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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. perhaps Craig is enigma coding to Bapu (and his new horse), I'll Bring The Liquor
  2. notta clew......International Bacon The Lulz ?
  3. Hey PwalPwal, thanks that would be great. much appreciated !
  4. tanks Kenny, we get a glimps of Bapu's rack. Criags hair is lookin good
  5. Awesome Craig, thanks. Didn't think could get just 1.
  6. I keep seeing the professor here has a different (sadistic) smile on his face.....no can't be....impossible.
  7. Hey Brian, it's just my 1st impression (as I mentioned) and if you can't handle that, your problem pal.
  8. Hey Brian, thanks, sorry I'm not watching that as I (personally) don't like his titles and screenshots. to me he looks more a Youtuber currently than someone working with bands, but I could be wrong. I will bet you he won't do next Foo Fighers album, Geen Day, Springsteen, Mark Knopfler or any of those artists. (it's just a bet, I could loose, not saying he can't get such work nowadays...I just reckon it's not likely). Those bands would maybe not hire him when he seems to be using his followers in a conflict (with Youtube who pays him, provides his stage...or is Youtube existing because of people like him ?). And is he demanding right to use other artists work for his videos ? Again, I don't know him (he could be awesome), just 1st impression he seems to think a lot of himself.
  9. Normally I don't tell people, but I was a teacher at a high science university for many years. I remember all the professors always came to me for the problems they couldn't work out. I'm humble about it, I really never tell people. when I won those awards and they asked me to write books so they could understand how I solved all the science problems. I stopped teaching the professors at the high science university as I was getting bored explaining them all the things that were so simple for me.
  10. Hey Bapu, thanks...I know Leland / his career. I just don't like the 'titles' this Beato guy posts, to me (it's just my feeling) first impression is negative, even if he had written/produced a thousand hit records. But I want to bet you a pack of Flatwounds his music carreer is not booming. (edit: btw probably want to bet me, I ALWAYS loose any bet).
  11. would get up in the middle of night for a livestream where he opens the email, his Youtube account/content has been removed. never watched his channel, when I see the titles I think 'who does he thing he is ? . he could be a great guy and it's just my opinion..
  12. Lou King good Kenny, awesome costume
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