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Everything posted by Pathfinder

  1. OK I will check both things. I have been dragging the whole row. I'll also check the tutorial about PRV Thanks guys
  2. So, yes, I have never , ever used the PRV, I have always used my own moves. But now I have an issue. If I look at the midi drum track in PRV and select a row of sounds. I can drag it up and down. I want to drag it to say Clsd HH but I cannot. Just wondering why it lets me select the entire row of said note and drag it all where evrr I want but I cannot get it to stick anywhere? Hope that makes sense. I guess my old ways are catching up with me ? The note in question is a number, not a note name. I am guessing it is clsd HH because of where it appears throughtout the track. But since it is a number, I cannot use find\replace. Bummer.
  3. Not sure where grid lock is for track view on tracks but I will look. Yes I thought it was weird, but even weirder is that Splat has NO issues at all with it. Why would that be? It is a weird midi file, a yamaha.com file. It was midi 0 but I saved it as a midi type 1 first thing. Thanks for the reply
  4. So, regular midi file, type 1. Then saved as cwp after adding softsynths: Track view, tracks are in numerical order 1 thru 16. So I drag midi track 4 by holding cursur over little midi icon on track 5 lets say. As I have done for the last 2 or 3 decades. I want to drag it to position above track 1 so it appears as the first track in the midi file.. I get the dark line showing I am dragging it but instead of changing it's position, it changes the track number but leaves track 4 in track 4 position but it is now denoted as track 1. That is NOT what is expected. Is this some new setting I have missed? ***This happens no matter where I try to drag the track to, just the number of track changes, not the position. This same midi file, or any midi file works as expected in Splat. Also, I purchased a midi file for a song I need to play at a wedding as a one person band, whcih is what I have done a lot of in my life. I play guitar and sing along with the backing track. CWbyBL cannot handle this file at all. S No softsynth folders that I have added show up in track view (no they are not hidden I checked) Precision for grabbing or dragging anything in track view is a joke. Near impossible. Now this part only happens with this one file, but SPLAT has NO issues with it at all? Really confusing to say the least.
  5. So how does one differentiate between a reply and a post? Please don't say quotes. Also why can't we just have a like button instead of a stupid heart? Yeah, I said it.
  6. @Chuck My post was in no way directed at you. It was my personal opinion of how I feel about this issue - period....
  7. As I already alluded to...What matters to me is TIME as a Cakewalk user. Yes it's Bandlab but the idea is still 99% Cakewalk and that is important IMHO. So we are suppose to forget about old Cakewalk and focus only on new Cakewalk? Why is that a requirement? My post count was 3044 but that does not show me as a loyal Cakewalk user. My 28 years sure do. Is that a symbol of "puffing my chest"...Nope. It's just my dedication and support of a product I have used and loved for many, many years.
  8. EDIT: Tried a different midi file and it works fine---Very strange. Thanks for the replies..............
  9. So I cannot right click and do this? I can, however do it in Spalt with the SAME midi file? Both are set "Run as Administrator" So I am stumped here. Any ideas? Thanks
  10. I forgot to mention. I just realized I do NOT have to sign back in anymore. Not sure what changed or what I did. But thats OK. Thanks for all the suggestions. Much appreciated !
  11. I am using Chrome. Just tried again. Hmmm? Strange. I use Bit Defender, but I have it turned off.
  12. I did select login with bandlab account . But it does not stick. Guess I am doing something wrong but I do not see what it is.
  13. Once again-Why am I only able to see the LAST post? If I am doing something wrong please tell me?
  14. So to stay signed in (as in avoiding signing in every time) I must keep the asst running? That not real good. Cannot see threads unless I sign in-except for LAST post.. Type and layout really leaves much to be desired. OK so I know it's free. Does this mean I should settle? Well Ok I guess. Just won't come here unless it is paramount. Sad, in the CW forum we good browse, read threads, learn, etc.
  15. I don't care as much about the post count as I do about length of time.....Yeah, I know ego and all.
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