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Everything posted by mettelus

  1. This is true for just about everything HB sells. Bear in mind that purchases are going to charity, so most manufactures are using it to get people into onboard/upgrade paths. For someone onboarding this would be a very nice option, and upgrades are not as enticing as they were a decade ago. I am pretty sure the "Suite" was where the Convology XT (full version) landed as well. My last Samplitude was the X5 Suite, which was more to get SpectraLayers Pro 7 (the suite was the same price as SLP 7 upgrade at that time). Edited: kitekrazy actually read the product description! ?
  2. The other things that strikes me is the timing of these back-to-back offers. The 5.2 offer was just 5.1 +Guitar Rig 6 (they are separated because GR 6 is an NI Access registration), and this one is 5.2 + RX10 Advanced. Their loyalty page has bothered me for years now, but with Firefox I couldn't see the prices without adding them to cart (they have always had Firefox issues though too).
  3. Quick, semi-related sanity check for myself... the A-300 doesn't ship with a power transformer, correct? I was setting things back up a couple weeks ago and thought I had lost it, but think it may have come only with the USB cable (buss powered). I wanted to check quick, since if it did come with power connection (I "think" that was optional), then I did lose it.
  4. mettelus

    Melda 11

    This caught me off guard; did you buy from Melda directly? Melda is one of the very few companies that alerts you that you already own something you are trying to add to your cart (if logged in and buying from them). I am not sure if that has changed with them though? Every other company seems fine and dandy to sell you 20 copies of the same thing.
  5. ^^ Try this. The main input (A-PRO 1) is only the keys, the other input (A-PRO 2) is the controller functionality.
  6. mettelus

    "Deal or No Deal"

    LOL, yes. I think it was Tom years ago who asked me if it was "fuzzy" and my first thought was the sound. I had to chuckle after I got it, but that was a brilliant idea to keep it from showing wear over the years. I actually got a pop in/out caster set for it years ago... worked great for concrete floors, but 75 lbs is a bit much to cart around with tubes exposed. Luckily it has a 25/50/100% power switch on the back; even on 25% I rarely take it above 2. It is a bit much for a studio scenario, but I promised myself I wasn't going to turn it into a piece of furniture.
  7. I happened to catch a documentary on WWII encryption techniques, and heard "2500 valves" so had to go watch that part onward. The Lorenz cipher (Enigma successor) could create massive messages with better encryption, and the British counter was the Colossus Mark 2 which used a 2500 valve computer to systematically decrypt them in a few hours. Just made me think that is a lot of money for today, since valves are less and less common and... well, 2500 of them! I actually had a coworker who inherited a stash of valves from her father and I told her to get those appraised, since they alone could be worth a small fortune. From there it shifted into something even more simple and interesting. The Japanese were so good with breaking codes that the US Marines chose a simple, yet effective solution. The Navajo language is incredibly difficult to learn if not learned as a child, so they used "Navajo Code Talkers" to transmit messages with rudimentary replacement of words. Instantaneous communications and effective, so effective that the Japanese were intent to kidnap one but never did (they even had their own bodyguard details). I never even knew about the Code Talkers before, but that creativity is impressive.
  8. mettelus

    "Deal or No Deal"

    I had to check "combo amp" on GC to right myself for the ages. They only have four 100W (two are 1x12s) an one 150W in there, all pricey. The Mark VII is 90W, so didn't come out in the search. That said, the Carvin XV-212 I got years ago would be $1832 in today's dollars, so maybe I am just getting old enough now to see youngsters get plowed by inflation . Tube amps tend to be heavy anyway, so mine is more a house fixture now since I refuse to move it anymore.
  9. Simple orchestration that builds up to the landing would be the simplest... BUT... it never shows it touch down, lol. With my sick sense of humor I would extend the video 10 seconds with black footage and insert and explosion clip on the end Then everyone will be searching to find the explosion footage.
  10. Scroll down on this page to the "Cakewalk by BandLab is free. Get the award-winning DAW now." section. IIRC, you need to install the extras via the BandLab Assistant (the right/black button). Install and run that, and you can get the extras that come with CbB. Once installed, you can also safely uninstall the BandLab Assistant if desired since it is no longer required to update CbB (but used to be).
  11. Melodyne is a separate program, so you need to install that separately. It is a product of Celemony (where it is registered/upgraded) not Cakewalk, but Cakewalk can make use of its ARA functionality/features.
  12. mettelus

    "Deal or No Deal"

