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  1. Sorry about that. Here's everything in order of what you asked CbB version 2024.12 While playing live 5pin DIN to USB adapter Plugged in directly VST's, most recently Kontakt and Arturia Analog Lab V Windows 11, besides that I'm not sure all else you'd want - sorry heh Sample rate is 48000, bit depth 24, and buffer size 3.7 msec ASIO 200 msec buffers Thanks man, hope that helps 👍
  2. Can someone please help me as to why I have some midi notes just sustaining when they're not supposed to? I'll not even be using the sustain pedal, but after releasing some notes, they'll keep sustaining. My keyboard doesn't do this when I'm using it on its own. Maybe I need a new MIDI cable. I'd appreciate some help, thank you!
  3. I have a similiar control panel too and I am confused as to how to set it up with the faders and everything... please help!
  4. Hi Brandon, go to Breverb and click the "Load Preset" button at the top, then just locate the file. Hope that helps!
  5. And here it is! Been waiting. Can't wait to check it out in the morning.
  6. Hi all, Just for the sake of "why not?" I thought I'd share this Cakewalk Breverb preset I created some time ago for drums, mostly for rock mixes (at least that's what I've used it for). It has a tight sound with a short decay, it just adds a bit of depth and punch. I've used it on several rock mixes and it really helps out. Thought maybe some of you might find it useful as well. Metal Drums.fxp
  7. Oh yeah, definitely. Seems like a lot of people are using Serum and such now. May not totally measure up to today's synths, but for something free it's definitely pretty good and adds some spice to electronic tracks!
  8. Awesome. Looking forward to using it, the preview looks incredible! ??
  9. Hey guys. I'm sure many of you remember that several years ago, BandLab (in the Gibson days) made a free vst plugin called Triangle. Ever since BandLab bought it over, however, it isn't available on their site anymore. (the page still exists, not the download) I wanted to try and help some of you out and say, I found an archived version of the Triangle page on the Cakewalk site on Archive.org, complete with the original exe download. Here is the link: https://web.archive.org/web/20130120035546/http://www.cakewalk.com/products/triangle/ Just click the link and then click "download it today". I was very surprised at how powerful this instrument is, and I'd totally recommend it! Hope this helps anyone.
  10. Looks a little like Pro Tools. Very cool! I will try it. Thanks for sharing, Colin!
  11. Hmm OK... Thanks I mean, honestly I did put a lot into it... A lot ? The video was kind of just a fun thing to do. I'm new to all the video stuff. And there aren't any loops in the song I composed it myself ?? But I'll keep that in mind for future projects, thanks!
  12. Hey guys. Just put out this new song! I'm always open to feedback and thoughts so i wanted to post it here. Probably one of my most favorite songs I've produced. Here's the link to the video, and below is the link to it on other platforms: https://bnd.link/mono_daydreams - Mono
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