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Barry Seymour

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Everything posted by Barry Seymour

  1. EDIT: I've released the final version. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. Hey everyone. Here's a new one. It's more hard charging than a lot of my songs, so I might need some guidance on how to make it powerful without clipping / overdriving. It's political, and it has a few salty words, so get your pearls ready for clutching. ? Comments / suggestions welcome.
  2. Final Cut is out! See the first post. https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/aluminum-stan
  3. Thanks. The chords are kind of a Steely Dan rip off, in some ways. I had to do some serious research on those - Steely Dan songs are so often a mystery to me!
  4. SECOND BEST!??!?!?? ? I'm keen to hear the first. Thanks for the kind words, Mark.
  5. Jam night in an Italian bistro, a jazz cat known for his vamp He took one look at my Stratocaster, made me plug into his amp He throttled my volume like a strangler, he put the shade on my light I was dyin’ to be a rock and roll star, but he wouldn’t let me that night. Finally out of f-birds to give, I played some rubbishy junk Schizoid solos, bumbling chords, metaphysical bunk But Mr. Magictone thought it was genius, he said my playing was hot “Where did you learn that amazing technique?” He hired me right on the spot Way cool, old school, midnite cruisers, sneaky and sly is the plan Kirschwasser, Columbian, zombies and losers, hide in the back of the van Drive west on Sunset, turn down the music, no one can see it’s a scam With a cough, I pull it off, I am Aluminum Stan So I gave up my previous gig, a Seventies soft rock band The new group’s starting to make a big noise, playing across the land Eminent hipsters all over the country are analyzing my songs On Instagram I’m an influencer, something about that’s just wrong Zoom calls, big balls, concert promotions, playing a gig on the Strand A two month residency in Lost Wages, six nights at Hakkasan I’m singing and playing presumptuous nonsense, still I accumulate fans Soon I’ll be the king of the world, I am Aluminum Stan I learned to work the guitar, I couldn’t quite play what I feel (Then) I got a bad case of tour disorder, it got even more unreal I finally broke down playing at Red Rocks, I floundered and lost my hat I sang an old song about sailing, I blacked out after that I came to on the sofa, a jackhammer in my head Libby came out, she said I’d been tripping, it’s time that I went to bed Rick Beato had finished on YouTube, I turned off my LEDs That was a nasty handful of mushrooms, I ain’t takin’ no more of these Way cool, old school, too far from Broadway, more than a little bizarre I threw out my gold teeth, I smell like an ashtray, is there gas in the car? Gauchos and strangers gone back to Hollywood, I’m stranded in Spokane My little wild time is over and done, I was Aluminum Stan
  6. Hey guys! I'm sorry I've been gone for a bit. I had some mid-size health issues take me off the table for a bit. Then, when I came back, I decided to do THIS. When you spoof Steely Dan, you really have to bring your A-game, in writing, playing, recording, etc., so this took me longer than originally anticipated. So here's "Aluminum Stan," rife with more in-jokes than you can shake a guitar at. (I'm actually thinking of having a contest to see who can find the most! :-D) Let me know what you think regarding mixing, playing, etc. Thanks! https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/aluminum-stan
  7. The last mod I had him make (not shown above) was to put Fender Vintage pups at neck and middle, and a Seymour Duncan 'Shawbucker' at the bridge. The third knob had a push-pull button to switch the Shawbucker from single to double coil. He changed the master volume pot from 250k to 500k, whatever that means. He said it was a 'compromise' that wouldn't help the Fenders but would help the Shawbucker. But the whole thing came to life! I finally got that STRAT sound I had been longing for.
  8. New mix: I redid the bass and worked to make the sound richer.
  9. I wrestled with a lackluster tone on my Frankencaster for years; even went through three sets of pickups. It wasn't until my tech replaced the volume control pot that the thing finally came to life and gave me that Strat sound I've been longing for. The soloing here is just the neck pickup and TH3 effects. I'm lovin' my Strat now!
  10. "Woman" tone? Not the John Lennon song. ????
  11. Thanks for the feedback - I'll look for it.
  12. No, this was my usual - MT Power Drum Kit 2. However back in the 80s it was a TR-505 drum machine I'd program by hand.
  13. Barry Seymour


    Two in one day! I recorded this on a Tascam PortaStudio way back in 1987, but it REALLY needed updating. It came together fast - I slapped this one together in two days! - since I already had it arranged. Lyrics by my good friend Ed Kazala.
  14. I plug the cable into the amplifier, I plug the cable into my guitar But if I say that’s all, I am a liar, I conjure sounds both subtle and bizarre I tell a lie with every note I’m playing, it sounds like something came from outer space All the crazy sounds my guitar’s making are coming from my user interface You hear me here, you hear me there, you hear me all around You see me high up in the air, you feel me in the ground Spinning, swirling ‘round your head, you think that it’s superb I turn it on with my right foot, it’s only my reverb (Like) echoes traveling through the air you’re hearing, ripples travel forward through your life When your ancient schema’s interfering, your past dysfunction cuts you like a knife And everyone around you is a target, everyone around you is a mark Every day your history incarnate returns to sabotage you in the dark You see it here, you see it there, it undermines your life It alienates your family, it irritates your wife Often it can manifest in ways subtle and absurd Ripples spread with every change, it’s only your reverb You may never recognize the patterns You may not see how it all adds up The prehistoric you within the caverns Is orchestrating every new screw up You stand here near the ending of your journey, the road behind you long and winding past You start to think you might need an attorney, your ancient crimes will do you in at last There aren’t any major laws you’ve broken, just a lot of simple, dumb mistakes But every now and then some word you’ve spoken reverberates through time until it breaks You hear it here, you hear it there, you hear it all around You see it high up in the air, you feel it in the ground Spinning, swirling ‘round your head, destruction undisturbed Old mistakes you can’t undo, it’s only your reverb
  15. Bloody beautiful. Great singing, love the chord progression. The string pad is like a warm comforter. Lyrics are deep poetry. Well done, I love this! ( I need me a cabin like that one!)
  16. Echo the above, a real Jagger feel... and a real Richards feel in the guitar. Not my favorite style, but you do nail it. Great mix and playing. Nice how you spread the BG vocals out from left to right.
  17. Barry Seymour


    No, not a technical discussion. At least, the SONG isn't. Comments welcome. Edit: New mix!
  18. Okay, here's a new mix. I re-sang the vocals as I did not like the timbre I was putting out. Also backed off the snare as recommended.
  19. Good catch. Will adjust. Anything else? ?
  20. Ha. I'm just using the stock TH3 amp sim. I've always found it adequate to my limited needs as an aging 70s rocker. LOL What was coolest was discovering a free Mellotron VST, the RedTron from Artifake Labs. It's great fun!
  21. Here's another departure for me, an attempt at progressive rock. Had a lot of fun adding a synthesizer and even a MELLOTRON in there. First mix, open to suggestions.
  22. Ha. I boosted the kick because someone said the drums sound 'thin.' I'll revisit, thanks.
  23. Okay, I think this is the last one. I added a bit more variety to the drums, deepened the tone on the kit, I hope it blends in better now. (Plus this one is in "HD.") Speak now, or forever hold your pieces!
  24. I have some ideas on what that sound might be, gonna look into it. I often find this, that something sounds good on my headphones but not on a set of speakers. Crafting a mix that sounds good everywhere is like the Holy Grail. Thanks for the kind words.
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