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Jerry Gerber

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Everything posted by Jerry Gerber

  1. From the album Virtual Harmonics PLAY I hope you enjoy listening! Jerry
  2. From the album Virtual Harmonics PLAY I hope you enjoy listening! Jerry
  3. When I set the order of the track parameters (input, output, patch, channel, bank, etc.) and check the boxes Track Control Manager and Track View Control Order in "Manage Workspaces" to ensure that the workspace follows the order I set, I expect that to be the case. But it is not. Every workspace seems to have a default order that I cannot control. When I uncheck the same boxes, the same thing happens, I cannot seem to get the order I want to stick. User error or bug? UPDATE: When I uncheck Track Control Manager and Track View Control Order, it seems to work now as expected. It defaults to the order I set. But I would think that when I check these boxes, the order I set would also stick because I am telling the workspace manager to keep the order as I want it. In any event, I got it to work, but it still doesn't make sense that checking the boxes wouldn't just keep the order rather than default to something I didn't choose. Hmm... Thanks, Jerry
  4. Workspaces do not have to affect those areas and parameters you named above. Go to manage workspaces and you can uncheck any of the items you don't want the workspace to change.
  5. It doesn't matter now. I've decided to stop using screensets and use workspaces instead. They work like layouts used to which suits my workflow better...
  6. Wow, I use them all the time, they're very useful for the way I work. I've never found workspaces to be as necessary, but that just reveals how everyone uses a program differently.
  7. Hello? Anyone here have any ideas about why importing screensets is behaving as I mentioned above? Thanks, Jerry
  8. When I call up two files (it doesn't matter which folder they're in and it doesn't matter whether they are .cwp files or template files) and try to import the screenshots from one file to the other the import works fine, but the file that I am importing from is always named "symphony #9". It doesn't matter what I name or rename the file I am importing from, it always has the same name. Somewhere lurking in that file is the name "symphony #9" but I don't know where. Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks and much appreciated as usual, Jerry
  9. Thanks Jack for taking the time to listen... Jerry
  10. I recently completed my project of writing hymns using the East West Choirs and word builder software. I am posting the link here. I hope you find meaning and pleasure in these short pieces. I suggest following along with the score as it will help to clarify the words that the choir is singing! For those hymns with instrumentation, I'm using instruments from the VSL Orchestral Cube. Jerry Nine Hymns on Spiritual Life
  11. It is difficult to understand the words. I'm really hoping that new choir software with word building becomes available soon. In the meanwhile, the best way to understand the words is to follow the score, which is why I posted them with each piece. Doing so will definitely make it easier! Jerry
  12. Thank you for listening David!
  13. I'm still working on short hymns using East West's choirs and word builder. This is number nine. Please follow the text or the score as it's challenging to understand the words without seeing them written down. PLAY Jerry https://www.jerrygerber.com
  14. Here's a video from one of the earliest animated TV series to utilize an entire MIDI-based score, composed and produced in 1988. Synchronizing the music to the animated band was very complicated. At the time I was using a Roland TR-909 drum machine and every drum stroke, keyboard and guitar lick had to be matched to picture. My, hasn't our medium evolved in terms of DAWs, sample libraries and sound quality... PLAY Jerry www.jerrygerber.com
  15. Hi Noel, When it happens again I will create the various dump files and send them to you via Dropbox. It might be a few days... Thanks, Jerry
  16. I think the files that might aggravate this issue are ones with VST instruments. A file with only MIDI tracks, I think, doesn't cause the problem. My files range from 4 tracks to over 40 tracks...
  17. Hi Bitflipper, It's a desktop. Asio (MOTU) driver with 1248 audio interface. MIDI over LAN and MOTU Microlite interface. Virus program is Windows 10 default and there is Wi-FI connected to a router. CW is the only app that has this issue.
  18. Hi all! I'm running the very latest version of CW on a Windows 10 machine with a fast i7 CPU, 32GB of RAM and fast SSD drives. When I close a file in CW, I cannot just close the app at the same time. If I do, it gets stuck in memory, and even using the Task Manager doesn't work to release it from memory. So I have to log out, restart and then it's gone. But if I close a file and wait 3-5 minutes, then I can (usually) close CW and it leaves memory as it should. I've had this issue across many versions of the program, going back to Sonar. I have searched for a solution but so far have not found it. Any ideas? Thanks! Jerry https://www.jerrygerber.com
  19. Thanks for listening and commenting Jack!
  20. You're welcome Wookiee. Thanks for listening.
  21. This is one of my favorite older movements. Jerry PLAY https://www.jerrygerber.com
  22. Thanks jwnicholson! It means a lot to me that others enjoy my work.. Sincerely, Jerry
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