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Everything posted by Pathfinder

  1. I'll check that now. Thanks Scook.............
  2. I would have to guess that SOMETHING in the register is corrupted. But since I do NOT know what I cannot go any further. Guess my CW days of over after 30 years.
  3. I deleted and then rebuilt them all. Still that screenshot remains the same. The vst Instruments_01052022 is NO longer dated the 5th. I rebuilt and renamed it to todays date? Still nothing changes. I will attempt to edit the register I guess. I truly do NOT understand. This is why I get so frustrated. This is crazy.
  4. They all were built at the same time 01/05/22. They show up as fx layouts in the plug in manager drop down menu. I have resaved them , et. I guess I can delete them and try again from scratch. I always date them as in the screenshot. Thanks
  5. First, full disclosure, MY memory is SHOT-no disease, that I have been told of anyway, VA takes care of my Medical neeeds. Just, cannot remember so many SIMPLE CW things. I mention this because i have posted some very basic (sometimes ridiculous) CW questions even though I have used CW since the 90's. I did a new install, new PC, etc, etc. I cannot remember so many simple key things. I have been going thru ALL the tutorials I can find on here and youtube, hopefully some will sink in. Sorry for the rant. I am trying guys and gals! Here is the present one: In the Manage layouts pict I attached you can see checkmark next to VST Instruments with a date. But I have 3 o these saved. I do not remember how to get all three to show up in the menu like the VST Instruments 01052002? Hope that explains it well enough. I have checked and re-checked-I definitely have 3 self made menus saved the same place as the VST Instrum,ents lyout. Nothing is compressed, etc. Thanks so much for your patience and help
  6. Just as a side note. Now that my brain remembers HOW to do it, When I try to import ANY of the .spp files they WILL NOT load -I can select ALL but when I try to import-no good. . So that's it. No go.
  7. OK found that, was just about to post back. Each vst has load\save preset etc. But of course all mine are invalid and will not load. Never mind. I am very close to giving up but I guess I will have to re-create all (it's many) of the presets I have created over the years. When you folks are tired of me I will understand because I am tired of me.
  8. I have my old one from before new install. All my preset saves are there. But I cannot find a way to SET the path. In plug in manager all options are grayed out. I thought perhaps I needed to CREATE a new preset and save it, so I did. NOTHING. In the screenshot I have EZDRUMMER 2 highlighted but as you can see-all gray. I searched the register and could find nothing. Do I have to create a path in the register? Seems crazy. It is amazing how much BASIC stuff you forget when you use a program for 3 decades. Thanks
  9. OK I have now started all over with X1, X2, X3 and Plat, then CWbyBL. Hoping all goes well. I am referring to the discussions suggested. Not sure about CW content folder on Sample drive-but I get to it ?
  10. Thanks Scook. Already did. Great stuff. Found all my Sonars and cam across this file. Remember this? I am sorry I do not remember who did this. Wasn't me of course. Weird that I cannot open it here? Sonar what version had what_GREAT.xlsx
  11. OK. I will try (do that) that tomorrow. Thanks guys! I have ALL the installers and serials and reg info etc for ALL sonar on a spreadsheet. Should I install what I had? I know Plat for sure, but x1,x2 and x3? All of them? I have the room. Thanks very much
  12. I understand that but I am not ready to go thru the process of VSTs like Toontrack, Izotope and countless others. If I find I am sorely missing some of them I may reconsider but it would take an awful lot for that to happen. EDIT: If I KNEW for sure that I would NOT have to reinstall all samples and VSTS I would have no problem do it correctly. So, does uninstalling CWbyBL mess with any of the installed VSTS or samples and libraries? I would hate to make ANOTHER mistake. Thanks
  13. Well I have already reinstalled many ;large VST's, etc, so I guess I will now not have the older versions of Sonar anymore. I'll keep them safe for the future. Live and learn. The hard way....story of my life these days!
  14. I actually had Platinum, X1,X2, and X3 installed alongside bandlab for years. I have already installed just CWbyBL.
  15. I adjust with the modules I want. Next time I start CW it is back to minimal modules and not what I wanted? Workspaces got me again. It has been a long time since I first installed CWbyBL and I have forgotten so much of what I did. Quite the journey for this old guy ?
  16. Nothing exists- I did a CLEAN install of Win 10 Prox64. So no mlinks, no CW at all Just somewhat frustrated with re-installing everything Been years
  17. So finally decided new build deserved NEW Win 10x64 install. All done. Now I like all samples and cakewalk content on my E:\Sample Drive. It already exists with everything o I guess that will ot help. My question is: Doing a custom install of cakewalk when I get to Cakewalk Content location can I just browse to and select my E drive? Used mlink, etc before to do this. Wish there was someway to use what is already in the cw content folder on the E dive but I imagine that's not possible. Thanks
  18. Thanks- I mentioned GPT in my post. I have decided to try A startech PCIe card made for single nvme m.2 drive. It's worth a try. Thank you for the reply. Guess I ask too many questions..................
  19. So. finally almost done with this new build, thanks to help from this forum. I did research about partioning nvme m.2 drives and got mostly mixed reviews-leaning towards the difference in speed will be nanoseconds maybe. My comcern is NOT speed. I need to install a clean(or migrate win 10x64 for now. Currently (not in picture, OS is on pretty old Samsung ssd 250 GB-SATA 2.5". Disk #3, partitoned 50/50 is where I hoped to put OS on 1 partition and Audio recordings o the other. Is this OK? Dumb? Not a good idea because? I have one empty nvme m.2 slot but it's partaily UNDER the graphics card. I can get one in there but NO ROOM for any type of heatsing? So? I do have a new Samsung 500GB 980 nvme m.2 sitting on my desk. I did think about a Startech adapter to use the spare 980 in a PCIe slot-might even be able to put a small heatsink on it. I apologiz for my long winded post but I am almost there and really would like to be done. I hope I am not asking too many questions! OK I don't really need the games (well Tomb Raider) but I don't see where that makes a difference here. I also am aware that the OS drive should be GPT not MBR, but I have not figured where it's going yet so I left it as MBR for now- EDIT: I completely understand (HONEST) if I do not get a reply, not your everyday question and probably confusing somewhat due to my trying to explain. ? Thanks
  20. Use to be a fan above the desk, on the ceiling. Didn't work and didn't need it. So I already have th AC wiring and a solid brace to studs. Just wondering about EMI or other interference. Need I worry about that? If so what type of light should I get? I was thinking hanging type is easiest but could do track lighting flush to ceiling or fixture flush. I do recall concerns of interference from LEDs, if that is a thing when on ceiling? Thanks so much gang
  21. So just wanted to post back. I did have to go into the register to change Pro Channel preset path-but I remember having to do that before-years ago again. All others in folder locations were just logical and easy. All seems OK now that I have got the folder locations set correctly. Thank You Scook..............
  22. I was able to get the path to Cal Scripts in correctly. So I am hopeful I can get them all tomorrow. Thanks again-I really appreciate it........................... ?
  23. They don't but I can change them. They are ALL pointing to the same place? That is weird because like I said before I did the new build (2 days ago) everything in cw worked perfectly. iirc when I first did the mlink stuff years ago I did have to change some paths. Thanks so much for your help as always. I I do not get it tomorrow I'll post back.
  24. all my paths in folder locations are pointing here : C:\Users\Frankl\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core I never touched them All I did was move the sample folder which contains the cakewalk content folder to a new nvme m.2, nothing else.??? I use CW everyday, so I don't get the changes
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