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Everything posted by Pathfinder

  1. So, 99% of my project files are still midi with VSTS. I do have some guitar and vocal tracks recorded but nothing I can't easily redo and probably better. My fractal audio gear is 48K. So I guess it makes sense after reading thru the Bit depth Thread to just start using 28/24 going forward (always used 44.1/24 before. I do have some relatives that would like a, wait for it, CD f my recordings. So in that case I would have to dither on down? IS this correct? Thanks
  2. The warm audio WA12 MicPre actually has trs out and xlr out and both can even be used at the same time. So that parts easy. Guess it's time to try the Octa Capture 10\10 and stop talking about it. I may run into the same issues I have with the 18i20 3rd gen, who knows. Won't know until I try. Thanks
  3. Well this just reinforces for me that It's time to use the Roland Octa-capture which has SEPARATE PP for each channel. The 18i20 has banks of 4 on or off. So, I guess I could use the Original edition Warm Audio WA-12 Mic Pre (presently doing nothing but siting in the box) for the new WA87r2. That would eliminate having to use PP at all on the Fousrite.
  4. So, I bought a Warm Audio WA-87r2. I am still (for now) usin he Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen AI. I understand this is the consensus, I guess: Quote from Google search:Any dynamic microphone with a low impedance balanced output, like the SM58, is not affected by phantom power. Phantom Power will not damage a professional dynamic microphone. The Focusrite does NOT allow choosing PP on individual mic pre's It's 1-4 or 5 thru 8. I have an SM58 beta using input 4 (which of course actually is 1/2 of the stereo of 3&4. I guess this was to save $$$. So, is there ANY CHANCE that the PP being ON on the 58beta will harm\change\affect whatever the mic or\and sound? I use the 58 for vocals in my my small home studio when writing or learning a song. TheCM5 or WA87r2 are for recording only. Thanks
  5. @John Vere That Zoom L8 looks pretty nice. I have been thinking, well planning, on doing my one man thing, some vocals\acoustic only and some with backing tracks. Was planning on using my old reliable Mackie 1202VLZ4-has nice mic pre's for what it is(onyx?) I am going to see if GC near me has one I can look at, etc. Honestly, the I do NOT need anymore Audio Interfaces, my Fractal Audio FM9 & FM3 Turbo both have really nice AI stuff- But I only use them for guitar. So that makes 4 AI's. I was just thinking the Zoom L8 would be cool for doing my one man gigs.
  6. Hey John, Yes I just cannot bond with the Scarlett. The Roland Octa-Capture 1010 $639.00 on Sweetwater is actually more expensive than the Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen $599.00 which doesn't mean much in real life. I bought the Roland mainly as a backup and MOBILE backup for my EchoLayla 3G, which was a PCI card. The EchoLayla 3G has been the most user friendly of them all in my experiences. Just got tired of the piggy back add on card to accommodate PCI Express-. Boy I do miss it. I still have it of course. I am going to sell the Fousrite, that I have decided for sure. It's pristine in the box.. Thanks as Always John for the replies and helpful info. Frank aka Pathfinder
  7. @Bristol_JoneseyProbably a simple explanation, but little things like this is why I am moving from the Focusrite 18i20 3rd Gen: There are many of thesew for me anyway. Playback of daw is set to 1& 2 in focusrite PC control panel. Daw playback meters IN PC Control panel show movement, etc. Why isn't there any meter movement on the hardware meters themselves? Everything else (guitars and vocals have meter movement on hardware. I get the guitars and ocals are connected to INPUTS on the Hardware, but still? I know the audio playback is going thru USB but still wouldn't you want the meters on the hardware itself giving you an indication of the signal?
  8. Hey, What I am\was? concerned about are the audio digital converters-as in old tech. I do have the newer (well 2021 I think) Fousrite 18i20 3rd Generation. But I just do not get along with it. But I guess I shouldn't be worrying about converters because if I had a PCI slot for my Echo Layla 3G I would still be using it. The piggyback with adapter was OK but just not stable enough for me. Hence the Roland emerges out of the closet....................Thank You for your input-Greatly appreciated!
