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Everything posted by bitflipper

  1. I vaguely recall a long conversation about this, way back when. It had to do with compatibility with the largest number of synths, some of which specifically expect a note-on message with a velocity of zero. I know my Kurzweil works like that, and ignores note-off messages altogether. Dnote, does your piano let you adjust the volume of release samples? That might be the simplest workaround. I have several sampled instruments that offer that feature. However, I don't have any (software or hardware) that provide multiple velocity layers for release samples.
  2. Tim, if that piece is indicative of your normal style, you're gonna definitely want to take a few days off from the world to explore Omnisphere. Check this ditty out. Two instances of Omnisphere with 8 patches in each. Most of the guitars and percussion are Kontakt, but Omnisphere's providing the human voices and one of the guitars ("Glorious Steel"). The sort of xylophone-sounding arp-ish bit near the end are lightbulbs ("Bass Buzz Lightbulbs") from Omnisphere. https://soundclick.com/r/s8joxc
  3. 90% of my projects over the past 10 years have at least one Omnisphere track in them. You're gonna have fun.
  4. I genuinely thought the company was defunct, just keeping old products up for old times' sake. There was a time when their plugins were highly regarded, if a bit pricey. Their multiband compressor was ahead of its time and used to be a favorite. But then years went by without any new products or updates to the old ones. The fresh new look of this plugin suggests somebody has finally taken the reins to revive the brand. It looks like a fun effect, too. I won't be buying it, but it does look fun.
  5. Here's Ian c. 2005, all grown up but still screaming, albeit an octave lower. Jon still frustrates the hell outa me to this day; even in my most caffeinated frenzy I cannot match his speed.
  6. Here's probably the best live version, from the BBC in 1970. Epic. Not that you'd know from the bored expressions of the studio audience.
  7. My favorite DP tune. Saw DP do this live in 1970, in Frankfurt, when they were promoting Deep Purple in Rock. We'd gotten pulled over by the Politzei for a broken taillight, and in a panic I ate 2.5 grams of Turkish plate. The night before we'd been to see a brand-new supergroup called Emerson Lake and Palmer, where I also got my first look at a Moog modular synth. It was a most memorable weekend.
  8. If you rename Kontakt 6.2 to "Kontakt62.dll" and Kontakt 6.7 to "Kontakt67.dll" then Cakewalk should see them as separate things. However, they are both going to be identified as just "Kontakt" in the Insert Synth menu, making it impossible to tell one from the other when selecting within Cakewalk. However, the displayed name can be changed easily if you're comfortable using regedit. Just out of curiosity, what is it you need to do with two different minor revisions?
  9. Neither here nor there, but my grandfather was a drummer in a silent movie theater. He did the sound fx in real time as the film played. They also had a piano player. Film scoring at its most rudimentary and seat-of-the-pants. I'd love to do something like that with modern synths, jamming along with a film. I'd guess that film scoring actually has its roots in live music performed along with stage plays, going back to ancient Greece. The first time I experienced that was at an avant-garde interpretation of Othello with a live band, in London in 1969. It was frickin' awesome. Since then, I've seen a number of shows in Las Vegas with live music or a mix of live and prerecorded tracks, and just love that stuff. Union rules in Vegas require that a certain percentage of the music be live. One of our forum members, Rain, would know something about that (his wife was a performer with Circe d'Soleil) and I'd love to hear his thoughts on it.
  10. She just posted this background video today. Now, you may wonder "who cares about the (probably silly) plot line of The Claus Family 3?" Well, the composer does, of course. Each scene has a particular feel that the music has to support, and some characters have their own motif. This video also explains why you didn't see the choir in the first post - vocals were indeed recorded separately. In different studios in different countries (Macedonia and The Netherlands). It's common to use eastern European orchestras nowadays rather than their ultra-expensive counterparts in LA or London.
  11. FabFilter Pro-Q3 and one (occasionally both) of these: Unfortunately, neither of these are available anymore. Yes, you can still buy FETpresser, but the version I use was the last rev that did not require a Pace driver.
  12. You may also want to edit the vst inventory in the registry to rename some of the Kontakt entries to prevent confusion. Btw, I did not have to rename or move any DLLs to get them both to show up, because K7's file is named "Kontakt 7.dll" while K6 is named "Kontakt.dll". In all previous versions, the major version number has been part of the DLL filename, e.g. "Kontakt 4.dll". I actually have versions 4,5,6 and 7 all installed and happily coexisting. (The pre-K6 versions are under "Native Instruments GmbH", which is why they don't appear in the above screenshot.)
  13. That's a symptom of an orphaned process, when a program hangs around in memory not doing anything because a previous instance didn't shut down properly. If you see an instance of Cakewalk in Task Manager but you're not actually running Cakewalk, kill that process and all should be well. If that doesn't work, a cold boot (Restart) will fix it. The reason for Cakewalk getting stuck like that usually comes down to a hang, and it'll often be the audio driver that's not responding, although it can also indicate a hardware problem such as a failing disk drive or bad RAM.
  14. And has only been a full-time composer for about a decade. Now she has a staff of composers working for her. Before that she was a sample library developer at Cinesamples and interned for Hans Zimmer. Based on brief views of her upscale home and neighborhood in LA, she seems to be doing all right for herself. No, I am not a stalker. I've just watched all her videos.
  15. Your comment made me think back on expensive purchases I've made that turned out to be good investments. Omnisphere definitely makes that list, but I'd have to place Kontakt above it. I'd include Zebra2 on the list because it was more expensive than most other non-sampled synths but ended up making the others unnecessary. Superior Drummer, Trillian and Keyscape have all earned their keep. But the top spot on that list would have to be SONAR. I chose it only because I'd used Cakewalk in the past when it was a DOS-based MIDI sequencer, and hoped that I might leverage that familiarity with SONAR.
  16. I picked up the Luftrum 13 batch of Zebra2 libraries for $17.50. More arps in there than I'll ever want or need, but the pads are good. Omnisphere-class good. I intend to dissect them in detail to learn Zebra a little better.
  17. Normally, yes. Just not for this one, as it's all keyboard-driven. Although I suspect engineer Ken Caillat deserves a lot of credit for the sound of the record. IIRC the whole band was credited for co-producing Rumours, so no doubt Lindsey had a hand in it. Wait a minute...that song wasn't on Rumours, was it?
  18. Little Lies - getting that fat layered vocal harmony has been my holy grail for years. That production is 90% Christine. The secret: start with having three great singers and nine tracks set aside for overdubs. And four more for keyboard/synth layers.
  19. Yes, it's not unusual to record choir and orchestra separately. Check out the composer's YouTube channel. It's a great educational resource for anyone wanting to dabble in orchestration or TV/film scoring. My favorite vids are the behind-the-scenes stuff and industry insights. She's done a bunch of AMAs, too:
  20. bitflipper


