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Everything posted by RBH

  1. AS far backwards compatibility. Many of my early projects were created in Sonar 2 and I worked with that until just about 6 months before Gibson bailed. I had purchased Sonar Pro at that time and found that after Installing CbB ( which was compatible with SPLAT ) I was able to open a CbB ( Splat ) file in Sonar Pro and it opened and played perfectly - minus a few Pro channel plug updates. I do wish I had a few more of the Splat version Pro Channel modules.
  2. I do wish there was a method to simply ( by default ) re-call the last (used) screen set. I often wish to boot -up a project exactly where I left off in the last session - which might include window focus -zoom levels, plug in focus etc. I find it confusing to try to save an overwrite of a different screen set # in order to capture my exact settings. They seem to flash on screen upon project load - so there seems to be a recalled state of the last session , then they are over written by the screen set or lens. Maybe just switchable method to skip loading a screen set or lens would do it. Not sure what would happen if you start a new session with that off though.
  3. It might depend on if you're using the plug in an effects bin on a mono track ( it stays mono ) or using it via an aux send to a stereo buss where it wants to operate in stereo. That plug in's stereo out on the buss might feed other stereo busses via an Aux send as well.
  4. The only info I can find is that it's compatible with MAC OS Catalina. No other features updated I guess. I have Studio as well.
  5. I got to say - I logged online, updated and had a project open in less than 3 minutes. You folks are really rocking it.
  6. The bakers needs little black masks ....... The incredible s strike again.
  7. I've seen issues where the midi assignments can re-assign to other instruments if an instrument was deleted and then re-assigned. This has also happened if the VSTi was upgraded. Maybe the internal instrument ID has in someway changed and the " frozen " assignment gets uncorrelated.
  8. I believe UAD are having major problems with their console software across the board. I've just went through over 3 months of trouble shooting trying to upgrade software on an older win 7 system. I wasn't able to do it and finally settled with restoring the old software after major issues with a faulty firmware upgrades. There are multiple issues with the new integrated software and devices with Windows 10 from what I've seen on the UAD forum.
  9. I would recommend that in the context of first starting to learn guitar -play-ability is the most important factor. In that price range - you can get some amazingly fine sounding guitars. A cheaper and more modern manufactured ply guitar is nothing like the days of old. They can be fantastic, but the downside of modern manufacturing is in the lack of detail in the set-up. The frets are often just pressed and not fine tuned and the nut height is often very generically set and can add difficulty in playing which is definitely not what you want when first struggling to learn. If you find one, at least have it looked over by someone who knows what they're looking at and maybe it'll be ok out the box - but maybe factor in a low cost initial set-up. As far as brands go - Yamaha's and Takamines are pretty good IMO.
  10. I think you're in Transient markers mode ( audio snap ) possibly. I don't really use the mode but I've stumbled into it as well.
  11. RBH