  9. That's great to hear.- I am mainly midi. The only audio I record live are vocals and my guitars. Electric and acoustic! Thanks for the info
  10. I am guessing I got so use to the ease of EVERYTHING with the Echo Layla for well over a decade that the Focusrite is just, well \, not user friendly, for me that is. Overkill is another word that comes to mind. I am a Fractal Audio user since 2009. Presently have FM9 and new Turbo FN3. They have zillions of parameters that can be fooled with. I don't, I use the units like a real amp mainly. Just because a unit has a zillion controls does not mean you have to use them. As you know of course. My point being, that procedure just does not work for me with the Focusrite. I will be selling it. It is pristine used in hone studio ONLY. Guess not too many using the Octa capture. Oh well. I am going to try the Octa capture, was just wondering about the advancements in AD|DA conversion and if the Octa capture is OK in that respect. They still sell them for $599.00. Guess I'll see. Will now unplug the Focusrite and put it neatly back in the box pending local sale! Thanks for the reply
  11. Curious. I have one pretty much new in the box. Presently I am using NEW Fousrite 18i20 3rd Gen. Not happy with it, mostly my shortcomings, not the Focusrite. Thanks
  12. I have Win10x64 Pro, latest updates etc. If I decide to do the free 11 upgrade will it give me win 11x64 Pro, like my present win 10? hope that makes sense-Thanks
  13. So, I have been fooling with the ProChannel presets for vocals and adding Rematrix Solo reverb ( or Breverb 2, Reverberate64, NeoVerb and others. at the end of some of them. Seem better than my attempts so far with all the other plugs I have, which are many.
  14. Amazing price for these days-I have a Noctua D15-pretty similar size wise. Not sure if it will accommodate LGA1700? For $45 I am very tempted just to buy that ? Thanks very much Pathfinder
  15. I am going to 12th I think. I have read 13th gen really needs liquid cooling to run best. I am a fan guy. Huge fans and they work for me. Anyone remember a company named Multiwave? For many, many years I would go to their site and but a MB\cpu\cooler\minimal stuff just to test it and then Ibuild from their. I cannot fin anyone that does that anymore. reason being my arthritis in my hands doesn't really really hurt my guitar playing but building from complete scratch, A PC gets tougher every year. Not to mention my poor eyesight. Thought about Jim R but I don't think he does such bare bones stuff. Guess I should ask. m.2 hi end samsung stuff are fairly new and I want to reuse them in new PC. Thanks for all the info
  16. Well, since I have no issues with I guess I'll stick for a while. Bought 2 x64 Pro versions (legal) way back. Why? end of 10 security updates. Thanks for the input!
  17. I have had 2 legal win 11x64 pro thumb drive purchases for quite a while. With reference to CWB, Next, etc various music apps) Will I really see any improvements if I finally do install it? I am running fine now and figured it was time for a fresh win 10x64 install (been 3 1/2 years) So? Any opinions welcome Thanks folks Pathfinder Frank
  18. Just had to circle back and say THANKS AGAIN to all who helped..........................stuff getting better (and clearer) every day............................
  19. I definitely a, somewhat compressor Illiterate than you very much. I am very well versed on SINGING lead vocals and playing guitars---Thanks I will check that out tomorrow o sure. Haven't been using the Pro channel much since i got all the Izotope and waves stuff. But I remember I grabbed manny add on PC stuff when they were available-I do miss it actually and thank you for the suggestion about he PC2A Lever module. Have to add this to my notebook of CW tips ? Thanks
  20. Appreciate the input. I will do that but I will continue to learn about Vocal compression- I am retired so all I do is pay my guitars and record ? BTW noticed, I have the same Focusrite. Does much more than I need....Still learning that to since I used an Echo Layla 3G forever.
  21. You assumed correctly . I am NOT comfortable with compressor controls. I have been reading and watching different videos on vocal compression. I need more and I will. Thanks
  22. OK so, as statedt he vocal sounds OK, better than when we started. BUT, I thought it was because of the printed track. But when I MUTE the printed track there is no difference at all in what I a hearing. But when I look at the de-esser and compressor in that track they are reacting to the vocal. If I solo the printed track it is LOW and LIFELESS? Guess I didn't learn as much as I thought I did. Maybe I'll stick to the end production compression and all.
  23. Ok dumb question-Do you mean on the way in or in he FX bin after? As far as sounding better. Feel like an idiot!
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