    Yikes, that is a bit nutty, but on par with recent Gibson involvements. It does make me appreciate that I decided on a tube amp for my first purchase years ago. These days anything comparable is 4x as much. You could almost get a HELIX FLOOR and Kemper Profiler for that cost (but still need a cab).
  13. Eight years later and I still haven't consolidated this post from the old forums, unfortunely you have to hit refresh a few times to open old posts/links from there. Another aspect that comes to mind is to shut off "Automatic Network Discovery" since that pings every 3-4 seconds and you don't want your PC trying to connect to everything it can find anyway. Any "automatic" function on a PC needs to be looked at if you want to keep latency down.
  14. I might have missed this being mentioned already, but repeatable glitches like that are very common to plugins that have a DEMO mode (or a "free" variant of a paid plugin). Does anything in your master FX chain fall into that category? I agree this seems more a rogue plugin issue than a system issue. Another thing to be mindful of is plugins that have look-ahead associated with them and that there is enough buffer to accommodate that.
  15. ^^ Be very careful about using loopbacks. Input echo on the loopback track can cause a positive (and sometimes destructive) feedback loop on you. Unless you set a monitor path separate from the loopback path internal to the interface, you are recording everything being played, so the above advice is a much better method. If you are recording to a backing track from the internet, it is easiest to loopback that first (so you have a pre-recorded track), then record your guitar and vocals as you would normally (with no loopback being used at all). Some interfaces allow for complex routings, but working in 2 steps is often easier and safer.
  16. As always, the upgrades from iZotope are hit and miss, depending on where you last upgraded (this one goes back to MPS 4). JRRShop actually has this split out after purchase (when you get redemption codes) into "MPS 5.1" and "GR 6 Pro" separately, which is something to be mindful of. If you already have 5.1, you are just buying another copy of it.
  17. I do not think you can in Melodyne itself, or at least I have never seen it. Melodyne uses ARA and reversing is a clip function. It would probably be simplest to copy the audio to a new track to reverse in CbB and then do any edits to that isolated copy/clip.
  18. Not sure if you checked this or not, but the most POWER in audio is at the low end. This advice is definitely good practice to consider.... even if you reduce the low end to mix the rest and add it back before mastering.
  19. Nicely confusing for sure. After years of iZotope's site showing every upgrade in my loyalty offers, then a few showing nothing at all, it is back to showing everything with no details (all either "upgrade" or "loyalty offer") without prices. I had to add them all to cart to read them, then delete them all. My last purchase was MPS 4 and GR 6 was still outstanding for me, so this one was was worth it, but YMMV depending where in the "upgrade train" you are.
  20. BIAB has its own learning curve, and you can always upgrade it. It may be more prudent to get a simpler version and see if you take to the software before jumping into the deep end with it. It has no trial/demo version since 2009 IIRC.
  21. ^^ I forgot to mention this previously, but I believe iZotope RX, Adobe Audition, and Steinberg SpectraLayers all have functional trials, but RX has the most painless method to remove the software afterwards. Side note: It is good practice to record an ambient lead in/out on tracks just in case noise reduction is needed. That way you will always have an ambient sample embedded into the track for post-production of the full frequency spectrum, especially if doing something like recording old songs from magnetic tape into a DAW.
  22. If this is a one-off situation, another option is to post the file on Dropbox or similar and share that link to for folks here who have RX or Audition to do the noise reduction for you. You can share such via Private Message if preferred as well.
  23. [You replied after typing this, but the proprietary software is worth noting just in case for future reference] Gotcha, some laptop manufacturers also have their own proprietary energy management (in addition or in lieu of Windows), which would be another thing to look for specific to your laptop brand. As it happens after a long period, the system is most likely powering off things it sees as idle. A good practice with post-production work is to 1) focus on that only, since other programs may wrestle for resources and 2) Save and closeout work if stepping away.
  24. Something to also bear in mind with this... if you want to fill up a drive FAST... load audio and video files onto it (why samples and projects are typically on a second drive). Add in temporary/working directories (another thing to point to another drive if a program has the option in preferences), and you will start getting projects/temp files in the GB realm. As you start chewing up disk space, there are several utilities out there that can show you what is taking up space and where (I use TreeSize Free). Depending how big your C drive is, you will get to a point where you will have to start managing the space on it. For CbB, doing a "Save As..." to another folder will only copy files in use by that project; and if you want to keep the rest just in case, an external drive is a good option if on a laptop, then you can keep only projects being worked on the laptop itself.
  25. ^^ There are also numerous products by iZotope, so a specific question for specific software will get user feedback to you pretty quickly here. Questions that are too broad will not get responses as often. Also, iZotope themselves published free Mixing and Mastering guides on their site a long time ago. I think they are still there, but written to older versions (90% of the content is still applicable). It looks like they also converted some of those pdfs into web pages now (https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/how-to-mix-music.html#:~:text=1 Step 1%3A Calibrate your ears 2 Step,Incorporate automation 6 Step 6%3A Finish the mix). Don't overlook perusing their site for usage as well based on product/task you have questions with.
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