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Everything posted by MarianoGF

  1. "Cosmic" theme reminds me of SONAR 3 (circa 2003), and "Light Gray" to Ableton Live. "Dark" theme is very similar to CbB's "Deep in Lab" theme, which is very cool to me. I can give you the name?::.
  2. Something tells me that, despite we are all speculating about our beloved Sonar and its price, the real future of Cakewalk, the app intended to be one step ahead in the future DAW market, and the one that means the survival of Cakewalk for "next" 15 years, is Next. We should pay a bit more attention about what happens with Cakewalk Next::.
  3. The n°1 bias Is ProTools. I was tired to hear the ProTools users telling me about its "new awesome features", ignoring Sonar had them since one year before. (For instance AudioSnap, just to mention one) Ignoring even that Sonar existed. Fortunately those days aré gone, now the DAW market is a bit more even (a bit).
  4. I think Sonar should come from day 1 with many interesting extra features in comparison with CbB. Otherwise, who will spend some hundreds in a program that is exactly the same as CbB but with better GUI? That can lead the users to buy Sonar just when the difference with CbB is considerable (maybe one or two years after its release). How much time Sonar could stand being purchased by very few people, because it's almost the same as the free CbB?
  5. Furthermore, in the Sonar thumbnails of the website it appears again the LPhase-EQ. I don't know what to think about that, but have to suppose that it comes back again along with LPhase-Multiband (and hopefully Adaptive Limiter).
  6. Will SonitusFX be still included in upcoming Cakewalk Sonar? I'm not the only one who loves them. There are many beautiful reviews about how they work and sound. Discontinuing them just because they are DirectX and look old would be sad.
  7. No, I'm sure they have the rights (please). But I think that acquiring the brands Cakewalk and Sonar are more than to acquire just the intellectual property (the code).
  8. Good points. I think theese are the keys to debate. But, ok, only a lawyer could clear them.
  9. I understand your point, that's what they said in early 2018. But if you acquire only de code, I don't think you can use the names "Cakewalk" or "Sonar", because that's not part of the intellectual properties. They are brands. But ofcourse I'm not sure, are all doubts I have.
  10. As far as I know, if you acquire the intellectual property (as BandLab said in early 2018), you have the right to use the source code (the app), but not the brand "Cakewalk" neither "Sonar". So I guess that BandLab acquired more than just the intellectual property. But ofcourse I'm not sure at all.
  11. Mmm, I'm not expecting BandLab to honour those who purchased lifetime updates, but lets say that when you acquire a company, you do it with its assets and liabilities.
  12. In the website videos I see Next so similar to BandLab app, that I still can't understand the meaning of its (upcoming) existence. But maybe it's too early to take conclusions.
  13. I don't think so. I guess Next is a simple app to make music, with easy to use synths, libraries and good sound quality. So similar to BandLab app, that I still can't understand the meaning of its (upcoming) existance.
  14. It the upcoming "Cakewalk Next" comes to take the place that the old Cakewalk Project5 left empty? Thanks::.
  15. Will it be still available the Sonitus FX Bundle in the upcoming Sonar? Many of us love it, and use it daily. Will it be back the availablity of L-Phase EQ, L-Phase Compressor and Adaptive Limiter? Thanks::.
  16. Dear staff, First of all, thanks for such an awesome work. Cakewalk was never better than today. Just let me make an observation into the Export Menu: Since the "Arranger Sections" export parameter is located into WHAT TO EXPORT list, It is implied that only sections of the entire mix can be exported. Nowadays it's not possible in Cakewalk to export sections of separated tracks or busses at once. What if the "Arranger Sections" export parameter is relocated to the RANGE list? Simply because sections are a time range concept. That way we can export some sections of separated tracks or busses, and not only of the entire mix. Please, tell me if my observation is correct or not. Thanks!
  17. I still don't understand why the bakers didn't take out the "update" button from BL Assistant yet, since it's intentionally out of service, aiming Cakewalk to be updated exclusively by itself. I think it should either be put into operation or removed.
  18. Version 2021.12 ready to download::.
  19. I have 2021.09 version, and my update notification says I'm "Up to date. is the latest available version.". Could it be something related to Windows Defender?
  20. Thanks, John! Stay tunned to this thread for future updates on the theme::.
  21. Dear @John Ritter, thanks for using the theme. The version is still 2021.04d because the CbB 2021.06 and 202109 updates didn't involve theme changes, so I didn't have to modify it. The only thing I did is to clear that 2021.04d is absolutely compatible with CbB 2021.09.
  22. Hello. Sorry, I don't understand why the web installer/updater should be a replacement of BL Assistant. Couldn't them work together? If not, BL Assistant should stop informing Cakewalk updates, cause is very confusing (mostly for new users) to click the green button and see that stucks forever into "Downloading... (0/0)" state. Since I like BA, I personally would prefer both updating ways working together, so one can choose. Just my point of view. Thanks.
  23. @Starship Krupa good idea. Unfortunately I don't think I have these days the time to start and finish a new theme. But I'll consider it for the near future. Thanks!
  24. You're welcome @Gavin Ray. Thanks for using it. Follow this thread in order to stay tunned for updates on the theme::.
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