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Everything posted by MarianoGF

  1. Is there a way to change to H:M:S:F the time formats of Select, Loop and Punch Modules, as well as the "Go" menu? Thanks::.
  2. Something to consider for the next update: Automation envelopes can't be seen well in a track or bus with waveform preview on. They seem to be "at back". Thanks!
  3. Delta value error Not sure if this happens just after the last hotfix, but... In a project with tempo changes, the time (H:M:S:F) calculation of the difference between the selection start and end markers is wrong after the first tempo change on. In the example below you can see the start marker at 7:30:14, and the end marker at 8:30:14, which should result in a delta value of 1:00:00. But nevertheless, Cakewalk is calculating a difference of 1:50:12 (H:M:S:F). (click twice on the image to enlarge) - Also, it seems that the calculation gets worst after every new tempo change. - The same error seems to happen for the other time formats of the ruler (Millisecond and Samples) but M:B:T, on which it seems to calculate the delta value right.
  4. Personally, if you complain about SOS, what's left to other magazines that write one article about Cakewalk every 10 years (like Mix or even MusicTech). Sound On Sound has almost every month a place for Cakewalk, covered by Craig Anderton. I've saved the link to my cellphone's main screen, and I share it with the community: https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/software/daw/sonar-cakewalk
  5. Ok, I'm not sure whether the Early Access Program is only to submit bugs, or to propose enhancements also. Just in case, after trying the EA2, I leave some proposals relative to "Selection". We can see an example GIF bellow: I MEAN: - The selection shadow varies IN REAL TIME as we drag the selection markers (not just when I release the mouse button). - We get a highlight at the extreme of the selection, every time it is snapped by some element in the timeline, for example audio/midi clips, markers, etc. This way, we can be sure we are snapping no other than the desired element. - We have, in the control bar's Select Module, the "Select Lenght" display (as well as the actually present "Select From" and "Select Thru" ones). - The "Select From", "Select Thru" and "Select Lenght" times change IN REAL TIME as we drag the selection markers. - The "Select From", "Select Thru" and "Select Lenght" time formats are locked to the Transport Module's display format (M:B:T / H:M:S:F / Samples / Milliseconds), and change when we change it (Header Time Display remains free of any locking). Thanks very much for the great job you are doing since April 2018 improving Cakewalk. MarianoGF
  6. Technically, you don't have to close/open Cakewalk. You just have to change the theme to a different one in Cakewalk, until you save the changes in Theme Editor. But it's still very annoying.
  7. Dear Noel, in the animation the clip gain is moved too (after the fades). That's the feature I've tried to show. But anyway, I'm glad you are in this thread paying attention the clip gain request. Thanks!?
  8. Dear, I can accept I didn't choose the right forum area to post this thread, that's why I asked you to move it to the right place. But your way to tell me that my thread "is not how this forum works" feels a bit authoritarian if you are a forum admin. If we go to the case of being strict, the Feedback Loop forum says "Provide feedback on features, ideas and requests for future releases of Cakewalk by BandLab.", and clearly Cakewalk Theme Editor is a different app from Cakewalk by BandLab.
  9. I left the track colors intentionally gray, so as each user chooses a color from the palette for every track. Because I honestly don't understand why the program comes with default track colors which are so different from those available in the palette, and at the same time the default ones don't colorize the strips. Being gray, they are "coherent" with the unmodified strip color. But you can customize this into the "Colors" submenu in "Edit - Preferences"::.
  10. Here you can post your requests for Cakewalk Theme Editor in a more ordered way::. (Hoping the Dev Team someday read them?)
  11. Martins, If you refer to the ".clr" file, I didn't make any changes there. So if you simply select the "Normal" preset in the color menu, you will have the theme exactly as it showed in the sample picture. Otherwise, I don't understand what do you mean, please be more explicit ?::.
  12. +1 They are too dark, mostly for audio tracks. Note that the same color choice results brighter in MIDI tracks. That bright level would be nice for audio tracks too. That would be enough to me.
  13. I use Cakewalk since Pro Audio 9 (circa 1999). I love it and its awesome mixing tools, but I feel in terms of audio editing is not the quicker DAW in the world. As you asked the users for requests... ...these are my basic ones: EASY CLIP GAIN NON-DESTRUCTIVE NORMALIZING QUICKLY ADJUSTABLE SELECTION SELECTION LENGHT INFO (I posted images based on Vegas Pro video editor, because I use it, but these are very common features in DAWs too.) Thanks Cakewalk and BandLab for asking the users? MarianoGF::.
  14. I'm posting this empty message just to put this thread back in your unread list?::.
  15. I guess you refer to SpectraFX. Yeah, I love it too. I still use it sometimes, but I do it without the elipse movement. I couldn't get such sweet modulation with any other plugin yet.
  16. What other former Cakewalk products would you like to have available again "by BandLab"?::.
  17. I've been there in september 2016, the organ was playing and I believed in God the only 15 minutes of my life. It was so impressive. I'm sad for what had happened today.
  18. I feel exactly the oposite as you. But that is a great thing into the world of Cakewalk users. I like Mercury, not so much Tungsteen. I disliked at all SONAR 3 blue interface. I loved SONAR 1, 2, 4 and 6. I agree in that Skylight is a good interface for everybody like you and me who liked different UIs in the past. Good job so.
  19. As can be seen, this topic which started as a discussion about "the best Cakewalk logo", converted itself in a better thing: sharing memories, experiences and pictures of the early years of Cakewalk. So I think it's a good oportunity to change its name. Thanks::.
  20. Here we can share pictures, memories and experiences of our work in the early years of... Thanks Greg!
  21. We can see these days how Studio One is menacing Pro Tools with stealing its "industry standard" title. I spent very little time trying Studio One, but I'm sure one of the best features it has is the easyness and flexibility of its user interface, mostly in its track view. I'm not talking about its dark background with fluorescent colors which I sincerely don't like it so much, but the capacity that it has to mix a project even minimizing all tracks to tinny color lines. We are also testifying how the latest versions of Cubase, Logic, Tracktion and even Acid are "getting inspired" by that Studio One user interface. After 9 years of Skylight, do you think Cakewalk should stop looking at Pro Tools as the UI reference, and start to look at the Studio One simplicity? My personal opinion is no, but at the same time I think Cakewalk GUI needs a drastical reduction of lots of "death" spaces (for instance, the windows borders are excessively wide). This is not for estetical matters, but because it is almost imposible to work confortable with Cakewalk in a 14" screen laptop. Thanks for your opinions::.
  22. Thanks a lot CosmicDolphin, but bad news for you... I'M ABOUT TO CHANGE IT A LOT!!! heheh, So save your copy of Boston Flowers 1.1::.
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