    Ya, I am the firstborn; my parents' anniversary was in April, my birthday is in October. There isn't much family lore about that period except that Dad, an unsophisticated farm boy of 21, often alluded to the many things Mom taught him early on. I do know that she bought him his first ever alcoholic beverage on a date. For all I know, that drink may have been a crucial part of my origin story.
  21. Just another throwaway Hallmark Christmas movie, but check out the soundtrack...
  22. bitflipper


    I'd guess that includes many of us who are here today as the result of an ooops. I don't know if I am in that number, but if so then I am definitely in favor of serendipity.
  23. The simplest, quickest and easiest solution to your existing clicky-splices is a slip edit. Wherever you clear a click, hover the mouse over the upper half of the leading edge of the clip until you see the triangle cursor. Then drag from the left just a little bit - as little as 1ms - just enough to hide the click.
  24. Try re-installing version 6, but use the VST2 version. I've not upgraded Kontakt to v.7 yet, so I don't know if they've changed their file naming conventions, but in the past the major version number has been part of the DLL's filename. Consequently, I have Kontakt 3, 4, 5 and 6 all currently installed. That works because their filenames are like "kontakt 4.dll", "kontakt 5.dll". However, when I upgraded to version 6 I installed the VST3 version, and its name is just "kontakt.dll". Upgrading to version 7 would therefore replace the version 6 DLL and cause the problems you're experiencing. Hopefully they only changed the naming convention for the VST3 version.
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