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Jerry Gerber

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Everything posted by Jerry Gerber

  1. There was a married couple who didn't get along very well. One day the woman decided she was going to murder her husband, who happened to be a guitar player. So, one night when he was drinking she snuck up behind him, grabbed his guitar and smashed him over the head and he didn't even know what hit him. But to be sure he was really dead she grabbed his other guitar and hit him once more. He died on the spot. But a neighbor next door heard the noise and called the police and the woman was arrested. At her trial the judge asked the lady "First offender?". She replied, "Oh no your honor. First I hit him with the Gibson and then I smacked him with the Fender!"
  2. I've used the Sony MDR 7506 for decades. Over the years I've probably bought 10 or 15 pairs. They are accurate, comfortable and sound good. They also are reasonably priced. Although I'll spend thousands for speakers, for headphones I've never spent more than around $100, which is what the 7506s cost. The one thing I don't like about these headphones is that when they get old, after 3-5 years, the padding can sometimes start to flake off. I didn't notice it until one day my wife asked me what all the little black specs were on my ears. Jerry http://www.jerrygerber.com
  3. I don't know why the sound file isn't playing for you Jesse, it seems to be working for everyone else...
  4. I'm listening now. It does give the violin an interesting and sustained quality, almost like a synth. It's also a nice piece and well-recorded too. I am enjoying listening, thanks for sharing it with me Dave. I sure love hearing well-produced and well-written music that is different than my own. It calls to mind my idea that there's only one music in the entire cosmos, one ultimate source of meaning and beauty and each one of us in our own way is listening for it, listening to it and interpreting it. Of course I could be wrong, but it's still a fun idea!
  5. Thanks David and InstrEd for listening! Jerry
  6. From the album Number 11: The Path PLAY
  7. Thank you very much David--glad you enjoyed listening! Jerry
  8. It was, also the first time he recorded with a virtual ensemble. Art's such a fine and experienced player that he took to it easily and enjoyed doing it. Thanks for listening bjornpdx. Jerry
  9. I mentioned my experience with the staff view because I know it so well and have produced 14 albums with it, not in order to make you defensive. I don't need or use the snap function in track view, so it's not an issue for me. Since Bandlab repaired the snap function in SV, it's far easier to use.
  10. I am not clear on why this new option is even necessary. If you DO want the notes in the staff view to snap to a given note value, turn on the Global Snap and choose the value. If you DO NOT want the staff view to follow the the Global Snap settings, turn off Global Snap. Another question I have is why would anyone not want the snap function to work properly in the staff view? I've been using the staff view successfully for some 25 years and when the snap function became dysfunctional it was a real pain. But now, since Bandlab has fixed it, I have no idea why someone would not just leave it alone and use the staff view with, or without, the global snap button turned on or off. I myself just leave it on and leave it set to either an eighth or a sixteenth note. If I need to enter triplets or 32nd notes I quickly change the snap value. It's quick, it works. What is the issue? Jerry www.jerrygerber.com
  11. Cakewalk is the best! I've been using it since Cakewalk for DOS (Yep, I'm getting old, it happens to us) and I'm really happy about what BandLab is doing for this incredibly powerful and ergonomically excellent DAW. Thanks BandLab for making Cakewalk even better! Jerry www.jerrygerber.com
  12. When I was a kid and taking private jazz/rock guitar lessons, "legit" always meant classical music or classically-trained musicians. A lot of unnecessary strive was probably created by making a division between "legit" and "illegit" (??) music. I once asked a blind student of mine if he was legally blind, and he answered jokingly, "No, I am illegally blind"! When Bob Dylan came out on stage with an electric guitar for the first time, his fans felt "betrayed", they thought he was selling-out folk music. It's both annoying and amusing how people take their traditions so seriously that anything that happens outside of it is somehow wrong, or illegitimate, or less. As a classically-trained composer who embraced MIDI and electronic music back in the 1980s, I've gotten some of the same bullshit from online critics and other not-so-creative small-minded people. It comes with the territory of being in the arts. I prefer to be joyful and do what I do and not judge what others are doing no matter how far or close it is to what I do. I find myself happier with this attitude. Thanks for posting your story Tom! Jerry
  13. Oops, I forgot that I already learned how to save the installation file that is in the download folder before it gets deleted. So I have the backup file. Thanks Noel! Jerry
  14. Thanks for the update! Is there a way to download the Cakewalk.exe file so I have a locally-saved backup? Sincerely, Jerry
  15. I just lowered the price to $2750 for the pair. I bought a pair of Adam S3h's and they're arriving next week. I hope i can sell the S3a's to help finance my equipment addiction! Jerry www.jerrygerber.com
  16. From the Album Waves Art Austin, clarinet PLAY
  17. Well, if I stole your pun I must be a kleptomaniac who doesn't understand puns. I may be puntificating a bit, but really, do I deserve to be punished? ? Isn't punning obsessively enough punishment?
  18. The reason why kleptomaniacs don't understand puns is because: They always take things literally.
  19. A man is seated at a restaurant. He calls to the waitress, "I'd like to know about the menu please". The waitress comes over to the table and says "Sorry, but the men I please are none of your business!"
  20. Yeah, I paid over $5000 for them. Since I compose and orchestrate using headphones and I only use the speakers for mixing and mastering, they didn't get nearly as much use as they would have if I used them for writing and sequencing, which takes the majority of my production time. In other words, they've got years of life in them..
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