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Jesse Jost

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Everything posted by Jesse Jost

  1. Hiya folks - less-vague freeze date for the old forums: Wed, Jan 16, 2019 Edit: Adding emojis to convey sense of warmth and security ??
  2. Thanks all for the great input! ?Our plan has been to observe what works/what doesn't and make improvements accordingly. This site's main purpose is to provide a clean, peer-to-peer support community for CbB software. At the onset, we chose to err on the side of minimal, leveraging innate site capabilities like tags, Q&A, polls, quality search and activity features to round out a full experience without needing to rehash of the old forum structure. We didn't want to start from a bloated state, only to decruft later. WRT to collapsing the Q&A and main discussion forums - the Q&A forum is the tool of choice for getting a distilled answer with minimal peripheral discussion, due to the voting and best choice features. In short, if you're looking for a "single best answer" to a specific question, your question is probably well-bounded and a good candidate for the Q&A forum. The Q&A forum is succinct and can be skimmed very easily, unlike traditional discussion forums, where topics can be open-ended and may tend toward more subjective matters. In reading through the topics and posts in Q&A and CbB forums respectively, having both seems to be making sense. A few other things are resounding here - improvements to forum naming/usage direction, requests for some of the old forum sections, like hardware, software and techniques - all of which are under consideration. WRT the latter, I propose we try using the Coffeehouse as a go-to for _anything_ 3rd party or technique related, keying topics with use tags. Incidentally the Songs forum is getting really good traction, techniques for a given track can be discussed and tagged there, too. A reality of any discussion forum is that regardless of forum name or topic, discussions can drift, so a strict structure provides no guarantee of content accuracy, whereas tags can really help you zero in on areas of interest right away. Tags are super powerful! ⚡ Thanks for the ongoing discussion, it's a great way to help evolve these forums the right way!
  3. We'll provide a heads up in advance of final date. None
  4. Stay tuned, we'll come up with a way to conveniently transfer post counts from the old forum for those who'd like to do so. Note however that post counts, transferred or otherwise, won't affect reputation points. Only reactions can increase or decrease reputation points. So be sure to give a positive reaction if you find someone's post helpful! ?
  5. Hi Bill, thanks for letting us know. We can provide a theme to help address that before long.
  6. Happy holidays all!
  7. @Bill Schreiber et al - please go into your Account Settings and try again. Should be able to change it now. ?
  8. Would I correct in presuming your display name, chamlin, is now as you intend it?
  9. All Cakewalk technology assets were acquired, including the instruments. Can't provide specifics at this time, but we haven't forgotten about instruments and effects.
  10. I just past the link - either from the address bar/: ...or the share link YT provides: Tip: Don't type 'return' immediately after pasting the link. Just paste, wait 1 second, and it should appear. ?
  11. Great request! Different forum types have different capabilities. Voting isn't accessible in a standard forum type, but perhaps we can consider adding a Q&A sub-forum to this one. In the meantime, I think using Polls in this forum would be an awesome way to get feedback on specific ideas. Also the sorting feature can be useful, such as sorting this forum by Most Replies:
  12. @Bapu what limitations do you mean specifically?
  13. Hmm, your link works for me. I'll look into it...
  14. Unread Content is a really useful forum feature if you haven't discovered it yet (it's a pretty inconspicuous button). It allows you to sort different types of activity: followed posts, topics you created, etc. Click here:
  15. Certain links should embed automatically, YouTube being one of them. You’ll know right away if it works, as it will embed in the body of your post immediately upon paste, before you submit.
  16. There’s a 24 hour grace period from launch where anything goes. ?
  17. By direct link: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/settings/signature/ By navigation: 1. In the user menu, click Account Settings 2. Then in Settings, click Signature
  18. We're still getting our sea legs here. ?Staffers and Admins can see hidden posts, but Noel probably didn't notice the state. Anyway I don't think we need the hide feature, just seems confusing so I'll suppress it for now.
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