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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. I really like and use riffer. How is playbeat?
  2. I'd love to try some music making under Linux. But since I am running a Roland Octacapture it's a no go.
  3. Really, noone is making an effort with their sales anymore are they?
  4. Well they did say that the manual would be updated for 11.5. They might have added this feature... Btw @cclarry: can't see the flash sale
  5. @cclarry I am eyeing Vocalisa. Is it worth the price?
  6. Haven't we all. Still no trade in for Suite though ?,?
  7. Live Lite eventually will be offered for free somewhere..
  8. Dammit, doesn't stack with loyalty points
  9. Reads a bit like an either or: If you have MTurboReverbLE, you can either use the license to upgrade to a bundle with LE plugins. Or Upgrade to the full version.
  10. I believe: - Analog -> VA - Collision -> Chromaphone - Tension -> String Studio - Electric -> Lounge Lizard Of those I only have the full version of VA3
  11. Will we get CLA-Choirs, then a video of CLA ranting how shitty sampled Choirs are?
  12. so when do we get Hollywood Choirs for $29...
  13. In Europe the price difference is €200
  14. What do you guys do with the PB Rewards Tokens? Get a Coupon Code, Sound Pack or convert to Cash?
  15. Sorry, here's the official news bit from the magazin newspage: https://www.beat.de/news/beat-0321-waves-codex-gratis-gear-perfekten-workflow-10076295.html I normally don't bother with the magazine link, as I get it in hardcopy
  16. The magazine also has an Interesting review on a 303 style eurorack module....
  17. This issue's giveaway is Waves Codex synth https://www.waves.com/plugins/codex#codex-synth-demo-with-yoad-nevo As usual register the magazine at https://www.serialcenter.de/ and enter the required word. For the full magazine DVD contents download go to https://www.plugins-samples.com/downloads/?x=LGTUBHGX
  18. I got most of the snapins through the Slate Digital Pass, will they then all be available in Phase Plant ?
  19. Are they just putting all the year 2 Collection modules out as separate synths.? Hopefully something really new comes this year
  20. dammit got it with the Humble Bundle last month.
  21. If it was between this and SoundIron's Olympus Essentials. Which one to get?
  22. Apparently i got it already for free at some point. Not sure where. Maybe Focusrite Plugin Collective?
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