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Everything posted by Pathfinder

  1. So, sometimes Dim pro works and then the next day it doesn't? Same patch\preset btw. Checked outputs, meters are all showing input and output. Is it just tiome to ditch Dim Pro? Is there anything similar to it? I already have Kontakt, with a few liobraries but none that cover what Dim Pro does. Thanks as always Pathfinder
  2. I still use my Mackie HR624 mkii's. Sound great. See no reason to change except maybe for the sake of change. I get that. I agree the tech has certainly changed though. So, is that good or bad?
  3. I will check out all the suggestions, thanks!
  4. Never use the SM58b or 57 for vocals. Only the Stellar CM5. did try the Shure SM7B-returned it to sweetwater.
  5. Budget is <$1,000. Presently have Shure SM58beta all around, SM57 (for instruments) Vocals I have an old Stellar LDC Tube mic. It's nice but looking to upgrade\change? BTW, advice from the Gear page is how I wound up with the Stellar CM5 many years ago. I did consider Warm Audio Wa 47 but it's a very heavy mic and for reasons of my own I would rather have a lighter, as in actual weight mic. I use a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen and I also have a warm Audio WA-12 mic pre, the original one. Thanks
  6. Where can I post asking advice about LDC VOCAL ONLY for me mic for my little home studio. Budget is <$1,000. Presently have Shure SM58beta all around, SM57 (for instruments) Vocals I have an old Stellar LDC Tube mic. It's nice but looking to upgrade. BTW, addvice from the Gear page is how I wound up with the Stellar CM5 many years ago. I did consider Warm Audio Wa 47 but it's a very heavy mic and for reasons of my own I would rather have a lighter, as in actual weight mic. Or will this do? Thanks
  7. For me, on a measely 28" 4K samsung monitor, I notice this "WASTED SPACE" that I could actually USE if given back. To me it is totally ridiculous to waste this space. I love CW, have since the early 90's. Never switched to another daw although I did check some out when we had the Sonar Plat tragedy hit us. But imho, this is unnecessary and ust poor or lazy programming. Yes I said that. I would love to hear someone from CWbyBL explain why this has to be?
  8. Weird cause I could swear it happened recently while I was working on a project and I immediately tried to figure out what I did. Oh well. Thanks as always. IMHO it is wasted space that I could use.
  9. I understand I did this, but not on purpose. But I have no idea what I did. But more importantly how do I get rid of it? Happened yesterday, probably some keystroke I hit inadvertently. The space is kind of outlined in red. I am sure you get what I mean-sloppy I know. Basic I know. How to undo, no I do NOT know. One again the little things we forget over the years-or I forget over the years. Thanks as always. EDIT: I guess you can tell me that is the way it is now. But it wasn't 2 days ago. Just sayin. I get it is simple, basic. doesn't help me.
  10. I have posted here when I was upset with CW or just my DAW setup in general. I also have been here since the beginning, well not really, but I still have my CW audio discs. But I always came looking for and wanting help. I always got the help.
  11. OK Thanks- I have an account. Appreciate the info. going to download. Love SSD's. Plat 4 are really great sounding. Looking forward to this. I was ready to buy when it came out until I saw the ilok thingy. Plat 4 does not have that.
  12. Do you need ilok to use this? I know you do for anything above Plat 4.0 (which I have and love) I refuse to use Ilok or similar. Thanks
  13. OK So I am NOT getting the exp packs. Bit Defender is saying the site is heavily infected, etc, etc. Big red flags. This is the mirror sites to actually download the packs. Guess I'll just forget about it. I know AV apps throw up false flags but this one reads very detailed. Like I said, ONLY the mirror sites for download.
  14. Yes the installer is is there. That is what I used. I used CCC, not my products page. EDIT: Aha! So I just went to my product page instead. Low and behold there were the 3 expansion packs.............Nice! Also, Scook, I meant the link to the expansion packs I found did not work. The one on the products page, which I just found, did work..............Thanks
  15. That's exactly what I found. even a download link, but the link was dead. I don't have an old install. Just figured.
  16. So, at CCC, there was a link but the packs were not there. Anyone know how I can get these? Thanks
  17. So I started from scratch. I mean with Dim Pro and rapture. Made sure all rapture stuff was uninstalled and also deleted everything rapture from registry. ? The DSF Guitars & Basses now work fine. Hurray. Big shout out to Scook for his help. Thanks..................................
  18. Thanks. I'll post tomorrow about how I make out
  19. There they were. I moved them to the program folder in DP directory in Program Data. Also deleted the prog list file. It was recreated. They are in the preset browser now but, DSF stuff says MS not found. The Craig Ele gtr stuff says could not de compress. The samples ARE THERE. For now I'll just leave it. I keep finding bits and pieces of Rapture pro although I thought I got rid of it all. No worries. I'll try from scratch tomorrow and make sure first ALL RP is gone. Thanks as always
  20. The Programs folder mentioned contains folders of all the folders in the MS folder except the 2 in question. They all are *.prog files. No such files exist for the DSF stuff or Craigs stuff. I imagine the APP. in this case, DP, builds that list from the multisample folder. But for whatever reason it ignores the dsf and craigs folders even though they are in the MS folder right along with the others.
  21. Did both those things multiple times. No luck Thanks for trying. I can do without, as mentioned above.
  22. So I reinstalled everything Dim Pro. Also the DSF Guitars and basses and the Craig Anderton stuff. All the samples are NOW in the Multisample folder that Dim Pro pulls from. But it does NOT see the DSF or Anderton stuff. No biggie I guess. Just thought that would do it. But, I seem to remember, maybe not related . But there was something we had to do to , I'll say, refresh, the preset browser in dim Pro? This was long ago, Plat days or maybe even Sonar X' days. Cannot remember what it was or if it even would apply here. BTW, I am a guitar player, playing for about 45 years or so. So the missing stuff is not the end of the world, just thought it would be cool to have access. Anyway thanks
  23. Thanks Scook. worth a shot. Not a big deal if I have to reinstall Dim Pro. Even thru CCC it only took about 4 or 5 minutes iirc.
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