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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. Gswitz


    Hard to imagine
  2. Gswitz


    Remember the Stanley Cup?? Wahoo
  3. Too much is never enough.
  4. My wife just lost her job. We are celebrating. We'll see some mics. It'll be Ok. Anyone want a km184? ?
  5. I like using midi synths. I have GR3 pickup on my guitar which allows me to layer synths in. Rapture pro is fun. And with a touch screen you can use xy and move between sounds. There is hold pedal on my GR-20 so I can let sounds ring as I mess with the settings... adjust the levels of the synths in console view using a touch screen. Then play some more. God, it's deep. My favorite way to pass hours. Z3ta2 too. ? Reailly... it's an experience. For just playing through the amp, I like Earthquaker Devices mixed with the GR20 and my guitar. That's the next best to Rapture, but it's not as good.
  6. I exempt all wav files from scanning in addition to exes etc. I found that when I would stop a long recording the scanner would suddenly scan the waves. This would press processor for a few minutes and potentially cause IO driven dropouts.
  7. Gswitz


    If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer. Confucius
  8. Gswitz


    Uva Tiger woods Game of thrones Pretty good list for one week
  9. I really disagree about cheap not being good. Cheap ribbons are often almost indistinguishable from very expensive ribbons. Preamps and impedance matter with ribbons. If you don't have either a low impedance pre 220-300, or super high impedance, then you might not love the result. In either case, a good pre makes it possible to enjoy a cheap ribbon. Learning curve in ribbons is steep. They are not for smokers. I adore how they sound have not needed to repair one yet. Guess that means I'm still a baby. Don't be scared of the $100 ribbon. It is a different class of mic and worth having. They are super on very loud guitars or horns. To me, they are almost like the first step in compression. The path to a buttery track. Now if you want insulation from your pre, buy an active ribbon. These make it easy to get great ribbon sound on any pre, but they cost more. Almost double in some cases. Some ribbon basics include... Store vertically, no phantom power, careful of puffs like from a kick. Don't let the kick sound hole fire smoke rings at your ribbon. Mxl makes nice reasonably priced ribbons. I regret how many years i went without a ribbon. I was scared of fragile. I didn't realize the awesome! Keep in mind the difference between any ribbon and any condenser or dynamic is way more than the difference of properly working ribbons in different price ranges.
  10. Idk if I agree with this. I think you'd be surprised. They don't always out themselves on forums. The don't always pick just one daw. I hear some creators have moved beyond their daw... Bapu shout-out. I think the role of engineer has hit the hobby community too. People take turns playing engineer for each other. But to say cakewalk doesn't have a role with pros is to ignore decades of evidence to the contrary. Just to point out the obvious, Craig Anderton. And there are so many more. Hi Bapu.
  11. So the slightly disturbing part is from Paulo's old thread it's clear I knew about the presentation at the time and viewed it before. So what does it say that I watched it as if for the first time today. ? Got to enjoy it twice, I guess. Like a goldfish lapping the tank marveling at the new castle every 5 seconds. bloop bloop bloop
  12. Did anyone know about this or see it? Tech Talk - Cakewalk SONAR: Win32 lighting up on Windows 10 Published on May 9, 2017 Noel Borthwick A heads up for anyone attending the Microsoft Build conference in Seattle this year. Cakewalk and Microsoft are doing a tech talk demonstrating how Win32 applications can take advantage of some of the advancements on the Windows 10 platform. This is the only presentation at Build that focuses on media, audio and MIDI. There are two tech talks scheduled, on Thursday 5/11 2:30PM (Tech Talk C room) and Friday 5/12 10:30AM (Tech Talk C room). In the tech talks we’ll cover topics such as: UWP MIDI API with a hands on demo of how to integrate the UWP Win32 wrapper with a Win32 application Bluetooth LE MIDI Windows 10 WASAPI low latency audio support Multi-Touch and Pen support UWP desktop bridge At the talks we’ll be doing a live debug session of SONAR showing code integrating UWP MIDI. I may convince Pete Brown from Microsoft to jam on a Bluetooth MIDI controller with SONAR in that session, and we'll trace the life cycle of a MIDI note which should be fun On Friday between 12 and 3pm, we’re also doing a 3 hour “Solutions Spotlight” which will be a more open format permitting discussion with participants about the topics we’re presenting. If you’re going to be at Build please stop by or if you know someone attending please let them know about these sessions. The full builds session agenda can be found here as well: https://mybuild.microsoft.com/sessions ============== T6100-R1, T6100-R2 Cakewalk SONAR: Win32 lighting up on Windows 10 1. Speaker(s): Noel Borthwick; Pete Brown 2. Session Type: Tech Talk 3. Technology & Topic: Desktop Bridge, Media, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) 4. Abstract: Cakewalk Sonar is a top music creation and production application for Windows. In this session, learn about the audio, bluetooth, MIDI, and other features Cakewalk has used to light up on Windows 10 from their traditional Win32 app. 5. Session Level: 300 - Experienced
  13. Yes, but since you taught me, I have made a practice of it. Not every file needs it. The other technique I picked up from Bapu was using clip gain to control what you feed in to the fx chain. An example of where this makes my process much faster is for bouncing sermons (tedious job and doesn't have to be perfect). Because I do this every week (sometimes more than once) I have a fairly fixed process and I'm quick. 1. import file to an audio track. 2. find the sermon, split around the sermon with a little music leading up to it. 3. normalize the clip to -3dB 4. use clip gain envelope to notch down coughs or other noises. Perhaps bring up the quiet sections or down the loud. 5. Bounce to clip to see if it looks nice. 6. Normalize again to -3dB 7. Bounce to track through compressor and expander so noise is reduced and spikes are compressed. I use CA2A and MSpectralDynamics for this. High pass filter on the eq. 8. Normalize resulting track to -.2dB and see if the peaks are fairly consistent. If something stands out, return to step 4 and notch it. 9. limit a couple of dB, increasing the overall volume a little more. I use MMultiBand limiter for this. I can get through exporting this to MP3 end-to-end in about 15 minutes, including recording the intro and posting it to the web.
  14. I'm very sorry. Sucks supremely. I feel for you.
  15. Gswitz

    AKG Sales Event

    https://www.akg.com/microphone-sale?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=lookalike&utm_campaign=akgq12019sale&fbclid=IwAR2-v7sWV8jZ0_VLx1DjPHrk2fDityqiF-VgIBSOUsNI9GYqJ1WSNvROaCY Idk if it means anything. I love their mics. They've been great to me over the years. I use their mics all the time.
  16. Just to be annoying, i normalize things to different levels all the time. Essential piece of kit imho. Being able to normalize to rms or ebu is also handy.
  17. Make sure the clip has the focus. Shift click until the clip has the focus. Then s to split. You can also select clip to have the focus on the drop down on the track header on the left.
  18. We joke, but kids work so heavily with cloud resources like Google apps that there are high school grads who consider themselves tech savvy who don't understand local storage like hard drives or why you would use it. I used to use as an interview question when hiring people for a service development team, 'give an example of when not to use service oriented architecture'. So much dead air.
  19. I'm a little confused. With CbB you can just export to mp3. This will use the Lame encoder. It is what i use these days. It doesn't have a charge. Mp3 encoding is no longer protected so any software developer can package it for free.
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