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Jerry Gerber

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Everything posted by Jerry Gerber

  1. Thanks Nigel for listening, much appreciated! Jerry
  2. This is one of my personal favorites, composed and produced during the pandemic when I wasn't leaving the house... Jerry PLAY
  3. Sibelius is the notation software I've been using for decades...
  4. I completed this four movement work today and am posting the entire composition. Composed in Cakewalk with and for the VSL solo string collection PLAY
  5. I've posted various movements from this composition so I thought I'd post the entire symphony for those that might be interested. It's a a big ask, I know, it's not a short piece and will take time to listen to. I believe it's worth your while if you enjoy complex and accessible music. PLAY Jerry
  6. The lead instrument is a Vienna Symphonic Library oboe. Thanks noynekker, glad you enjoyed the video.. Jerry
  7. Thanks Peter, I'm glad you enjoyed reading the article..
  8. No, I make all of my CC edits, insertions and deletions in the Event List and also in the Controllers View. Over the years I've gotten very fast doing it this way (motor memory and repetition!) Also CW has the dialogue box to insert multiple CCs and multiple tempos, I use those often too..
  9. Hi Glenn, Cakewalk has an articulation screen that I never have used, it doesn't make sense based on the way I work. I didn't comment on key switches because I use them rarely, only when working with one of the vocal sample libraries I have. As far as the way use articulations, I have a dedicated computer for my VSL library, it can hold a huge amount of samples in RAM so whenever I need a new articulation i just call it up using cc22 and cc33. When I want to change, for example, a crescendo to a decrescendo, I use cc44. Control changes work well for me, so I use them extensively. Or when I want to go from a col legno to a normal pizz, I call up that articulation using CCs. In the article in SoundBytes that you mentioned that image of the CW event list displays what I am talking about. The more detail you put into your sequence, the better the music will sound. Velocity changes, articulation changes, attack and release times, tempos, cc11 and cc7--the more of these MIDI commands you use, the more expressive, intentional and nuanced the music will sound. Remember, too, there's no one right approach to working with music technology. For me the most important thing are results, . For every technique I use to create my recordings, another composer may use a different technique to achieve the same thing. That speaks to the incredible flexibility of software. Thanks for commenting Glenn! Jerry
  10. I made some improvements to the video and timing. Here's the newest version... https://www.jerrygerber.com/video/Creation.mp4
  11. I hope this article on MIDI sequencing gives some insight and tips on how to improve your virtual orchestrations: READ Jerry
  12. Thanks Bjorn and Larry for watching/listening. Much appreciated! Jerry
  13. Hi Tom, Some were shot from my backyard in San Francisco, but some were shot under a dark sky in Northern California, about 3.5 hours north of where I live... Thanks for watching! Jerry
  14. Enjoy! https://www.jerrygerber.com/video/Creation.mp4
  15. I'm pleased you heard it that way Larry, for that was my intention. Thanks for listening. Jerry
  16. You're reading too much right-wing propaganda! California is an amazingly diverse and beautiful state. The state has billions of dollars in budget surplus. It has some of the most progressive laws in the country in terms of pollution, climate change and keeping guns out of the hands of insane people. It's also got tremendous natural beauty--incomparable Redwood forests, many state and national parks, a large, diverse and well-educated population, particularly in the coastal cities, and is abundant in creative energy in the arts, sciences and technology. Does it have problems? Of course it does, like every other state in the nation there are criminals, defectives, sociopaths, ill-informed, mis-informed ignoramuses walking around. We've got our share of hate-groups, homophobics, racists and other scapegoating malcontents, but that's true throughout the country. ?
  17. If you live in or near San Francisco, California, this might be of interest to you: https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-bhzqsmbw/events/294730377
  18. Hi Ross, Those are the Vienna Symphonic Library Solo Strings.. Jerry
  19. Thanks EnglandBross, Wookiee, & Bjoprnpdx for listening! Jerry
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