    NI Restructure

    Unfortunately they have had a near literal lock on large scale sample library distribution for about 10 years. If they limit those options to a subscription services, It'll be slim pickings for awhile, and who knows if they will support legacy items. I'm not too confident they will.
  12. Indeed - good to hear. Mark has been very helpful to this forum. Congrats -
  13. You can use the bounce to tracks function. Select both tracks in the track view - open the " tracks tab and select bounce to tracks. The dialogue has selection switches that will allow a bounce with a variety of different types.
  14. I used that on a session a few weeks ago, I stumbled across it somehow - and tried it just to see what it brought, and it worked out really well. I used it for an exaggerated fake tape flange on a vocal chorus fade.
  15. I'm sure it isn't trivial and might be a lot of extra overhead, but maybe with faster systems it can happen in the future.
  16. Nice one folks - thanks for this reminder - I've been splitting and editing a very large session over the last few days and I've been doing all the splits with individual selection points - this will cut my time in half.
  17. Doesn't it currently retain the name of the source track and places a ( bounced ) tag on the track name ? That's how it appears to work when I'm bouncing tracks. But maybe the op has a different scenario at play. I can see it causing confusion if it's renamed with no reference to orignal track name - personally.
  18. I think lighting up the Piano Roll Views' piano keyboard with midi info from the current selected editing track would lend a great benefit for editing. Similar to how a VSTi's instruments keyboard light up to midi input. To go further and use higher contrast to the current selected edit track and lower contrast to other selected tracks. This could be a great addition to quick at a glance note and chord confirmation.
  19. Usually the band lab update works from it's own prompt : this time around it declared an error of some sort and prompted that I update manually, which worked just fine.
  20. Thanks for all the fixes and consistent commitment to updates Noel and bakers. You guys are the best in the business IMHO.
  21. Question : is there a switch or option to turn the timing grid activation off as a default ? I find that I need to turn that option to inactive before doing any editing consistently as I don't use any quantize or active grid settings in my work- though once it is set initially it holds the off setting for every instance there after during the session. I went to look for and join the Celemony Melodyne forum - seems as though their forum has been closed ? I guess each individual DAW forum is hopefully open to host melodyne questions specific to integration to the host? Seems goofy - but ok.
  22. Maybe a potential update on the horizon ?
  23. The Pro channel modules are very effective and cover basic channel strip functions quite well. I just finished a 50 track mix and used probably 80% pro channels modules on the tracks. I have a UAD system as well and used a few specialty plugs on busses mostly. If there are other characteristics from third party plugs that sound good or make workflow easier then it's worth getting extra plugs - especially if you can get them on sale. I find that the Gliss EQ and PC-76U compressors works for about 90% of all track strip requirements. I add the tube saturator on bass quite a bit. For what it's worth - I have over 700 plugs and most are used as specialty charactor plugs unless there is something I just can't get out of Pro-Channel.
  24. Here is a quote from a previous thread. I was able to retrieve them. VX-64 Vocal Strip, which is a "swiss army knife" multi-processor oriented toward vocals that includes a de-esser, a doubler, a compressor/expander, a tube eq with saturation, a delay (with filter), and tube saturation on the input and output stages. The 5 modules can be routed in any order. Obviously these tools may be used on many sounds other than vocals. This is a very useful plug-in. PX-64 Percussion Strip, a similar format multi-processor aimed at processing percussion tracks that includes a transient shaper, a compressor/expander, eq with "vintage" and "classic" modes, delay (with filter), and tube saturation on the input and output stages. The modules may be routed in any order. Noting the similar complement of modules to the VX-64, I assume that each is more tuned to the specific application, percussion or vocals. Again, there is tube saturation emulation on the inputs and outputs. TL-64 Tube Leveler, a tube saturation and compression emulator. For when digital seems too clinical. Season to taste. Boost 11, a peak limiter/volume maximizer with a nice display of the waveforms before and after processing. To be able to use them in Cakewalk, from the main menu, select Utilities/Cakewalk Plug-In Manager. Once Plug-In Manager is running, select VST Audio Effects (VST) under Plug-In Categories on the left side. This will give you a list, in the middle pane, of enabled VST2 plug-ins. That's fine, but we are not interested in that for now. Down below, under Manage Exclusion List, click the button next to Show Excluded. This will change the list to show excluded VST2 plug-ins. Look for the names of the 4 plug-ins. Once you have found them, click on each one and click on the button labeled Enable Plug-In. The names will disappear from the Excluded list. Exit from Plug-In Manager and you should now be able to use all 4 VST effects in your projects. Note: for whatever reason, I have sometimes found these plug-ins back on the Excluded list after an update to Cakewalk. If this happens, just repeat the process and you will be fine.
  25. Check the UAD forum as well. I had a major fault ( as in - I'm sending my Apollo Firewire to UAD tomorrow for diagnostics and possible repair ) when I updated to their latest console software. It may be that the latest install also updated the firmware and dis-conbobulated the firewire connection. My issue is complete lack of firewire connection. But, I did read about some other issues related to random switching sample rates. As for the presonus on firewire - did you need to switch to legacy 1394 driver using it? I tried using an older presonus and couldn't get it working and had to use my old Roland FA-66 temporarily on a legacy windows 1394 driver. Unfortunately I'm in the middle of 50 + audio track mix. not the greatest timing.
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