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Everything posted by AB9

  1. 1. Are you taking advantage of proximity effect of a microphone? 2. Some ribbon mics (AEA 44) can help thicken as well.
  2. This new version is more stable for me. I am not sure why. But I do not care. I like the results.
  3. Hi Everyone: Sometimes I will open up Cakewalk and within some seconds it just shuts down. I will open it again and it is fine. And periodically, if I do anything while the audio is running, the audio engine will stop and have to be restarted. All of this was very rare under Sonar Platinum. Is this common to everyone? Any thoughts?
  4. Hi everyone. I hope you are all well!!! If I have a track with a bunch of clips on it (from many takes) - if I bounce to clip - so it no longer has separate clips - and then I save as a bundle for instance, the size of the file is reduced. So, is it worth reducing the size of the file for any effective purpose (other than saving space)? Does it make it run smoother - less impact on cpu, etc? And is there any audio quality loss by making one whole track line - one clip??? Thank you, AB
  5. Would going to the Samsung evo pro 860 over regular 860 - be worth the difference? A C drive needs to be very stable. Or is it throwing money away?
  6. Good to know. Any downside to threadschedulingmodel=1 ???
  7. Will there actually be any noticeable difference in the running of Cakewalk by have a drive better than the Samsung 860?
  8. I track at 96K or 88.1 because of the latency benefits and frankly, the hard drive space, taxing the system, etc. is no longer an issue. I mix to various sample rates - because as long as I have the mix where I want it, I may as well make extra copies at various sample rates.
  9. I always mix down to 96K in case a format becomes popular later that can use it.
  10. I understand. Are you using an external USB SSD? That is what I am zooming in on. Thank you.
  11. Well - I guess my title says most of it. Anyone using these latest USB SSDS to record to? Any particular recommendations for brands, etc.?
  12. So far - all good with Lynx Aurora (n) thunderbolt! Had to remove a Cubase driver. (I actually removed the whole darn program - Cubase is just not for me!) Thanks Noel!!!!
  13. So I am using a Lynx Aurora with thunderbolt connection. Is it fairly safe to try out the latest update to Bandlab Cakewalk? Is it likely that the posts are mainly people having issues? Thank you, Noel, for all your great work through the years!!!
  14. Go for it. Otherwise, you may be sorry later! It is a lot to set up a computer - so you may as well set it up with the best, especially when the price difference is not that great.
  15. Try everything to make sure it works. Open back, closed back, speakers, boom box, whatever. Not everyone has this time luxery. But if you really want to know what it sounds like by the end user, one must use what the end user is listening on. For that matter, take it to the car as well!
  16. It knocked out my SPLAT. Not sure that I care though!
  17. Well - My Sonar SPLAT stopped working after a windows update this week. So enter Cakewalk by Bandlab. It really saved me. And I loaded some really old bundle projects and it opened them up without a problem, THANKS!
  18. I get it - I was in folders in preference and not in "audio data" which shows the two folders. Thanks for the responses! AB
  19. Well - my splat finally stop working on a Windows 10 update. So now I am using Bandlab Cakewalk - which is just fine. Question - in setting it up, I can see in preferences where I can move the audio folder to another drive, which I have done. But what about the pictures folder? Should that remain on the C drive? If not, how does one move it - I do not see it listed in the preferences folder? THANKS, AB
  20. Jim - thanks for providing your voice regarding the 16 versus 24 bit. Out of curiosity, what sample rate do you use for your tracks? THANKS, AB
  21. I do not think it is as simple as dynamic range and frequency response. As I mentioned before, there is the latency issue. I will add one more issue - samples per second. If 32 samples per second provided great dynamic range and frequency response it would still sound very unrealistic as one can hear the "grains" of the sample. So how many samples per second does the ear actually transmit to the brain? What is the sample rate of analog? Is there a limit? Just curious? Anyone have an idea?
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