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Jerry Gerber

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Everything posted by Jerry Gerber

  1. Cakewalk is fantastic. It's been my DAW of choice since 1991 and gets better all the time. Now working on my 16th CD using CW to compose and produce my compositions and recordings. Thank you so much for creating, maintaining and upgrading CW. The music industry has no idea what it's missing in terms of a DAW that has so many great features. Even the earliest features, like being able to rename controllers, a color-coded event list and the general look of CW still add value to this DAW. Happy holidays and and happy new year to all at Cakewalk! Jerry
  2. I tested it. By excluding the themes folder from virus scanning, the theme options in CW open immediately. No delay. This was driving me nuts for years. Can't believe I stumbled across the solution. Now we know. Jerry
  3. Go to Windows 10 settings and choose Update and Security. Then go to Windows Security. Now click on Virus and Threat Protection. Scroll down to and click on Manage Settings. Now . Now scroll down to Exclusions, this is where you choose the folder you want Windows to exclude when doing a virus scan. Enter the folder where your CW themes are. I haven't yet tested this tonight but I will in the morning. I do know I got a Windows message telling me why it was taking so long for the theme options to appear, and it said because the folder has to be scanned for viruses. So it should work.
  4. I discovered what the problem is with this very slow opening of the theme dialogue box. It's happening on my other machine and I got a Windows 10 popup saying that windows has to do a security scan on these items. OK, so now I know what's causing the delay, it's not CW. But does anyone know how to stop Windows from having to do a security scan every time I open the theme dialogue box? Thanks! Jerry UPDATE! Never mind, I learned how to exclude certain folders from virus scanning...
  5. Hi Jack, thank for listening to my music. I am not teaching at present, taking a break to focus on composing and producing. Thank you for inquiring. Jerry
  6. Thank you Larry and thanks for listening! Jerry
  7. Thanks for listening noynekker! I'll often get ideas from sitting at the piano and improvising. At that point I don't record anything, I don't notate anything, I just play and listen and experiment. Actual composition begins when I am in front of Cakewalk with the notation editor open. I sometimes begin with a melody or a short melodic motive, or a rhythmic pattern, or sometimes a harmonic progression. There's no one right way to begin composing a piece! I do have some idea before I begin writing what I want, for example, is it going to be a symphonic movement? What length? Will it be for samples only, synths only or both? Will it be a short piano piece? A song with vocals? Once I decide what I am composing then I start to write. If, after 20 or 30 measures I start to feel it's not going anywhere (about 20% of the time) I abandon it and start over. But if the opening begins to grow on me I get inspired and go to work. I am a big believer in the "economics of composition", meaning how does a composer make a lot out of a little? In most longer pieces, in order to achieve unity and cohesiveness, there are only a few main ideas; perhaps a main theme, one or two sub-themes or motives, and that's that. Too many ideas creates disunity, too few ideas spread out over time can result in too much repetition and/or predictability. So there you go! I hope this is helpful to you in your own composition efforts. Best, Jerry p.s. For those who don't think that CW's notation editor is a very useful tool, I think my compositions and recordings show otherwise. It would be impossible for me to create the kind of music I do by using the piano roll view. I spend most of my composition time in the notation editor, the event list, the controller view and the tempo view..
  8. OK, I overreacted. I should have checked first. All of the themes I used have been updated. Sorry about that. Jerry
  9. I really appreciate that Bandlab is being so conscientious in updating Cakewalk so frequently. I really do! But when I upgrade and all my themes don't work properly anymore it's really frustrating and time-consuming to start searching for which themes have been updated and which have not. Can there be some coordination between those who design themes and the new updates? This last update that I downloaded today (2021.12) nullified all or most of my themes. I could not simply install the earlier version so I did a system restore so I could get back to version 2021.11.18. Now all my themes work again. I'll now pass on the new update and hopefully in a few weeks or so the themes I like best will also be updated.. Jerry
  10. I am posting the 1st movement of my 6th symphony and including the score. Though I have completed my 11th symphony this year I am particularly happy with my 6th and 8th symphonies. Keep in mind I don't put dynamics, hairpins, and a few other instructions to the players not because I don't know how but because there are no players! This work is conceived and produced for virtual instruments. A brief statement about this is here. This piece is part of the album Time Shadows. Here is the link to the recording and score. Enjoy listening. If you have any questions please ask! Jerry
  11. Thanks John and Colin and Sjoens for replying. I guess its just one of these quirky things that might never get looked at...
  12. For me, it's always the same, it takes about 60 seconds to load all the themes. I wonder if anyone knows why...
  13. Hi, Whenever I open Preferences-Themes CW takes about 60 seconds or so to bring up the current theme. Is this normal? Every aspect, except this, of CW is completely normal, in fact it runs very speedily on my i7 CPU with 32 GB of RAM and a fast SSD drive. But opening Themes seems to take an excessively long time. Might someone know why? Thanks, Jerry
  14. I know what you mean Bjorn. I keep hoping for a 3rd generation word builder with choir but I don't know of any software publishers that are working on such a project. The word building with the "Hollywood Choirs" (I hate the name so I just credit the choir as East West Choirs) is good, but could stand a lot of improvements. I think if you listened to the recording without seeing the words printed you'd probably not be able to understand many of the words. But that's always been my experience in a church or large hall with choir, unless I know the words by heart and see them printed while listening, I miss a lot of what is being sung, even if it's in my native language of English. Thanks for listening and commenting, much appreciated! Jerry
  15. Thanks treesha for listening and commenting! Jerry
  16. A very short hymn on cultivating an attitude toward death. Part of a collection of Nine Hymns on Spiritual Life, which will be included on my next CD release in the fall of 2022. VSL chamber and solo strings, East West Choirs are the libraries used in this piece. PLAY
  17. Thanks Tom. I probably will never go back and re-do the mix, but even with these "ancient" samples of the mid-1990s, I could have gotten a better balance between the acoustic violin and the digital ensemble. Live and learn.... Jerry
  18. Lovely song, very nice playing too! Thanks, Jerry
  19. Thank Starise, RDB, garybrun and InstrEd for taking the time to listen! Jerry
  20. This movement was produced before sample libraries even existed, so the instruments are primitive compared to what we have available today. But Karen Bentley did such a great job playing the violin part that I am posting it to share. Produced in 1997. Violin Concerto, 3rd movement
  21. I want to do this because when I pin this often-used folder to Quick Access, I can't change the pinned name, which is "user". There are many CW folders that we can move around, in PREFERENCES-FILE-FOLDER LOCATIONS we can change names of some folders and move others to different locations. I actually got it to say Cakewalk Workspaces in the pinned folders (Quick Access) but now I don't know how I got it to work. I bet there's a way, I just don't know what it is. UPDATE: I figured out how to do it: 1. Go to App Data=Roaming-Cakewalk-Cakewalk Core-Lenses. 2. Make a shortcut from the Lenses-User folder on to the desktop. Change this shortcut name to Cakewalk Workspaces. 3. Drag this short cut to the pinned folder on the Explorer folder icon on the taskbar. 4. Move it up or down within the list under Quick Access if you like folders in a certain order. Now, the real folder "user", has the name that CW needs to function, but the name in the pinned list is "Cakewalk Workspaces". That's how to do it without confusing Cakewalk.
  22. Jerry Gerber

    Piano Suite

    This collection of short compositions for the virtual piano is on my album Moon Festival. You can hear it here.
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