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Everything posted by Gswitz

  1. It would help to hear the recording.
  2. Make sure they aren't just failing to play by checking the event list. Failing too play a midi note has a separate cause. For that problem you raise a buffer in preferences. Can't remember it, but someone will chime in with it.
  3. @Esteban Villanova Fx chains work in the pro channel and also in the old fx bins.
  4. I made this video to demonstrate what I was talking about above. When I first learned of this, the first thing I thought was... the expensive VSTs won't have this problem, but I've learned they do. As a matter of fact, I haven't found a VST delay that doesn't have the problem. I suppose to avoid the problem the delay would have to span new threads for new tempo changes and persist them until the last sounds at that tempo complete and return to zero. The problem would be the number of threads that might be required. I suppose for continuous tempo changes the delay could resist new threads for windows of time reducing over-all processing. I'm probably way off-base. I don't really know how to write VSTs. I'm just appreciating the problem. All of my VSTs I've tested have the same problem. When they are tempo-sync'd and the tempo changes, the can clip audibly.
  5. Does Latency monitor say you're good for real-time audio when you leave it running for 4 hours?
  6. Good start with latency monitor. So, it always shows green now? Or sometimes is red. If sometimes red, look at the dll tab for why. Sort descending. If yes, always green now, then make sure your virus scanner isn't scanning wav files. If not an ssd drive you could be pushing io constraints, especially if files just saved on stop start being scanned. If first shot always works and second is iffy, doubt your virus scanner that might be scanning your new waves while you also record.
  7. Caution: lots of time based fx like delays locked to varying project tempo will click through tempo changes. Try it and see. When i want to put tempo based fx on a live performance, i approximate the tempo for the song to a single tempo.
  8. You can use some contact cleaner too. Deoxit for example.
  9. It would be cool to spread voices over threads so that a single processor doesn't get over worked too. I like to use a lot of voices.
  10. Noel makes tons of money selling software to us. Oh wait. Well Gibson! They sell awesome guitars... Right? right? No? I think it is possible that music has gone with the soul of the world to find help. So, help is on the way?
  11. Comping works for me as long as I avoid normalize.
  12. Is fader port one that you should use azslow's driver for? He does something beautiful! http://www.azslow.com/index.php?board=10.0 @azslow3
  13. This happens to people. In Colorado, people would leave their beautiful instruments in the car at an open Mic and bring it in late... At midnight... Freezing... Pop open the case by the fire... https://www.google.com/amp/s/worldmusicsupply.wordpress.com/2016/01/13/winter-weather-and-your-guitar-and-its-finish/amp/
  14. Or perhaps afraid he could fall flat. Doesn't that happen like 50% of the time? Maybe just for me.
  15. Copy a good section, paste over loose section.
  16. I love midi too. Windows supports class compliant midi interfaces now. Any USB port can become one or more midi knot output pairs. For this reason, interfaces are less likely to support lots of midi. They work along side your regular interface without issue. https://smile.amazon.com/Converter-LiDiVi-Professional-Keyboard-Adapter/dp/B071KLC884/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=midi+usb&qid=1552568440&s=gateway&sr=8-3
  17. However kids have fun making music is a win. I remember a happy day where my daughter and her friends would draw musical notes on blank sheet music and ask me to play it. There was tons of laughing and giggling.
  18. I mean, I'm glad to be here. If my parent's hadn't bribed @Noel Borthwick to let me join the forum there's no way I'd be where I am today. Becan! for dinner!
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