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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. Grammar Police just stopping by for a "wellness check"...I think you meant to say "this will arrive". Unless, of course, it's walking to your house of its own volition. OTOH, it could be just the gear-envy talking. The last thing I looked forward to arriving was an XLR cable. To be fair, it was a 50-footer.
  2. Yeh, that's it. Authentic vintage blues tones like they did in the golden age of screwdriver speaker mods. Maybe after it's been replaced I'll put it up on Craigslist. What do you think? A hundred bucks?
  3. A dose of reality. This is what my grandson's cat did to my home theater JBLs yesterday. She'd been using the grill to climb on, the grill popped off and she probably fell, got angry and took it out on the driver. I don't blame the cat, and am proud of my grandson for immediately stepping up and ordering a replacement speaker. Which wasn't cheap.
  4. The post count algorithm has been updated with the forum software's new AI plugin. Now, the number is incremented not by one, but rather by a value commensurate with the post's informational content. It can even go negative if, for example, reading a post causes the reader's overall mental performance to be reduced. In particular, each grade school-level grammar or punctuation mistake drops the value by 0.1. Phrases such as "ta very muchly" are tolerated, under a special exemption for regional dialects, along with "ya great 'airy yob" and spelling "fries" as c-h-i-p-s. Unless you speak Brummie (see Ozzy Osbourne) or Mississippi quasi-English, neither of which can be understood by anyone anyway.
  5. I'd suggest one or two high-quality multi-pattern condenser microphones if Barbershop is your main thing. Much of the texture of vocal ensembles comes from the mixing of voices, in much the same way that double-tracking fattens rock vocals. Separation isn't a concern. In fact, you'll get better results without it. Look at photos of the Beach Boys in the studio, or the Beatles performing Because - one mic. In terms of cost, two decent condensers won't be a whole lot more than four 58s. And they'll sound a lot better on your uke.
  6. Ah, that makes more sense. I'll wait for a sale on the full package. This one's a bit limited, basically a set of curated arpeggiations with pretty good but fixed-sounding ensembles. The lack of mic positions is going to make it harder to blend in with other orchestral libraries such as solo instruments. I also don't see a way to route different sections to separate outputs, so all mixing has to be done within the instrument. I guess Spitfire has just spoiled me.
  7. bitflipper

    Rio Al Mar

    Lovely! The guitars sound great. Good move backing off the reverb; makes the performance sound more close-up and personal. My only suggestion would be to flesh out the drum track a bit. It sounds very nice but repetitive, drum-machiney (if that's a word). Some accents, ghost notes, ride bell hits, maybe some hand percussion (e.g. shakers, bongos, congas) could dress it up without too much effort. (Check out Skaka for quick and dirty shakers.)
  8. It was $399 when initially released, so $99 is still a deal. This product isn't just for beginners. It's also perfect for lazy people, regardless of experience [raises hand].
  9. They aren't particularly "accurate", but they sound very smooth and pleasant. I wouldn't trust them for mixing or mastering, but they're great for pleasure listening in the dark. They are my final QA for every mix. I wasn't super impressed with them on first listen, but after adding a headphone amplifier to my nightstand sound system they really came to life. They sound even better in my studio, where I have a fancier headphone amp. Just don't expect your phone to be able to push them adequately, or even necessarily your audio interface's headphone outs.
  10. I paid $200 for mine back when they first came out. I pounced on it because it was such a bargain compared to $500 for the HD650. Even if it did come in a plain black box. So $195 is a very good deal indeed. There aren't a whole lot of comparable products out there in that price range. Once in awhile you do see DT-880s for less, and those are fine headphones, but I prefer the relative linearity of a true open-back design. Be forewarned, however: these are high-impedance headphones.
  11. Ah, yes. CA-2A. I knew I was forgetting an important one. I'm just the opposite - a contrarian who never uses ProChannel plugins. They're great, of course; I just like the tidiness of seeing all effects neatly listed there in the fx bin. CA-2A - as a VST - is my second most-used compressor. Nothing's better on vocals. I'd also like to see Dim Pro make a comeback. I always liked it but was unable to re-authorize it after replacing my stolen DAW. If it was reintroduced as a BandLab product, they'd likely change its goofy licensing scheme and I could use it again. Sorry, OP. None of this has anything to do with console emulators. What's the tie in here, besides Craig's book...um, yes, I've got it: CW has some excellent goodies in the vault that would help your mixes more than any console emulator. You just can't have them. OK, that's better, now we're back on-topic.
  12. While it's true there's no lower level, at least you're not alone down here in the basement, Tim. Some, believe it or not, are here by choice.
