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Everything posted by RBH

  1. The only thing I could of would be to check that panning laws in CbB didn't change or that panning in kontakt didn't change. Kontakt is a little kludgy for me when it comes to it's internal mixer.
  2. Lyle Mays - amazing composer/musician. Thanks for posting that You tube. They set a standard.
  3. Thanks for confirming the issue isn't a CbB problem. That's a relief - archiving works just fine as individual tracks. I'll do some more testing in the next few days to see if this is a plug or specific project issue.
  4. As the subject says. I've tried on 2 different occasions to select multiple tracks - then right click to MSR then archive. This has hung CbB on two different test tries. Wondering if someone can confirm if this a SW issue or if it's possibly a project specific issue. The track count when trying this was maybe 15 - 20 tracks.
  5. I have number of faders grouped and notice that I can't ( ctrl key - offset ) a particular volumes with in the group when solo is activated on the some of the grouped faders. Is this default or normal behavior ?
  6. Oh - I just assumed we were pretty much old boring people. Guess I'll just speak for myself then. Been using Cakewalk since the 80's.
  7. Best you can do is make sure that all controllers are zeroed out. Check pitches from the instruments with a VST tuner etc. Not all sample sets are perfectly tuned - but most are and modeling programs generally are perfectly tuned.
  8. I have the Orange Tree Instrument, At first I wasn't overly impressed - then I did something related to it's interface and it just came alive for one particular composition. I'm very glad I bought it. - also Tracing Arcs Thanks for the recommendation for the the Free Vibraphone - looking forward to trying it out.
  9. Also - Do a bounce to clips routine on the track. This will update the graphics properties of the track.
  10. Glad you have it sorted out - Can you amend the thread title to say [ Solved].
  11. Hopefully @Craig Anderton will chime in and spill some specific examples and advantages of Midi 2.0
  12. It's usually not recommended to allow " sleep " mode when using DAW. Power options can turn monitors off - but Hard drives need to stay awake. There are a number of actual experts on this forum, hopefully they will see this thread and speak more authoritatively than I can about it.
  13. I remember MIDI being first introduced. I bought a very early version of the Prophet 600 that had an add on option for Midi output . I think that was around 86. My first major Midi recording program was Texture 2.5. Cake walk and Voyetra were the about the only other PC compatible softwares back then. This was probably pre windows.
  14. Thanks Willsa - though it's not working the way I would wish. It does work with " all " strips - and it works with a single strip as expected. I was hoping to select certain groups of strips and be able to narrow or widen just that selected group. Maybe in the future, it's certainly not a biggie.
  15. Wow - it seemed like it should work just as you describe - I think that's what I've been trying. I wasn't selecting all strips though, just certain groups. I'll try again tomorrow. It's seems too basic even for me to screw up.
  16. Would be useful to power / or ctrl select multiple strips in Console view to widen or narrow console strips. I can understand that these sorts of workflow conveniences might require some major code work - so none are trivial to ask for. But it's useful to add them to the conversation. Hopefully it act as a batch collapse for closing all selected Pro channels views.... etc.
  17. Another recommendation would Orange Tree guitars. Orange tree does very good samples and somewhat specializes in Guitar sampling.
  18. To Split the clip - First select the track by dbl clicking the block next to the Track number. *zoom out to make sure the whole length of the track is highlighted. Place the indicator line at the 5th measure - Hit the "S" key, that will split the clip. Simply select the clip ( to the right ) of the split point and hit delete. This link has a basic guide :
  19. The best bet is to just undo it immediately if possible. I would try to slip edit the clip to it's left to see if it contains original data before bouncing the whole track to clips.
  20. I saw them open for Aerosmith ( Toys in the attic tour ) . I think they were barely in their 20's. Best to friends and family of Neil Peart.
  21. Thanks much - I can't believe I didn't come across this. This also sets a loop point automatically to the selection. Would be nice to optionally not set a loop point, but this gets me there quickly.
  22. Those functions are all relevant and I use them regularly - But they also take visual focus from the track view to operate, it's that short interruption that I'm wishing I could solve. Typically, I'm focused on short specific regions for detailed waveform editing, setting loop points doesn't trigger playback from the loop start time and multiple repeats on short regions is really disruptive. It would be useful to make a selection and invoke a single key command to play the region a single time and allowing rapid resetting of regions for comparing similar sections. It seems so basic - that I think I'm just missing the command somehow and I've been messing with Cakewalk for about 30 years.
  23. Is there a way to simply and quickly playback a region defined by the time line selection ? With out needing to set a loop point or specifically set start and stop point ? I was looking to see of there was a way to Key bind such a thing - but I didn't find a way to actually just play ( one off ) from the time line selection. I'm looking for very quick, fast way to mouse swipe a section in the time line and trigger playback. Seems like an obvious capability. Or- maybe it's there and my old work habits are blinding me to it ?
  24. You might want to read up on the " echo " ( or monitor )feature in a midi track. This essentially forwards incoming midi commands to the midi hardware outputs and / or software VST midi inputs.
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