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Jerry Gerber

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Everything posted by Jerry Gerber

  1. Hi Gary, Yes, I think there is a very tiny amount of clipping at that point. I discussed with my vocalist and we decided it wasn't enough to re-record the track. Your system may also be contributing as I am listening right now over headphones on my laptop and to my ear it's not enough to detract from her expression and beautiful voice. I don't think it's the reverb (Lexicon plate plugin) but rather in the recording itself. We took 8 takes of that section and the one I chose is the best overall in terms of expression, phrasing and diction. Leandra has a very powerful voice (she sings with the San Francisco Opera)! I had my compression set to 4:1, kicking in at -2dB, but somehow her voice overwhelmed it As the saying goes, the perfect is the enemy of the good, so unless we can re-record it at another time, I will leave it for now. By the way, if you are listening with Dolby Atmos, it will definitely cause issues. Atmos screws up every recording I make. Unless a recording is made with it, it absolutely sucks. I turned it off on my laptop as it's useless for music that is recorded without it. Best, Jerry
  2. Thanks Tom, glad you enjoyed it..
  3. I hope this helps, at least for a few moments, to move your mind beyond the chaos of our world... https://www.astrobin.com/o427yi/
  4. That sounds plausible. I'll have to check to see if the VSL player has an option to load all samples at startup. I'm pretty sure though that the pizz basses and cellos do come in before that point. Thanks for replying!
  5. I'm not sure if this is a hardware or software issue. When I open a file and play it, the first time it plays there's a glitch in the cellos and/or basses at measure 69 (the work is in progress and I am up to around measure 130 or so). But if I go back and play just those measures or the entire sequence, it plays fine for the entire session. I've done a check on my hardware in terms of how well it's able to handle audio and everything looks good. Though I've been managing a studio for nearly 40 years, I'm really stumped as to what causes this. My DAW is connected to one other machine that is dedicated to the Vienna Symphonic Orchestral Cube. DAW: Windows 10, i7 CPU, 32 GB RAM, 2 SSD drives 2nd Computer: Windows 10, i7 CPU, 32 GB RAM, 3 SSD drives The two computers are connected via ADAT, each machine has a dedicated sound car, the DAW has an RME UFX II and the 2nd computer has a MOTU LP32. I've tried changing the audio buffers from 512 to 1024 but that doesn't resolve it. These are dedicated computers, used for nothing but music production. I really don't know if this is an audio glitch or a MIDI glitch. It sounds like a note gets cut off and I hear a little short "pop". As I said, this only happens once, when I playback the file the first time after I turn the computer on and begin work. I could try reinstalling the samples of those instruments, but if the sample file(s) got corrupted, I'd think they'd not play back correctly every time. Any thoughts from what might be causing this? Thanks, Jerry
  6. A new astrophotographic music video featuring the 3rd movement of my symphony #12 Watch
  7. Jerry Gerber

    Home & Love

    A song on the album Home & Love PLAY
  8. Thanks Tom for listening to my music!
  9. Hi Wookiee, Well, that's to be expected as they are on different albums and each album was mastered without considering how the previous album was mastered. They're not part of the same symphony.. Thanks for listening and for the kind words! Jerry
  10. The first track is the 2nd movement of my 11th symphony PLAY The second track is the 4th movement of my 12th symphony. PLAY Enjoy, Jerry
  11. It's currently believed by astronomers that there are up to 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, each galaxy containing hundreds of billions of stars. Estimates are that there are billions of planets in our galaxy alone. Maybe one day we will discover intelligent life in the cosmos. We aren't finding much of it on our world, sadly...
  12. Review by Colin Clarke Review by Ken Meltzer Album
  13. I found the culprit. Some samples from my Vienna Choir library got corrupted. When I hit certain notes I was getting clicks and pops. I downloaded and reinstalled the library and all is good.
  14. Good point. There may have been security updates in either one or both machines. I guess I can roll them back one at a time to see.. Thanks!
  15. For the first time in many years, almost a decade, I am getting pops in my audio, and MIDI notes get missed when playing back a sequence. Here's what I've checked so far: 1. Checked all cables and connections 2. Changed buffer settings 3. Switched to an earlier version of software, both Cakewalk and Vienna Ensemble Pro 4. Updated drivers on two audio interfaces My studio utilizes two computers, both fast i7 machines with 32GB of RAM each. All storage drives are SSD. The first computer, the DAW, runs Cakewalk, plugins, and audio mastering software. The second computer is dedicated to the Vienna Symphonic Cube library. The particular piece I am working on is quite large, it uses full orchestra (strings, winds, brass and percussion) and also the Vienna Choir. The DAW is also running, in this composition, Native Instruments with a choir library. I removed Native Instruments to see if that is the culprit, it isn't. I'm not sure what else to troubleshoot. I guess I can try another piece and see if it glitches as well. If not, then there may be something about the size of the ensemble which is causing this. Thanks for any feedback! Jerry www.jerrygerber.com www.youtube.com/@astromusicvideo
  16. Jacqueline Kharouf interviews composer Jerry Gerber
  17. Hi Gary, I always use one reverb for the entire mix. Exceptions are sometimes with vocal libraries that contain their own reverb and software synths that also might have reverb. In this case I used a vocal library made for Kontakt and may have used it's own native reverb but I really don't remember as it was a number of years ago. In general though I find that to create a cohesive space, using fewer reverbs is better than using more. Jerry
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