  13. Unique and good stuff there, ramscapri. Chilled synthetic and organic New Age with traditional Indian undertones.
  14. Me, too. I sadly broke my favorite Cakewalk mug. My extensive collection of vintage 12-Tone t-shirts all have holes in them. I know I'll never have another V-Studio shirt, and it was a sad day when I added it to the rag box. Plus it's a shame new users can't enjoy the Adaptive Limiter or Z3ta+. Not sure what else they're missing out on - the percussion strip? VX-64? What about Rapture and Dimension Pro? Can those be purchased today? At least Craig's book is still available.
  15. I'd caution against generalizing based on your observations. All you've determined is that your computer can handle the miniscule overhead of upsampling a specific compressor, in your specific project with your specific plugins. This is far more about the plugin's efficiency than that of Cakewalk, since nearly all the extra processing that upsampling incurs happens within the plugin. It'll be running exactly the same instructions under Cakewalk as it would under Reaper or Studio One. Yes, being able to upsample individual plugins is indeed a great feature worthy of bragging about in the marketplace, but I doubt any knowledgeable DAW user is going to jump ship based on that feature alone. This discussion is meaningless without talking about aliasing. Aliasing is not only relevant, in the context of compression it's literally the only reason oversampling is ever prescribed. If you have no audible aliasing, you don't need oversampling to begin with. If you don't need 2x you likewise don't need 4x or 6x.
  16. As I thought about this, a few dormant brain cells must have woken up because I suddenly recalled a vague memory of having the same problem long ago. Google brought up this thread (by me) from 2010: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Somewhat-Solved-Superior-Drummer-3db-louder-after-freezing-m2028203.aspx Although we were talking about SD2 at the time, the symptoms are identical to what you're experiencing. TL;DR the workaround I came up with back then: freeze the track normally but then set the track interleave to stereo.
  17. You should be able to select one side of the stereo output. Do you not see the same selections shown in my screenshot above?
  18. Well, I suppose there could be a problem within SD3 that I've just never noticed. Even if that's the case, you can still force mono within SD3 using the pan sliders. Note that SD3 gives you separate left and right sliders for every output channel. Put them both into the center and you've got mono out regardless of whether you use 1, 2 or 1 + 2.
  19. Makes sense that you'd instinctively protect your dominant hand with the other. Assuming a right-hander...when protecting your face, is it not your left arm you throw up? When taking a fighter's stance, is it not your left side you present to your opponent? Do you not flip off rude drivers with your left hand? Instinct designates it as the sacrificial limb. Of course, on very cold nights I have a very different strategy for hand placement.
  20. Make sure the audio track you're sending it to is set for mono interleave, then look at the frozen track and make sure it's still mono. If not, it may be because you've got a stereo plugin in its fx bin. Once you have it all set up and working properly, save it as a track template so next time you won't have to mess with it at all.
  21. Don't know if this will help, but here's how I normally set up SD3. Output channels are designated Kick, Snare, Toms, etc. Each of these goes to its own audio track. In the screenshot below, the kick is taken from the Left channel and routed to a mono audio track. Overheads and Room remain stereo.
  22. It won't matter which one you install first. If Essential is already installed along with Cakewalk, the Celemony installer will simply overwrite it with the Studio version. I prefer installing the DAW first and testing before any third-party add-ons are installed, so I've got a confident baseline to start with. (btw, I'd encourage you to consider investing in the Melodyne 5 upgrade. I was initially reluctant to do so, since version 4 already did everything I needed (so did versions 2 and 3, for that matter). But I am loving the new global leveling feature. It's a real timesaver if you have a lot of vocal tracks and/or multi-part harmonies.)
  23. Nothing's broken, it's just arithmetic. Combining any two tracks, which is what happens when you convert stereo to mono, requires them to be summed. IOW, the left and right channels get added together, sample-by-sample. Whenever they are in phase, even briefly, you'll get a sum that's larger than either channel. 2 + 2 = 4, and there's nothing we can do about that. Here's the easy solution. Most samplers, include SD3, let you choose between stereo and mono outputs. If you use a mono out for the kick, and route it to a mono track in Cakewalk, you've now got mono from start to finish and there will be no increase in peak levels when you freeze. Anything you want to have in stereo, such as overheads, goes to a stereo output to a stereo audio track. There will still be no rise in peaks as long as you're freezing a stereo track as stereo.
  24. I'm in a six-piece band. Pay's about the same as for a duo. In 1975. Thinking of a revised distribution scheme... 16.7% base pay less 1% for every song you screw up less 5% if you don't help set up the PA less 5% if you only pack out your own gear and then leave less 5% if we can't find you after break's over because you're chatting up the barmaid
  25. Well, that makes sense. Where else are you going to spend all those BJZ/FM/CHB royalties? btw, my favorite setup for final critical listening is a pair of HD650's, but they did not reveal their true potential until I bought a headphone amp for them. Hi-Z, ya know. They're a nice complement to my main speakers, so any time I'm happy with how both sound it raises confidence in the mix.
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