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Barry Seymour

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Everything posted by Barry Seymour

  1. Here's a new one. Let me know what you think. (Edited to show the final version)
  2. Thank you all for the feedback and the compliments. I can't do it without folks like you helping me polish it up, get it right and learn. If any of you are on Facebook, I invite you to like my page. Who knows, something might come of it one day. https://www.facebook.com/barryseymourmusic
  3. Very kind, thanks. I thought about it, but the whole theme of the song is going back to being alone. I think adding harmonies would distract from that. Despite the bombastic sound, it's a very personal tale. (Personal to the protagonist, that is, not me.) Thank you for the kind words!
  4. Final Mix. THANKS for the feedback, everyone! https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/starting-out-again-alone?in=barry-seymour/sets/nice-hat
  5. Tweaked. It's clearer. I'm getting ready to put out the final, you'll hear it. Thanks!
  6. "Still reminds me of Bruuuuuuuuuuuuce!!!!!!" - Mission accomplished. But as to your comment yes, I want the vocals to be clear, sharper. Are you essentially recommending a notch in my graphic equalizer to quiet a frequency that makes the vocal muddy? I'm unsure of the terminology and metrics you're using. I'm using the built-in graphic EQ provided in the Pro Channel; can you tell me what to do using that?
  7. Here's MIX 2: https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/starting-out-again-alone-mix-2 I panned guitars left and right, panned piano a bit right More bass in the guitars Had to autotune a few bits in the voice. :'-( Edit: Oooh, I forgot - new piano sound. Let me know what you think.
  8. If only I could actually play keys. I pieced these piano bits together painstakingly, one track at a time - practically one finger at a time, ha ha.
  9. My struggle is getting it all in the mix. If I thicken them up with more low end, then they collide with other instruments. I'll try a bit of both.
  10. Good suggestion. Do you mean surround sound, or just panning them further out?
  11. I found Keyzone Bitsonic, which installed pretty easy, and sounds much better. New mix coming soon. Thanks!
  12. Barry Seymour

    Sleepy Time

    Man, those strings are like buttah. Nice piano sound too. I know you just suggested less reverb on one of mine, but I'd suggest more reverb on the lead guitars here, help them feel more dreamy and blended with the strings. ? Great tune.
  13. I was striving for a bit of 'wall of sound,' so the extra reverb was deliberate. We'll see how it holds up, I guess. I too would like a better tone for the piano, but couldn't find one that was both better than the built-in one and easy to install. I'm open to VST suggestions. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. This is stellar; it just shimmers. Everything is so clear, it sounds like you're sitting on my shoulder. Love it. I especially like how it started; it sounds like some recording of a dude in his bedroom, with guitar sounds, raspy voice, rustles, etc. Then, when the full mix kicks in it's a delight. Only crit I'd have is that the 12-string needs tuning and there are places where I can't tell if it's a subtle ride cymbal or 'tape hiss.' But sometimes that's charming. This is great stuff.
  15. This is a very appealing song. Nice background vocals. The mix seems a little hot, a little harsh. Everything feels right in my face. Bass could be up more. Lead 12-String needs a little tuning. I like it, though!
  16. I've never revised a song or a recording so much as this one! Perversely, as soon as you add vocals, for some reason mixing becomes a lot harder. I'd love some advice on this; including but not limited to lyrics, mixing, etc... New bits here - me fumbling around on piano. Thank God for quantizing! ? https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/starting-out-again-alone-mix-1/s-q6ggAZfeohm Edit: Final Mix Here! https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/starting-out-again-alone?in=barry-seymour/sets/nice-hat
  17. I wanted that big, trebly 'Telecaster in a canyon' sound. Thanks for the kind words.
  18. I thought about that, it's a good point, but I think the last verse - 'first one out the door' - does the trick too. Thanks for the feedback, though....
  19. Final mix! Thanks, everyone, for the input!
  20. He has a separate four-track digital recorder, I'm not sure of the details. But it starts out in sync, then falls behind a bit, then catches up, etc. It's not him - he's provided a full mixed MP3 with my tracks and his playing and it's fine. But his raw WAV files don't sync up. He's going to get Cakewalk and buy a USB digital audio mixer / interface; then we'll see.
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