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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. now only $5.25, order here: https://barracudabazaar.com/products/bacon-flavored-toothpaste
  2. same here, just with 2,000 not 1 acceptable take.
  3. btw anyone heard of Sharke (James) from NY ? he used to be a regular here..
  4. the girls are waiting for you Craig
  5. this is your relax room ?
  6. I hope not and applied voodoo power (don't tell Bill) as I really would miss this Fred.
  7. no Bill you're awesome. no worries...keep 'm coming !
  8. ye could try PM Craig Anderton if they don't help you (don't know if he's still involved with Presonus though)
  9. I calculated you'll get if free with coupon code 'groupgroupgroupgroupgroup' (credits to Bapu, could never have achieved this on my own) .
  10. for shure (therefore I might start a Fred about Studio One too)
  11. it's only logical then I let you know I don't have any Studio One version / user eggs peer Ian's.
  12. Adus is an iddy hut, stew pit as fok
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