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Barry Seymour

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Everything posted by Barry Seymour

  1. Very kind, thanks. (I use Sony MDR headphones myself, but then I do a test listen using the earphones that came with my Samsung Galaxy phone! ?)
  2. Thanks. Any specific ideas or suggestions, please let me know! Fresh pair of ears and all that...
  3. Fascinating. Nailed the BPM. These sound good. Any way I can outright steal these? LOL. I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough at this stage to put too much attention on the drums. This is my very first CWP, after all. But this is compelling.
  4. New mix of "Background Roar." Added some drum fills, re-sang some bits, added a solo at the end and a proper fadeout, tweaked some EQ.
  5. A very good point. I'm still pretty weak on drum composition, and new to home recording in general, so specific recommendations like yours are very helpful, thanks.
  6. If EZD is 'Easy Drummer', then no. I just composed a simple pattern using the step sequencer.
  7. Barry Seymour


    It works! You may not consider yourself a singer, but the vocals work here. Cool animation. Where did it come from?
  8. It's a Behringer Xeynyx 302USB. Now that you mention it, there are two buttons on that damn thing that I keep having to remember to get right, and I think they're related to how audio gets routed; at my work PC right now, will check it tonight. Thanks!
  9. I just replaced the drum kit and boosted the volume on the snare. What is 'EZD?' Not sure what you mean when you say ' so "drop" a two or four bar kick and snare (don't "tap" it) in the search field, it'll kick back a bunch of "patterns".' And yeah, I was too lazy to re-record the bass ?, I just tweaked the EQ on that in the pro channel. Thanks for the input!
  10. New guy here, bear with me. This is the first time I'm setting up a guitar to use effects in a VST. I create a new audio track, I set the track input to a channel on my USB mixer. Output is set to Master. Plug in my guitar. Turn on input monitoring and I hear reverb, or echo, or something. I can't figure out where it's getting that; I don't have reverb on the channel, nor is it on the master bus I created. If I add a guitar VST, it immediately starts feeding back in a loop. I'm using headphones, so it's not audio feedback. I think something is routing the song back through the input, or something. I can't even get to square one. Any thoughts, suggestions or guidance? Perhaps a link to a tutorial? I've found a few, but none of them address this. Thanks in advance.
  11. Here's another pass. Better drums, more mixing and tweaking throughout. Suggestions and comments welcome.
  12. Thanks for the kind words. I'm pretty sure there's away to just drop another kit in there while keeping the same part, but I'm not quite sure how yet. I'm also struggling with how to actually compose / modify drum parts. Learning curve...
  13. More Dan-like goodness. Great vibe, stellar mixing.
  14. Makes me think of "It's a Beautiful Day." Very arty, wonderfully sung. I like the energy on the violin.
  15. Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment! ? Another one I like is "A smart man learns from his mistakes; a wise man learns from others' mistakes."
  16. Not my genre, but I like the song. If I may say, the drums sound a bit thin to me. That tone works for everything else - vocals, guitar, etc, but a bit more beef in the drums might offset things nicely.
  17. Stellar sound. Steely Dan-level quality. Nice guitar work too!
  18. That makes sense, thanks for the explanation. So many buttons, so much to forget, ha ha.
  19. Thanks, I figured it out and did it the hard way, deleting all envelopes individually. Still not sure where all that stuff came from... Thank you for the help!
  20. New mix. Harmony vocals are better integrated, spread out. Boosted the bass. (Didn't have the time or heart to re-record that, although it's still on the table.) The rhythm guitar parts are separated a little better. In some ways it's better, in other ways, not sure. https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/a-little-bit
  21. I have a lead guitar track I'm trying to adjust, but what the heck? I click the add automation lanes and 35 lanes get added! Many of them have activity. I'm new, so I'm gobsmacked. I remove all the automation lanes, but still I see a bunch of lines in the waveform for the solo that look like automation - many lines, different colors. I try to add an automation lane again, and same thing - I get DOZENS of them. What am I doing wrong? How can I clear ALL automation from this track so I can start fresh? I just want to tweak the volume a bit! Image below shows my volume adjustments in bright green. What is all that other stuff? Thanks...
  22. Excellent advice, I'll look at it. The kit: Just the stock drum set, but I adjusted the EQ with the Pro Channel. "Roar" is big and boomy, but this should be tight. (I was thinking the drum kit in Steely Dan's "Time Out Of Mind.") How do you recommend I change it? Rhythm Guitar: I have an acoustic guitar come in on the second verse; both are panned to different sides. Sounds like that's not enough. Bass: This was my first recording; I recorded bass through a Boss compressor pedal. To fix that, I'll re-record the bass. (What's 'SVT?') Background vocals: I agree, they just take over everything. Good pointers on how to mix those. I already have those on a separate bus. I'll work on it. THANK YOU.
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