the same with the 5.1 announcement? The Sphere subscribers got the preview before the release. But the version was released for everyone at the same time?
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